One Killed In Fiery Highway 97 Crash

April 4, 2022

A Pensacola man was killed in a fiery high speed crash near Walnut Hill Sunday afternoon.

The 65-year old male driver of a black Dodge Challenger lost control while northbound on Highway 97 just north of Tungoil Road. The vehicle failed to negotiate a curve and left the roadway. The vehicle hit a culvert, went airborne for about 180 feet before crashing into a ditch. The Dodge then collided with a large pine tree about 12 feet off the ground. The gas tank was ruptured, and the vehicle burst into flames. It was fully engulfed when first responders arrived on scene.

There were no other passengers in the vehicle.

Witnesses told the Florida Highway Patrol and that the vehicle was being driven recklessly at a high rate of speed prior to the crash.

For additional photos, click or tap here.

Pictured above: A Dodge Challenger burns after a crash on Highway 97 Sunday afternoon, before the first fire engine arrived on scene. Pictured below: The first water on the fire. photos, click to enlarge.




44 Responses to “One Killed In Fiery Highway 97 Crash”

  1. Miss.Bradley on April 6th, 2022 6:22 pm

    Rest in Peace Daddy….

  2. RED on April 6th, 2022 2:57 pm


  3. Marco Sanders on April 6th, 2022 2:23 pm

    R I P Will you will be truly missed we had alot of good conversations about old school muscle cars and music you taught me alot over the years.

  4. Really? on April 5th, 2022 9:32 pm

    I grew up driving 97, never had a crash. The road is fine. The drivers are the problem. The distance and height of the car at the crash says everything. Guy was prob pushing 100 mph to wreck like that. Also, same guy has been driving crazy on 97 for a bit now. Be hearing ppl complain about the guy in a black challenger.

  5. Shirl on April 5th, 2022 11:28 am

    It isn’t the hwy. that’s dangerous, it’s the drivers.

  6. Jim Stanton on April 5th, 2022 7:52 am

    This is the only road I have ever been on where people would drive through a long passing zone like the one just south of Tungoil road right on you and wait until they get to the double yellow lines to pass you. This wasn’t a rare thing, it happen pretty regular. I was driving a county dump truck south near Howell road one day when a pickup truck pulled out from behind me to pass, we were meeting a gravel truck did this stop the pickup from passing me, no he went right on around me. The gravel truck and I were able to get over far enough so he could go between us, I guess he figured that if he hit the gravel truck head on it wouldn’t hurt his big Dodge pickup.

  7. ConcavePoint on April 5th, 2022 12:08 am

    It sounds like he was speeding.

  8. Retired ECSO on April 4th, 2022 11:23 pm

    I used to work with Mr. Bradley. He was one of the nicest people that you would ever want to meet. Praying for his family

  9. Carl on April 4th, 2022 10:28 pm

    R.I.P. Willy

  10. Jason on April 4th, 2022 8:27 pm

    Everyone that speeding on 97 and these back roads what are you gonna do when you round that curve and there is a 60 thousand lb cotton picker doing 16 mph down the road. Or a big tractor. Guess who the one is that gonna get hurt or die? You. What are you gonna do when your speeding and round that curve and theres a school bus stopped? People think and slow down and pay attention.

  11. Florida logger on April 4th, 2022 7:59 pm

    I have personally been passed by that car and a black mustang they pass in curves double lines and even on hills I knew it wouldn’t be long before it happened sorry a life was taken I feel for the family I just hope he had time to make things right with the good lord

  12. Janine on April 4th, 2022 5:52 pm

    At Mr. Jim,
    Did the road try to pass you on a double yellow line? Did the road tailgate you?
    However sincere you are you really need to evaluate what you said.
    That type of thinking is misguided.
    Its also obtuse to blame asphalt,trees, and lines on a roadway.
    Dangerous mentailties also claim lives of the innocent.

  13. Jim on April 4th, 2022 3:50 pm

    I try to avoid that hwy by all means necessary. And yes, I consider that a dangerous hwy too!!! If you run 55, you’ll have cars behind you tailgating!!! I’ve even been passed on solid yellow lines going into curves before. Taking chances on killing themselves and someone else. Dangerous road? ABSOLUTELY!!!!

  14. Troy on April 4th, 2022 3:41 pm

    At Diane, A dangerous road is one that people drive on thinking that they’re on a race track. Hwy 97 has had more FATAL accidents this past year than I can remember at any time before. There for, I consider that DANGEROUS. Trees don’t have anything to do with it. The driver’s driving like maniacs is the problem.

  15. Lee on April 4th, 2022 3:28 pm

    This driver was flying down 29. Not just speeding, but wide open when he passed me in Cantonment. He was trying to pass vehicles in both northbound lanes, driving completely on both shoulders on the road, even trying to pass by getting into the center of the two lanes, like he was just pushing people out of the way. When he got out ahead he was swerving all over, on and off the road from one shoulder to the other. Then he was out of sight. I’m surprised he made it to Walnut Hill or didn’t kill anyone else.

