Escambia Woman Hearing ‘Voices In Her Head’ Tried To Drown Her Cat, ECSO Says

May 13, 2022

An Escambia County woman claiming to hear voices in her head  allegedly trying to drown a cat.

Briyona Morgan Jacobus , 18, is charged with felony inflicting serious pain, injury or death on an animal.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded after a witness said she witnessed Jacobus trying to drawn  her cat in a bathtub. The woman ran in and tried to grab the cat so Jacobus would not kill it, and Jacobus stomped on the cat after it fell to the floor, according to an arrest report.

The woman was then able to get the cat away from Jacobus.

“I observed the cat to be barely breathing and soaking wet from being drowned in the bathtub,” and ECSO deputy wrote in their report.

Jacobus made incoherent statements about having voices in her head and being homicidal, the report states.

Escambia County Animal Control responded and observed petechial hemorrhaging in the cat’s eyes and found that the cat suffered a concussion. The cat was taken for further observation and treatment.


30 Responses to “Escambia Woman Hearing ‘Voices In Her Head’ Tried To Drown Her Cat, ECSO Says”

  1. David Huie Green on May 16th, 2022 1:31 pm

    I am reminded how the USSR claimed they didn’t have any prisons.
    They had mental institutions for those unbalanced enough to defy the empire.

    It doesn’t really matter what you call it. People who kill because they want to kill, want to kill for your money car or sneakers, kill because “VOICES” tell them to kill, or whatever their reason to kill are still killers.
    They may be dangerous to themselves and to others.

    If you could be assured every killer would never kill again, there would be no reason to keep them in prisons or mental institutions.
    Come back to us when that is accomplished and we will see what we will see.
    In the meantime….

    David for roses smelling like roses, no matter the name

  2. Just Saying on May 14th, 2022 8:20 pm

    @Don D,

    Maybe YOU should see a doctor. Maybe they could explain mental illness to you so that you could understand why this young woman needs treatment, not jail.

  3. Brian on May 14th, 2022 2:20 pm

    This person is clearly very mentally unwell and needs help, not incarceration. You people talking about “holding her accountable” or “justice for the cat” sound like you are literally 75 IQ and have never known anyone to suffer from mental illness.

  4. Farm Hill on May 14th, 2022 7:11 am

    @ Dana. Don Neese didn’t say that. Someone else said that to him and did not put their own name in the post. Read it again. To all of you who advocate doing the same thing to a person who does something cruel to an animal, have you ever noticed what most boys like to do with little creatures concerning fire crackers or BB guns? Kids can be cruel predators to small animals. Does it mean that they should be treated the same way? If you follow that logic to it’s ultimate conclusion, everyone who eats meat is a murderer and should be slaughtered. Human life is always more precious than animal life. Human life was created in the image of God. The animals were not created in His image. Now this young lady does need help, not prison or like someone else said the death sentence.

  5. Robert Bruner on May 14th, 2022 5:34 am

    Please educate yourselves beyond high school people. Mental illness(schizophrenia) is serious and cannot be fixed by willpower or “better choices”. Remember that when you take your life saving medication. Or is it your fault you have to take any medication at all. Wise up and at least know what you are talking about before opening your mouth.

  6. Dana on May 14th, 2022 12:52 am

    @ Don Neese

    “multitudes of serial killers have done this same thing before eventually turning to humans” and they all had schizophrenia?
    Give is a couple of names of those you claim are in the multitudes of schizophrenic killers being you are so well versed in psychology and criminal forensics.
    Heck give us ONE that started out killing cats.
    Your intelligence is astounding.

  7. @ Don Neese on May 13th, 2022 11:19 pm

    Mr. Don. Do u not think cats deserve justice? It happened to be an innocent animal this time. What if it’s a kid next time!? Let her off with a slap on the wrist and there WILL be a next time! The world would be safer without her in it. She should absolutely be charged and held accountable!!
    * And Thank You to the witness for tryna help the innocent animal . The same should be done to this sorry B!+(H……!!!

  8. Darren on May 13th, 2022 9:11 pm

    @ Don D
    Your analogy is mentally shocking.
    What is the difference doing that to a cat and your opinon do it to her?
    You might want to see someone about the mental capacity of what it takes to be human.
    Please..dont have children sir.

  9. Susie on May 13th, 2022 8:58 pm

    @Lee No kidding. The side effects of all those meds, which I was speaking of, can contribute multitudes to illness in general. Not just mental illness. My friend was prescribed Zolof for a temporary depression and began having panic attacks, a side effect that put her in the hospital. All that lead to other problems. I won’t mention the side effects of the covid vacs…oops.

