$1.5 Million Project To Improve I-10 And I-110 Interchange Safety Begins Soon

April 7, 2022

Construction is set to begin later this month on $1.5 million in safety improvements at the I-10/I-110 interchange in Escambia County.

Planned in improvements include:

  • Milling and resurfacing all ramps to improve ride quality.
  • Applying an anti-skid surface on all ramps.
  • Adding audible edge lines to alert drivers of the edge of the roadway along all ramps.
  • Installing raised rumble strip sets across the I-110 northbound ramp to I-10 eastbound.
  • Reducing the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph on the I-110 northbound ramp to I-10 westbound.
  • Additional work will include improvements for the guardrail, signage, and pavement marking

Lane closures will be allowed from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday through Thursday.

Work is expected to be completed by Fall 2022.


24 Responses to “$1.5 Million Project To Improve I-10 And I-110 Interchange Safety Begins Soon”

  1. Dorian on April 10th, 2022 3:09 pm

    Why are so .any people not endowed with brains….that is the real problem.
    So many humans have no problems but the zombie brains just cant drive period.

  2. Jlb on April 8th, 2022 10:32 pm

    More construction….how about we focus on Pine Forest rd. From the interstate to 9 mile….its a nightmare. With all that new construction going on..going to be worse.

  3. Obie 1 on April 8th, 2022 2:34 pm

    Oh my gosh Lord…please make it stop !!!!!

  4. Matt on April 7th, 2022 11:53 pm

    Are they gonna finish it before they finish the 9 mile/ hwy 29 interchange that they have been working on for 40 + years?

  5. Samantha on April 7th, 2022 11:43 pm

    I agree with almost everyone on here. It’s the stupid driver’s who got their license out of a cracker jack box that have the issue with driving in general. I take the Interchange starting at 45 mph and am at 65 after the curve. This allows for an easy entrance onto the new route. You should see how I handle the Pensacola Blvd on ramp. If you know what you’re doing you won’t have a problem It’s when you act stupid or driving near a stupid driver that you will most likely have issues no matter where you’re driving. Why do you think Blue Angel got nicknamed Death Hwy?

  6. I Can't Drive 35! on April 7th, 2022 8:48 pm

    Y’all are all wrong.

    If you can drive it into the curve at 60 mph, you’d better be able to handle it at 75 mph.


  7. Soobee on April 7th, 2022 7:26 pm

    This made me laugh but it makes sense – By Mike – “All they need is a big gravel/sand pit to catch the cars before they hit the trees”

    I’ve lived off of the Pine Forest exit for 41 years and have NEVER gone off of that ramp from I-110 northbound to I-10 westbound.. It’s just not that hard to follow safety instructions. My daughter has gone that way 5-6 times a week from working downtown for 18 years. She’s never had an issue either.

    Our family jokes “A light’s down” – “light’s back up”

    Unfortunately, there have been lives lost there so I guess trying to improve safety is a good thing.

  8. Fence Jumper on April 7th, 2022 1:09 pm

    Why not move all of the lite poles to the inside of the radius to prevent them from getting hit every time someone looses control on the ramp to westbound 1-10 from
    I 1-10 ?

  9. Brian on April 7th, 2022 12:52 pm

    The only thing that will slow people down is to put grease or banana peels on the road, not more traction.

  10. np630ss on April 7th, 2022 12:35 pm

    How many times are they going to dig up this inter change? The first time – it took almost 10 years and the death of a corrections officer in an accident to complete. The next set of “improvements” took just as long, if not longer. Is this some sort of FDOT testing area? Try it to see if it works? Couple that with a totally inadequate work force – some days they’re there – most days they aren’t and an apparent 6 hr work shift equals YEARS of traffic hazards. Enough already!

  11. It's Needed on April 7th, 2022 12:29 pm

    This project is badly needed. The gravel friction surface of the asphalt is disintegrating. This can be seen where the asphalt surface is missing on the curves and from the accumulation of gravel on the emergency shoulders.

    All of it is needed, so kudos to the TPO and FDOT for doing something about it.

