North Escambia Gas Prices Top $4 A Gallon

March 6, 2022

Gas prices jumped over $4 a gallon Saturday afternoon at several stations in the North Escambia area.

At the Tom Thumb in Molino (pictured above), the price for a gallon of regular unleaded had moved to $4.09.

The price increased to $4.29 per gallon at the Marathon on Highway 97 in Davisville (pictured below). photo, click to enlarge.


57 Responses to “North Escambia Gas Prices Top $4 A Gallon”

  1. David Huie Green on March 11th, 2022 11:16 am

    Unless the intent was to imply that world events do not affect local gas prices.

    They do.

    Even though we buy little from Russia, others do and will raise what they offer to replace what they don’t get. That affects us.

    The danger of expanded war also makes people nervous and willing to offer more, also raising prices for us.

    And, regarding:

    Crap? The murder of thousands and displacement of millions is crap??

    But, yes, prices had been rising while Russia under Putin prepared to invade.

    David for better people

  2. David Huie Green on March 10th, 2022 1:54 pm

    “How are you not playing the blame game?”

    DR MARIO is more fun to play.

    Not that griping isn’t fun. Since I officially just paid more than my previous high from 2008 or $4.20 yesterday afternoon, I am now griping.

    gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe, gripe,…..

    Yup, that accomplished a lot. Now I feel much better.

  3. JOHN on March 9th, 2022 12:15 pm

    @ David Huie. How are you not playing the blame game. We have problems here in the US right now.

  4. David Huie Green on March 8th, 2022 7:42 pm

    “Just this quarter, Exxon Mobile more than doubled their profit margin, Shell quadrupled theirs, and Chevron’s profit margin went up 6x. This is blatant scalping by gas companies that see this as a great opportunity to fleece their customers for all they are worth and market it as “supply and demand”.”

    THOSE profits would be pre-invasion.

    As was pointed out, we buy little from Russia.

    People are not sure what the future holds and if hydrocarbons will be available so they panic — or wisely hedge against shortages. We shall see what it turns out to be.

    Meanwhile, we have made up our minds and don’t care for confusing facts. The fact is that the man former president Trump so admires attacked Trump’s enemy (because they didn’t play his game), Ukraine. He has killed many people and gotten many of his own people killed. He has threatened nuclear war if he can’t win without it. The fallout would come down partly on his own people, partly even on us.

    But let’s blame somebody closer.

  5. John on March 8th, 2022 4:35 pm

    When gas was above 4 bucks a gallon in the summer of 2008, the left hammered George W Bush and Texas oil and refineries over the higher cost. Now, the left wants us to pay 5 bucks a gallon plus and be happy. How many people can pedal a bicycle 20 plus miles to work? They blamed Bush and hammered him over the 2008 cost increases while the current administration gets a free pass from these people. Interesting how things are different when the shoe is on the other foot.

  6. retired on March 8th, 2022 10:23 am


  7. Pan on March 8th, 2022 8:45 am

    Pretty soon Republicans will not be able to fix the mess Democrats are currently making. Democrats are expert mess makers, and they’ve whipped up a big mess now. We get what we deserve by voting them in power. Just how many more years of this can we really stand and still survive? Vote Republican, and hope for the best. Open your eyes and see…It’s apparently our only choice.

  8. Stumpknocker on March 8th, 2022 4:29 am

    You can protect Joey all you want and talk about supply and demand, bottom line is under Trump we were energy independent, never seen Trump crawling to opec for more oil. And if what Trump had in place was all that great, why did everything go to crap after Joey reversed all what Trump had got done? Answer because it worked.

  9. John W. on March 8th, 2022 1:24 am

    Propaganda Buster. America needs to change all Economic books in the country from saying Supply and Demand causes gas prices to rise, to claiming the President is the main cause. In Feb. 2021, OPEC was only producing 200,000 barrels of oil a day. This worked for awhile.
    But as demand picked up, OPEC was cuught off guard. Also at tis same time Texas had to shutdown 12 inoperable refineries due to the Texas Freeze.

  10. Troy on March 7th, 2022 10:40 pm

    Thanks Joe!!!!!

  11. concerned on March 7th, 2022 4:12 pm

    does this mean for those of us who don’t own a car and walk and ride a bicycle will have to pay more for like shoes and air to put in our bikes how about the tires and tubes will they go up in price also. and how about the pretty streamers that hang from out handle bars will the price also go up.? asking for a friend.

  12. tc on March 7th, 2022 1:36 pm

    karl, we’ve tried the roof solar route also prior to the Gulf Power assisted plan.. The original purchase cost us 20k with the install. After the first hurricane we suffered roof damage.. we paid 5k to have them all removed so the roof could be replaced then another 5k to have them re-installed. Our power bill went down 30$ / month on average. Reckon how many people in our area can afford a brand new EV? Are they making 3/4 ton EV trucks yet that I can pull my heavy equipment with? I can imagine the price tag on that

  13. Karl on March 7th, 2022 9:24 am

    I’ve had roof solar for 10yrs in East Hill and, drive an EV for 5yrs. With house and car charging, my Feb FPL bill was $18.

  14. Bob on March 7th, 2022 8:53 am

    Good lord there is a lot of ignorance in these comments.

