Updated: Escambia County Teacher Wanted On Child Abuse Charge Turns Himself In

April 22, 2022

An Escambia County teacher wanted on a child abuse charge turned himself in Friday afternoon, according to authorities.

On February 24, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies were made aware of a possible child abuse case involving teacher 41-year old Richard Jay Harris and student at Oakcrest Elementary School.

Harris was released from jail on a $5,000 bond shortly after his surrender Friday afternoon.

According to the ECSO:

“During the investigation, it was reported the teacher called the student to his desk and asked the student why she was so bad. The student told the teacher that she didn’t know why. The teacher then told the student to go sit down and shut up ‘you punk b***h’. The student then hit the teacher and returned to her desk.

“The teacher walked over to where the student was sitting, leaned down face to face, and allegedly said ‘now it’s my turn’. He then picked up the chair the student was sitting in, tilted the chair dropping the student, causing the child to hit their head on the floor.”

ECSO investigators said they have made numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact Harris.


19 Responses to “Updated: Escambia County Teacher Wanted On Child Abuse Charge Turns Himself In”

  1. Disgusted on April 25th, 2022 10:28 am

    The problem is with the school system and the parents!

    My niece was subbing for a 5th grade class a few years ago (pre Covid) she had a girl that should have been in the 8th grade acting up in class so much she couldn’t teach!!

    She ask the girl to please take her seat and be quite so she could teach, to which the student told her she would beat her punk**s white **tch face if she spoke to her again!!

    The student was sent to the principal, who then sent the student back to class. My niece the teacher was told the school doesn’t get federal money for a student that is not in class!!

    The heathen children have learned they control the teachers, instead of the teachers controlling the students.

    Shame on the schools for not allowing the teachers to teach and not punishing the students that need punishment.

  2. Don Neese on April 24th, 2022 10:56 pm

    My first grade teacher did the exact same thing to me. Only…I think it was me calling her a bad name

  3. D.B. on April 24th, 2022 5:15 pm

    And b.t.w. @scott, if it were my child and then his was unusual it would be one thing, but, if it were my child and I knew she was an instigator I would go to the school, talk to the teacher and if possible, some of the other students from the class and get the real picture! And if MY child instigated it I would take the APPROPRIATE action of punishing him/her! Not the teacher that was obviously push beyond his limits! DO UR STINKING JOB, PARENTS! So, @scott…WHAT would YOU DO???

  4. Scott on April 23rd, 2022 10:46 pm

    If it was my child would be no need for a bail amount

  5. RaD on April 23rd, 2022 9:43 am

    What has been going on between the event on 2/24 and this week? Have they been looking for him that entire time or what? I would like to know.

  6. fisherman on April 23rd, 2022 8:49 am

    This teacher was wrong in the first place for calling this child a name (in previous article). He should have kept his cool and used other methods to calm the situation.
    Children who are disciplined at home usually don’t act up. I’ve seen children scream, yell talk back and even hit the adult they were with in the store and the adult doesn’t say a word. If I acted up my mother would actually beat the crap out of me no matter where we were. I survived and now I will soon have my 79th birthday .Remember DISCIPLINE starts at the home period.

  7. Whisperjet on April 23rd, 2022 7:37 am

    ..Wake up people…It was a sad situation I hope the teacher can keep his job..I have numerous friends who are teachers and some who taught for 30 years..
    Bottom line..these kids are not being taught respect for authority or basic good behavior rules for living in a free society…A lot of parents have no idea or desire to teach kids at home accepted behavior or manners expected of them..Same applies to teaching respect for LEO ’s ,etc…Parents need to step up and do their homework too…

  8. sam on April 23rd, 2022 7:16 am

    he is supposed to be the adult in the room. take her out of the room to the principal.

  9. Insight on April 22nd, 2022 10:25 pm

    Such a shame regardless. Adults in control of children should be careful what they do and say to children. The teacher should have gotten someone else involved at the point the student hit the teacher. Sounds like the teacher went about things wrong to start. Would love the update once we know more.

  10. Trish on April 22nd, 2022 9:18 pm

    This sounds like it came from not a bad child, but a little elementary terrorist. IF and I mean IF it happened, he was sick of her and her antics.
    Teachers should have the authority to discipline and chastise and children would not act out as much. Parents go to the school unannounced like I did and walk up on the child doing just what the teacher said he was doing and just what the child told you he wasn’t doing.
    I pray he did not do this and messed up his career.
    But these kids now need the discipline we received. It didn’t kill us.

  11. Disbelief on April 22nd, 2022 8:42 pm

    Some of these comments wow. As an adult in charge of other’s children, adults have to act as adults regardless of how the child acted. How you discipline your children in private is your own business.

  12. Susie on April 22nd, 2022 7:47 pm

    Not taking up for this dude one bit but the whole story sounds like it came straight from a kid’s mouth…not all kids, of course, just bad ones. If I’m wrong then I apologize. It seems like this would had been dealt with way earlier than a couple of months later. For instance, the father (or mother, grandma or grandpa) kicking the teacher to the floor shortly after the kid bumped her head.

  13. Paul on April 22nd, 2022 6:20 pm

    So much for letting teachers carry..

  14. Mike Honcho on April 22nd, 2022 4:16 pm

    Really Bill.
    If it comes out that it didn’t happen will you apologize for that comment?

  15. Good grief! on April 22nd, 2022 8:52 am

    Sounds like she is bad!

  16. Really Bill on April 22nd, 2022 7:24 am

    The teacher is the problem, he is an adult who decided to act like a child by addressing the student in the manner in which he did. The teacher is supposed to teach, not by belittling or antagonizing students, but through example, he should never be allowed in another classroom.

  17. Bill on April 21st, 2022 10:52 pm

    He sounds in the right to me

  18. Bill T on April 21st, 2022 10:42 pm

    February 24 that’s been a minute or two !!! So why is it not already taken care if I don’t understand at all !!!! Where are the parents in this situation!!! Kid hits their head could be some serious damage!!!! Teacher is in the run hmmm !!! This is kinda weird and crazy !!! BUT if in fact this happened the way I read it I got a feeling this teacher will be charged with a LOT of serious crimes !!!!!

  19. This is the problem on April 21st, 2022 9:14 pm

    Makes yo say hmmmm.