  16. Carl on April 4th, 2022 2:12 pm

    Prayers to the 1st resonders also who are always put at risk at incidents as this.
    What they see..not by choice..they can not unsee.
    Sincere prayers to them also.
    They also are victims of scenes as this.

    It takes a special person in a response team.

  17. Paul on April 4th, 2022 10:33 am

    I see people blaming the roads & police for the actions of the driver. He was old enough to know better. I’m glad the pictures are posted too. People need to see it and understand what happens.

  18. Anonymous on April 4th, 2022 10:31 am

    I have never ever commented on one of these, definitely not a fatal accident as it’s not my business and I would hate to be a family member reading comments of everything that didn’t happen while nothing brings back your loved one. All I do is pray. But this time I feel guilty not saying anything, but I witnessed this black challenger in a accident at the TomThumb at about 2:45-2:50 It and another (I THINK burgundy SUV) collided at the 97/29 intersection. I couldn’t tell you whose fault it was, I caught it a little late. But, the Black Challenger spun out and headed down 97, stop a little before the school like he wanted to get out and check but then speed off again…. I’m truly not typing this to be in this family’s business, but in hopes that it may help them to understand why he was speeding and maybe not driving his normal ways…. I don’t think this was someone texting or just driving crazy for no reason, I feel so bad for him, just a man that was upset and trying to get home I believe. At 65 it made me think that car was this mans retirement gift to himself and he was mad it got hit…. it could be any of us not thinking right or having a bad day. It hurt to see the car in flames when I came up 97 15 mins later, And then to see it was the black challenger today. God Bless this Family

  19. MVP2019 on April 4th, 2022 10:30 am

    I hate that anyone died, but at least it wasn’t a head on collision because he was in such a hurry. I’m pretty sure this Black Charger has passed me several times as I drive that road daily to work and keep my cruise set at 60. Apparently that’s not fast enough for some. Sad….

  20. Adam on April 4th, 2022 9:54 am

    @ Dangerous road and Tiger

    So, you were speeding also.

  21. James Dennis on April 4th, 2022 9:46 am

    Oh my lord! Bless this man’s family through thus tragic event. I can’t think of a more violent demise. I hope there was no suffering at all. At his age it is likely there was a medical issue and he was in need of help and heading to the hospital. Luckily no one else was injured.

  22. Donnie on April 4th, 2022 9:45 am

    STOP asking for law enforcement on this road. Do the posted speed and obey the laws about electronics then you wouldn’t need FHP or ECSO. So when does law enforcement prevent accidents? When a speeder sees a cop, hopefully they slow down, but then a few blocks later they are speeding again.

    Hwy97 is the wrong road to be speeding on. Curves, hills and a 2-lane highway with your occasional farm equipment and deer. Trees and ditches will always be there. It’s your privilege to speed, and it’s best not to speed on this road. If you speed everywhere you go, then you’re life could be cut short.

    Muscle cars and the desire to speed will catch up with you one day. Here’s other articles about fast cars with a reckless driver.

    I was having lunch in Ruby Tuesday when this accident happened. I heard a loud boom, saw the traffic light fall and the car was in two halves.

    Be careful when behind the steering wheel. You may be following the rules, but others are not. Stay focused of your surroundings. Always leave plenty of room for yourself in case you need to make an attempt to get out of the way of a dangerous situation. Junk yards and cemeteries are filling up.

    Prayers to the family and friends of this man.

  23. Carl on April 4th, 2022 9:39 am

    @ retired
    Is it ok with you if the ECSD escorts this mans funeral and yours when you pass?
    Its called respect..which you have none get an education..when he “pasted you”
    You were doing 60…that is also not the speed limit on that road.

  24. Laura Ellis on April 4th, 2022 9:20 am

    I live off 164. I drove 97a dailey before I retired. Everybody in a hurry. Everytime I travel this road I got someone passing me on a solid line. There have been so many fatal accidents this past year. Slow down. Prayers to his family

  25. retired on April 4th, 2022 8:28 am

    @ Dangerous road and Tiger

    I hate to say this but, the ECSO is to busy escorting funerals to enforce traffic laws!!!!!

    the gentleman pasted me like I was standing still, I was doing 60 MPH

  26. Kristy on April 4th, 2022 8:16 am

    I get so confused by those who blame law enforcement. I was on 97 yesterday afternoon and I WAS FOLLOWING A DEPUTY! They are there…they just can’t be everywhere all the time. I am on 97 several times a week, and often see FHP & ECSO. Yes, the traffic load and driving habits make for a frustrating drive some of the time, but blaming law enforcement isn’t fair. The only true answer would be to 4-lane the highway, which may not be economically feasible at this point. Those who get impatient when traffic is slow really should calm down, but they won’t. This man tragically paid for his actions with his life–maybe it will help at least a few consider their actions.

  27. Shaking My Head on April 4th, 2022 7:47 am

    Condolences to the family. This is a tragic accident.

