Byrneville Man, 74, Charged With Shooting At His Live-in Girlfriend

April 21, 2022

A 74-year old Byrneville man is accused of firing a gun at his longtime girlfriend.

George Alanson Hoffman, 74, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Hoffman allegedly fired a gun at his live-in girlfriend of 20 years at a residence in Byrneville. The victim told deputies that he had been drinking, and they had been arguing.

The victim “stated she was sitting in her chair when she heard a shot go across her head and that her ears began ringing due to the gunshot”, an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report states.  She said Hoffman said “you are going to die today”, along with other threats.

The woman fled outside the residence and found herself locked out, the report continues. She was waiting for some period of time and flagged someone down to call the Sheriff’s Office.

When deputies arrived, they found Hoffman still inside the locked residence. A neighbor was able to talk Hoffman out.

Hoffman told deputies that he was tired of his girlfriend and had been trying to get her out of his residence. He stated he had been drinking and got irate with her, causing him to grab his Ruger .380 and fire it toward her, according to the arrest report.

Deputies reported finding a bullet hole in the wall just above the girlfriend’s chair and the handgun next to the chair Hoffman was sitting in, the report states. An empty .380 caliber shell casing was located just in front of Hoffman’s chair.

Hoffman remained in the Escambia County Jail Thursday morning with bond set at $5,000.


11 Responses to “Byrneville Man, 74, Charged With Shooting At His Live-in Girlfriend”

  1. James on April 22nd, 2022 9:37 am

    They have lived together for 20-years. This isn’t someone who just recently moved in a booty call. Issues have likely been ongoing for some time and now escalated to a drunken over-the-top poor decision.

  2. Susie on April 21st, 2022 10:11 pm

    Amen, @RasheedJackson! Awesome words of your wisdom. I’m confident there are many out there willing to share with a great person as yourself if need be. You are loved, no doubt. God watches over His people. No doubt about that either. I do agree as well, this man and woman need our prayers.

  3. Rasheed Jackson on April 21st, 2022 7:54 pm

    @ susie
    You are absolutely correct. I made a comment based on past experiences of people I have known through the years. As it turns out there is more to this story than what was in the article. So, this applies to women as well. If I do find myself in this situation, I hope that one of my many children or grandkids would be willing to help. Unless something drastically changes, as a Christian I would not try and take advantage of another person, but we never know what the future will bring. The lady in this case needs our prayer. So, in closing thank you for your kind reminder that we all may be in need one day.

  4. Concerned Neighbor on April 21st, 2022 10:48 am

    A quick search of property records tells the whole story. Live-in girlfriend of 20 years? I don’t think so. More like he was the live-in boyfriend and not for 20 years. Yes, he owns the house now, because she signed it over to him. Now he decides he wants her out? He’s a real winner.

  5. AB on April 21st, 2022 10:17 am

    What a joke! $5000. Bale? That means he’s out with paying $500. For shooting at someone trying to take a life!!! Wow
    What a system

  6. Susie on April 21st, 2022 9:37 am

    Careful with your advice @RasheedJackson. You may turn out to be a homeless old man that needs someone else’s home and money that you describe this woman you don’t even know. Some things you mean to be funny aren’t. No disrespect intended, just the truth.

    People put themselves in these positions. They need a plan that’s rational to get themselves out. Plain and simple.

  7. Bartender on April 21st, 2022 9:22 am

    This couple fought for years.i work with him for needs help.first of all all that property was hers.he has a home.both of them has needed help for a long time.he just took to drinking I guess.i know the story for a long time.why he snapped I don’t know but he needs help in a medical way.

  8. Rasheed Jackson on April 21st, 2022 8:28 am

    NEVER LET THEM MOVE IN!!!!!Enjoy their company then send them home. How many times have I seen this play out? Man helps woman by giving her a place to stay. Woman gets comfortable, declares new place as residence. Man and woman grow tired of each other, they argue. Man goes to jail, woman gets the house.
    Here is a little romance advice from The Romance Doctor Rasheed to all the old men out there looking for a companion. Number one, there are a lot of fine upstanding, independent, self-sufficient, widow women out there looking for the same, companionship, and nothing more. They got their own homes and a good family to lean on. They don’t need you, your money, or your house. Like you they just want a little companionship.
    Number two, stay away from those broke homeless old women who need you, your money and your house. They are most likely that way for a reason, and just because she is five or ten years younger than you does not make her a great catch.

  9. sam on April 21st, 2022 8:13 am

    curious to see how this one is resolved.

  10. Sad on April 21st, 2022 8:13 am

    What a sad situation to be this old and still act like this. Ma’am it’s time to get away from him, for good. Only Jesus can help at this point.

  11. Shay on April 21st, 2022 2:54 am

    What is up with all the domestic violence lately? SMH