    I must say, though, that none of this will do much good when people drive like maniacs.

  12. J.Larry Seale on April 7th, 2022 11:38 am

    Why don’t spend money where is it needed ?????
    Hwy 29 south of Interstate 10……..
    It need Widing 27 years ago and especially
    at W street interchange…

  13. Andrew Harvey on April 7th, 2022 11:13 am

    That seems to be a waste of time and money. It all flows pretty smooth except for the ramp from N 110 to Davis Hwy. The right turn lane should split into multiple lanes much sooner than it does now. And I agree, the compound curve from W 10 to S 110 should have been a standard steady curve all the way around.

  14. Andrew on April 7th, 2022 11:12 am

    So they want a driver to slow down to half the speed on the westward exchange of the highway they’ll be entering? The one most people instantly merge into off that ramp? Where the Davis Hwy entrance ramp also has about 30 ft to finish before the exchange lets out and then everyone is trying to reconcile the lanes before the entrance ramps from Pensacola Blvd?

    I’ll deal with Pensacola Blvd traffic than risk all that. Two people mess up that merge or aren’t ready to speed up to match the I-10 drivers and I can see that turn into a real meat grinder.

  15. Someone on April 7th, 2022 10:41 am

    Compound radius?!?!?! Centrifugal force?!?!?! Friction?!?!?

    Be careful, you might cause someone’s head to explode.

  16. driver on April 7th, 2022 9:36 am

    “Reducing the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph on the I-110 northbound ramp to I-10 westbound.”

    Ha ha!!! It’s not the people doing 45 mph who are running into the trees.
    It’s the people doing 60 or 70 mph who don’t realize that the ramp has a compound radius. It starts out with a gentle enough bend, which gets the unknowing/unfamiliar driver comfortable with their too-high rate of speed. Then the radius of the curve suddenly tightens which can cause problems, as we have seen over, and over, and over again. Especially in wet conditions.

    It’s a very poor design, but if folks didn’t travel so fast in that section (and stayed off their phones), there wouldn’t be any problem.

  17. Jeff Sears on April 7th, 2022 9:16 am

    You can apply anti skid all you want. If you’re going 70MPH reckless and it’s wet out, nothing will save you on these ramps. These are the people who are crashing. Their insurance should double. not mine.

  18. M in Bratt on April 7th, 2022 9:07 am

    Let’s hurry up and get it finished and open so we can bring out the barrells and start over again. Maybe the State could save a lot of money if they just leave the barrells on the roads.

  19. Mike on April 7th, 2022 8:57 am

    All they need is a big gravel/sand pit to catch the cars before they hit the trees.

  20. Rasheed Jackson on April 7th, 2022 8:39 am

    The ramp, I-110 north to I-10 west, is a merging ramp. How can you justify 35 mph when you are merging into traffic traveling 60 mph. People need to learn how to properly merge into traffic. Yes, that ramp has a bad curve, but it was engineered for speeds in excess of 35 mph.

  21. Perry on April 7th, 2022 8:30 am

    I agree with the first two comments. 45 is a safe speed for that ramp. The problem comes when vehicles try to take that curve at 70 – especially in wet conditions. 35 is ridiculously slow and not necessary. And it won’t stop the idiots who ignore all the warnings, flashing lights, speed limit etc.

  22. Paul on April 7th, 2022 8:29 am

    Every time it rains someone slides off that ramp.

  23. Henry Coe on April 7th, 2022 7:40 am

    45 on the ramp isn’t the problem. The problem is the drunk people doing 70+ so dropping the speed limit to 35 is only going to back up traffic and cause congestion before the ramp creating a new set of dangers in another area. Also, installing an anti-skid surface is great. Why don’t we see if that is enough instead of dropping the speed limit.

    All that being said, what’s up with the I-10 spur to Beulah Rd?

  24. StraightShooter on April 7th, 2022 7:09 am

    I travel this interchange almost every day to work. Funny, I’ve never had a “safety problem”. No matter how many millions of our money they spend, it won’t fix stupid.