    The road is not dangerous people. The road didn’t cause this accident. The road didn’t tell this man to speed out of control. Has NOTHING to do with whether or not police patrol this road or not.

    It has EVERYTHING to do with drivers who decide to drive recklessly. Stop blaming a road for a driver’s bad decision that ultimately cost him his life.

  28. Rena on April 4th, 2022 7:42 am

    The ones that think you have to have LEO or FHP on this road to make you do what you are supposed to do..turn in your license..your not adult enough to drive.

    LEO and FHP are not baby sitters.
    Losing a life and hurting someone is enough reason to do right.

  29. concerned on April 4th, 2022 7:12 am

    age does not seem to be a factor anymore the real problem is there is to many people moving to this area. they get on t.v. and tell the world come to the Gulf Coast we are open for business over and over again and most who have lived here their whole life are in shock now spending aalmost a hour or so just to get to a doctor’s office or to work. when your trying to get to work and traffic isn’t moving fast enough you speed simple as that? this is nothing compared to what is comming before long it’s really gonna be bumper to bumper traffic. so build roll cages in your car ? home of 5 flags speedway. stay safe yall

  30. Retired on April 4th, 2022 6:44 am

    For those saying the road is dangerous, it’s only dangerous because of the drivers. I drive the road almost daily and it is rare I do not see at least one deputy somewhere between the state line and 29. We can’t blame law enforcement for poor choices of others.

  31. Cindy Nichols on April 4th, 2022 6:19 am

    The Escambia County sheriffs office has been Patrolling Hwy 97 and also South Hwy 99. I live in Mc David, Florida and see them Patrolling. Buy unfortunately they can’t Patrol 24/7. Prayers for the family and friends that lost a loved one.

  32. Pacegirl on April 4th, 2022 6:05 am

    Diane. You are exactly right!! Don’t speed. Drive careful. Pay attention. Don’t text & drive. Don’t tailgate.

  33. Tiger on April 4th, 2022 5:40 am

    I agree with the writer who said they seldom see law enforcement on Highway 97.
    So very true. There have been numerous people killed on 97 caused by excessive speed. Tailgating, and passing on yellow lines. Yet to see FHP or ECSD enforcing traffic laws

  34. Tom on April 4th, 2022 5:21 am

    Slow down people, or you will end up like this! Luckily. Luckily knowone else was involved!

  35. E.F. on April 3rd, 2022 10:18 pm

    I was on Hwy 97, and wiitnessed the man driving out of control several miles before the crash took place, there were many near miss accidents before the actual fatal crash happened. I attemped to contact FHP, but was unable to reach them, by then the driver had passed and moved on miles ahead where we later drove up on the accident. I do not know the actual speed of the vehicle, but I will say it was extremely excessive. this is a tragic accident, prayers of the family of the deceased.

  36. Crazy on April 3rd, 2022 10:12 pm

    First my condolences to the family. I drive this road every week. People pass me like I am sitting still. This accident was avoidable by doing the posted speed limit. I am sorry the family has lost someone. But the blame lies with the driver and no one else. Everyone here has read or heard about the accidents on this road.The road it self is not dangerous it is the driver’s that are the danger.
    So Slow down and pay attention.

  37. Dangerous road on April 3rd, 2022 10:08 pm

    Troy you are right.peoplepush you ride your bumper an shoot the bird.i pull over alot of times just because of that reason.this road is a speed way cause very seldom do you see a cop on that road.weekins are the worse when they headed to casino I think.they sad that people have to die just for speed.god bless that family

  38. Diane on April 3rd, 2022 10:08 pm

    Why do people refer to “dangerous road ”
    There are no dangerous roads, just like there are no dangerous trees people hit..or telephone poles..culverts.
    The human being is a human being.
    Bad decisions,inattentiveness, the human condition is the factor.
    Prayers to the families.

  39. RaD on April 3rd, 2022 9:53 pm

    180′ in the air and still 12′ off the ground?
    How fast would a car have to be going?

  40. Anthony on April 3rd, 2022 9:32 pm

    So sad. My prayers and sympathy to the family and friends.

  41. Troy on April 3rd, 2022 8:25 pm

    That stretch of road is DANGEROUS!! People fly down that road like they’re on a racetrack. I’ll get some people behind me sometimes making hand gestures like they’re telling me to go or get out of the way, and I’ll be running about 60 mph. I don’t know what the cause of the accident was, and I hate to hear about anyone being killed. My sympathy to the family.

  42. Stacy Seale on April 3rd, 2022 8:25 pm

    My condolences to the family

  43. 429SCJ on April 3rd, 2022 6:45 pm

    Bad curve

    Prayers for this person’s loved ones.

  44. Jason on April 3rd, 2022 5:54 pm

    For all that to happen speed was def a factor. People. Wake up and realize life is precious. Pay attention to speed limits and driving. Not phones and radios. So sad. Sympathy for the family