How Fast Is Your Internet? Residents Urged To Take Florida Broadband Speed Test

April 25, 2022

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) is encouraging residents take the Florida Broadband Speed Test to assist in further developing Florida’s Broadband Availability Map. Your participation will help the state of Florida identify gaps in high-speed internet service in order to advance the state’s overall broadband infrastructure expansion goals.

Using your internet connection, the speed test will measure the speed of internet transmission between your device and an outside server. The speed test can be completed using any device that has an internet or cellular connection and takes less than one minute to complete. After taking the speed test, you will receive immediate results from your test.

Results will populate the map once you complete the speed test and will include your download, upload, latency and ping speeds. The data collected from your internet’s speed test will be displayed on the Florida Broadband Availability Map in real time.


17 Responses to “How Fast Is Your Internet? Residents Urged To Take Florida Broadband Speed Test”

  1. Taylon on April 27th, 2022 8:51 am

    Well I got lucky. After over a year on the waiting list for Starlink I finally got it a little over a month ago and it’s been night and day. I’m now getting on avg 100 down 10 up and latency in the under 100ms range. Not fiber speeds, but more than fast enough for multiple HD streams and video calls no longer being an issue. Just as fast as I ever had with Spectrum before moving to Walnut Hill anyway.

    Since I’m rural I won’t take this test now because I don’t want to skew the results since before Starlink I had to use a combo of Viasat and a cellular hotspot. Viasat is easily the the single worst ISP I have ever had anywhere I have ever lived, and that includes the old dial-up only days.

  2. Replace Spectrum on April 26th, 2022 2:22 pm

    I am just here to state how terrible Spectrum is. It’s the only option in my area and they are straight garbage. Constant outages and very poor speed. Customer Service is awful too. In summation, Spectrum is the worst.

  3. Don Webb on April 26th, 2022 2:04 pm

    990 MBS

  4. sam on April 26th, 2022 9:10 am

    have AT&T and it works fine.

  5. @Tech and @Kane on April 26th, 2022 6:08 am

    Unfortunately that’s our speed with just the computer plugged in through ethernet, including going through the web-based administrative panel and removing/disconnecting any devices. Hoping one day we can get something other than Frontier out here, but in the mean time at least it’s something, I mean here we are 15+ years later using the same ISP.

  6. StraightShooter on April 25th, 2022 9:11 pm

    I was going to do the test until you have to agree to make your IP address public. I have Spectrum and it is slow. We can’t stream movies without it buffering

  7. Mo on April 25th, 2022 9:09 pm

    Have old AT&T/Bellsouth 1.5 MB DSL which we are only grandfathered in to having, as they won’t sell new anymore. I am glad to have it as it still is much better than dialing in and is much more affordable than Satellite internet. Only a few houses up the highway and even the DSL was never available. I sure do wish AT&T would one day replace the copper lines with fiber to offer some faster internet for everyone but it’s probably not very likely

  8. Bill on April 25th, 2022 1:21 pm

    You give up privacy in You take the test. For example, you agree to allow the private company running this test to publish your IP address.

  9. kane on April 25th, 2022 11:52 am


    That’s a shame I remember they were the first to offer gigabit service anywhere near us that was years ago sad they couldn’t provide good internet.

  10. Wendell on April 25th, 2022 11:21 am

    One of the best things you can do is to buy your own modem/router and return the one provided by the company. You won’t have to pay a monthly rental fee on their equipment anymore and it will definitely improve your internet speed .

  11. Eric on April 25th, 2022 11:12 am

    Took the test. 120 mbps upload, 30 mbps download. I live off 97, near 29. That’s unlimited for $50 a month.

  12. MikeH on April 25th, 2022 11:08 am

    Cox Internet
    Test Server Atlanta, US
    Download 288.38 Mb/s
    Upload 9.52 Mb/s
    Latency 21 ms
    Retransmission 13.24%

  13. Ray Lane on April 25th, 2022 9:43 am

    Please fix out speed

  14. Tech on April 25th, 2022 9:19 am

    The only true way to get an accurate speed test is to make sure you only have one device connected, preferably hard wired, and then run. If you have for instance 25 meg speeds but have cameras, x-boxes, 3 i phones, a smart t.v. and thermostat you would never see the 25 meg. Your devices are all taking something. They all stay connected unless you physically disconnect. As a tech I can tell you 90% of the peoples home I will go to have no idea what they actually have attached at all times. Just trying to help people see and understand how things work.

  15. What Internet on April 25th, 2022 8:50 am

    Does not exist. Frontier won’t provide it, spectrum won’t provide it. Via Sat is capped and expensive. No options besides cellular, and its capped.

  16. telyman on April 25th, 2022 8:48 am

    54.02 Mb/s (45 Mb/s on the first try). I pay for 150 Mb/s. Thanks Cox.

  17. Slow on April 25th, 2022 6:28 am

    Slow. It’s simple, my internet is slow. We use Frontier Communications and pay for 25+mbps (still very slow) but we’re lucky if we get 10mbps!