State Attorney Will Not Prosecute Man That Shot At Pensacola Police SWAT

March 23, 2022

The State Attorney’s Office has announced that they will not prosecute Corey Marioneaux Jr. who shot at the Pensacola Police Department SWAT team.

“Careful review of the case has determined that there is insufficient proof to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Marioneaux knew that he was firing at a police officer.,” the SAO said.

State Attorney Ginger Bowden Madden announced Wednesday that after “diligent investigation and review” no criminal prosecution will be commenced against for the shooting incident that occurred during the lawful execution of a search warrant at his residence on February 3.

Marioneaux was arrested by the Pensacola Police Department after discharging a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol as officers made entry into his residence. The officers knocked and announced their presence by shouting “Pensacola Police Search Warrant” three times at approximately 5 a.m. before utilizing a ram to breach the front door.

Marioneaux, apparently awoken by the knock-and-announce, fired once from the central hallway of his residence at the exact moment the door burst open.

The projectile struck the tempered glass window of a ballistic shield wielded by a Pensacola Police officer positioned outside the doorway. The officer returned fire by discharging one shot. No one was injured in the exchange of gunfire.

Marioneaux, exhibiting shock, immediately put his firearm down, and stated that he was sorry, and that he didn’t know it was the police. He also stated that he thought the police were people who were looking for him, apparently fearful of others in the community who he felt intended him harm.

The SAO said knowledge is an essential element of the offense. The evidence would show that Marioneaux fired the shot at the exact moment the door burst open. Under the unique set of circumstances, he did not have adequate time to perceive and appreciate that it was a uniformed police officer equipped with a ballistic shield on the other side of the door. The manner in which he repudiated his intent to fire upon a police officer substantiates his claim that he did not know it was the police when he fired the shot.

Photos: Pensacola Police Department.


11 Responses to “State Attorney Will Not Prosecute Man That Shot At Pensacola Police SWAT”

  1. Thomas Paine on March 24th, 2022 7:35 pm


    Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by police serving a no-knock warrant on the wrong house.

  2. Fence Jumper on March 24th, 2022 10:49 am

    Phase 1 complete. Victim-1, PPD 0. Now on to the subject of the injured child. PPD better be getting the check book ready.

  3. DDD on March 24th, 2022 9:57 am

    Well, if he is such an angel, why did PPD serve a search warrant on his home? I have never had a search warrant served on my home because I abide by the law.

  4. A Alex on March 24th, 2022 9:19 am

    #1 question here, was there anything found on the serch?

  5. Jody on March 24th, 2022 8:57 am

    I’m happy that Mr. Marioneaux was vindicated. Him and the officers fared well in this incident.

  6. John Q on March 24th, 2022 7:52 am

    GLAD to see the state do the right thing here. No one was at fault here. Both the victim and officers where doing the right thing. Just unfortunate situation that ended well. If you read the statement
    they did knock and announce. So give it a break. And yes if I was woke up this way one will hope I can’t get to one of my home defense weapons. Stop bashing the police and move to a country that has no law and order. Then see how lucky we are to have them. They are needed, much appreciated and as a whole good men and women. Thank you for your service to your people.

  7. Billy Preston on March 23rd, 2022 11:27 pm

    The police have a dangerous job already. This just makes it even more dangerous, thanks to the decision of the State Attorney.

  8. Stumpknocker on March 23rd, 2022 11:00 pm

    @they need to learn, you have no idea what your talking about and that is obvious. Police did knock and announce 3 times, they don’t allow the subject ti leave or get in a car which endangers other motorists either from a pursuit or gun fire or both. It’s best to maintain containment. Here’s a novel thought, don’t commit crimes and out the police in a situation like this, just obey the law.

  9. They need to learn on March 23rd, 2022 9:47 pm

    It’s about time the police learned that they serve us. They are not above us. They are not the military. They should never be allowed to bust into a place without announcing who they are.

    If the situation is so dangerous that the cops have to act like they’re in Fallujah, then they need to figure out a different way of handling it.

    In Afghanistan, if we wanted to take a target alive, we didn’t bust into their place of residence. We would intercept them while they traveled from one place to another. Less chance of a fight.

  10. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on March 23rd, 2022 9:11 pm

    Marshall, I totally agree. Bust into my home, when I am in a deep sleep, or even in a sleep, I will protect myself. It takes the brain a few seconds to understand what is going on. Just glad no one was seriously injured.

  11. Marshall on March 23rd, 2022 8:43 pm

    Exactly the outcome that should happen!