  10. Carl on May 13th, 2022 8:01 pm

    All the ones on here with the nasty comments and blatant swipes to malign this girl…stop it.
    All you are doing is bullying her which leads to terrible things with all people these days. dont think all this hate you are spewing dont hurt.
    She dont need shoved over the edge.
    And you and your nasty bullying can do that.
    To can come up with any excuse to expound on that.
    She dont need to read this sick nonsense.
    Some on here get it..the never will and do not want to.

  11. Jim on May 13th, 2022 7:08 pm

    She suffers from a illness! Mental Illness! Many of us suffer from some type of illness, whether it be mental or physical. People like this are judged negatively or falsely as being fake until something terrible happens. Hopefully, she’ll receive the help that she needs to see that she will be able to live a somewhat normal life.

  12. Lee on May 13th, 2022 6:33 pm

    @Susie. Mental illness predates Covid vaccines by centuries.

  13. Sad! on May 13th, 2022 6:14 pm

    Could this be drug related? All she and the rest of us need is Jesus.

  14. Stephanie on May 13th, 2022 2:13 pm

    I personally have met this girl, and this is incredibly sad. She is not a terrible person, just a kid who unfortunately was not put in the best situation. She was a run away several times over the last few years. Prayers for her!

  15. Selena Phillips on May 13th, 2022 1:48 pm

    If she would do that to a helpless animal, how much longer until she hurts a child. Most serial killers start with animals. I pray she gets the mental health treatment she so desperately NEEDS. I don’t think jail will do her any good, mental illness requires medication and a certified mental health professional.

  16. Don D on May 13th, 2022 12:47 pm

    You people saying that she shouldn’t be locked up cause she has mental illness need to go see a doctor as well. Just like ignorance isn’t an excuse to break the law, neither is mental illness! Do the same to her that she did to that poor animal. Start holding people accountable !!!

  17. Fence Jumper on May 13th, 2022 10:46 am

    Looking at her numerous FB pages. She has been troubled for quite some time.

  18. J-THE-G on May 13th, 2022 10:41 am

    Hopefully with medication and maybe some counseling she will be able to come back from this point.

  19. Susie on May 13th, 2022 10:34 am

    I hope that poor girl gets help quick. With all the meds they put people on these days and the ridiculous mass covid vacs, it’s a wonder most people aren’t in her condition. Poor thing.

  20. Elizabeth on May 13th, 2022 10:27 am

    Instead of arresting and charging with a crime shouldn’t they have taken her to get mental health help.

  21. Bill T on May 13th, 2022 9:32 am

    This didn’t just start !!! Apparently this girl has had mental health issues for a period of time !!!! It’s getting worse as she gets older!!! Please get this person help now because as it goes it’s going to get worse!!!! Most people including law enforcement don’t know how to deal with such issues !!! I know law enforcement is trained in dealing with different types of mental health issues but they are not mental health issue professional there is a world of difference!!!!!

  22. @Don Neese on May 13th, 2022 9:29 am

    Look into serial killers, they all start off with animals at a young age, would I pick a human life over an animal? No, but would I choose taking preventive measures to keep the public safe, yes, yes I would. Yes it could very easily be schizophrenia, but then it could also be the starting of something else. Even some of the most profound serial killers were “schizophrenic”. It’s not a “oh she tried killing a cat let’s take her out”, it’s a “multitudes of serial killers have done this same thing before eventually turning to humans”. Smh.

  23. Taylon on May 13th, 2022 9:21 am

    Why don’t the “voices” ever tell us to do nice things? “Donate your time to community service”, “Feed the hungry”, etc

  24. Don Neese on May 13th, 2022 8:52 am

    @death sentence.

    Really?? Over a CAT? A CAT???? You would take the life of a human over a CAT?
    Something is very wrong with this kind of thinking.

  25. Tammy Simmons on May 13th, 2022 8:50 am

    There is something in the drugs going around! This is NOT THE FIRST PERSON I HAVE HEARD OF LIKE THIS!!!!!! I have known 3 PEOPLE PERSONALLY that ARE HEARING VOICES AND EXTREME PARANOIA!!!!!!!

  26. tg on May 13th, 2022 8:40 am

    We need a good mental institution in Florida.

  27. Frank on May 13th, 2022 8:20 am

    Hasn’t anyone in power ever heard of schizophrenia? Onset commonly happens at her age (early adulthood). This is NOT a criminal, she first needs mental health evaluation.

  28. Death Sentence? on May 13th, 2022 6:53 am

    It’s these kinds of stories that make me miss the death sentence. If she can do that to a cat, what can she do to a human.

  29. Bewildered on May 13th, 2022 6:04 am

    Total despair in this 18 year old face. We don’t need to fear that a war is destroying this country, the drugs we are allowing to come across our borders are doing it from within

  30. William in Beulah on May 13th, 2022 6:03 am

    I hope she and the cat both get the help they need. This is a sad situation all the way around.