    Yes, Biden suspended construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline never came online, so it didn’t reduce the amount of oil entering the country. Considering the numerous oil spills that have been attributed to Keystone’s negligence, preventing them from building a bigger pipeline sounds like a good idea.

    Currently, we import less than 5% of our oil from Russia. Reducing supply by less than 5% doesn’t explain why prices have increased so much.

    So why have prices gone up? That’s easy: greed. Oil companies have an excuse to raise prices and blame it on world events. Just this quarter, Exxon Mobile more than doubled their profit margin, Shell quadrupled theirs, and Chevron’s profit margin went up 6x. This is blatant scalping by gas companies that see this as a great opportunity to fleece their customers for all they are worth and market it as “supply and demand”.

    …and the Green New Deal never passed. How exactly are you going to blame corporate greed on something that doesn’t exist, just so you can blame the other party? Those are some impressive mental gymnastics.

    Let’s criticize Biden for things he deserves to be criticized for, like leaving the detainment facilities on the Mexican border open, failure to reform immigration, laws education, and the justice system, and backtracking on his campaign promise to forgive student loan debt.

  15. Jcellops on March 7th, 2022 4:22 am

    Denny, “No American president has that much power to affect the entire world.”
    WRONG…..My President Trump did!…..sadly, as many are realizing now, elections have consequences….2024 can’t come soon enough! ….have faith, God is stronger!

  16. Josh Harris on March 6th, 2022 10:32 pm

    The uneducated simply want to point fingers, when the real issue lies with the global supply and demand plus summer gas switchover plus shutdowns due to covid plus the war in Ukraine.

    Other than that, feel free to place blame at your opposing political party!

  17. A north Escambia area resident on March 6th, 2022 10:25 pm

    A message to the people who are complaining about high gas prices, ride a bike! Unless you live many miles from the nearest town/city center, there is no excuse to not ride a bike EXCEPT for the lack of infrastructure. Demand your local politicians/FDOT build out Dutch style intersections and separated bike paths, and maybe then you all wouldn’t be blowing a gasket playing the political blame game. I don’t care who you support, I don’t care about the “sides” game, I just want it to be feasible to bike to places like the store, work, school etc.! You want a solution to high gas prices, well don’t use gas when and wherever possible and once again, demand your reps to build out infrastructure! And yes, there are always exceptions, IE farmers and the like, but most could benefit from better bike infrastructure.

  18. Foxtrot Juliet Bravo on March 6th, 2022 9:30 pm

    Joe is a huge stockholder in lithium. He’s laughing at us all the way to the pump while he cashes in at the bank hahaha

  19. Thomas Paine on March 6th, 2022 9:14 pm

    The amount of folks shilling for big oil here is mindboggling. You defend things like the Keystone XL, but cry foul when BP spills millions of barrels of oil in the Gulf:

    Gas prices are high worldwide, but folks would rather play political football than worry about the long term implications of fossil fuel use, both fiscally and environmentally.

    Guess what? Either way, you as the average Joe are the loser in this fight. Your land will be polluted and these giant corporations will laugh all the way to the bank. No politician will solve this problem, but keep playing their game while claiming the moral and intellectual high ground.


  20. tc on March 6th, 2022 7:14 pm

    Really people? So its just a coincidence that Gas prices have been rising since the day Biden took office? On day 1 he signed NUMEROUS executive orders that impacted the Oil & Gas Industry. He’s banned new drilling leases , killed the keystone pipeline, Imported more oil from our enemies thus making the country no longer energy independent, increased federal regulations on drilling , etc.. Like it or not these actions have ALL played a major part in the current price of oil..

  21. Derek on March 6th, 2022 6:52 pm

    This is the same reason FPL jacked their prices with the rising cost of LPG aka natural gas to generate power. FPL was forced to switch from their more economical coal burning generator which they had just spent millions on a high tech scrubber to eliminate 90% of pollutants. Thanks to Biden they moved to LPG and YOU PAYBTHE PRICE. Lets Go Brandon!!!

  22. Barb on March 6th, 2022 5:08 pm

    Let’s Go Brandon! If people do like they did when the so called pandemic started in March 2020 and don’t go anywhere just the places they need to go there will be plenty of gas stock piling up and they will have to lower the prices.

  23. Lou on March 6th, 2022 5:01 pm

    When sleepy joe was the vice , gas reached 5 a gallon yet got elected. Two plus years a go it was 2 dollars a gallon? Let’s go Brandon

  24. CW on March 6th, 2022 4:05 pm

    That store in Davisville is always the highest one around. I never have understood why people buy gas there.

  25. Rodney on March 6th, 2022 3:44 pm

    Where’s all of those riding with Biden folks at. They must be walking now.

  26. tg on March 6th, 2022 3:38 pm

    Green New Deal is working fine.

  27. Norah on March 6th, 2022 3:08 pm

    I just want to say that Biden had to order oil from Russia before January 20, 2021, the day he took office. The Russian crude cannot be delivered overnight. Last week I heard that a former Democrat Congresswoman was going to speak at the Republican Cpac meeting in Florida. It was Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii. I was very curious as to what she had to say. So I googled, Tulsi Gabbard speaks at Cpac. I watched a 25 minute video of her speech. It was great. Every Democrat, Republican, in our country should hear that speech. It will enlighten you as to what’s really happening in America.

  28. NPC on March 6th, 2022 2:59 pm

    It seems as if the solution for a difference of opinion is to use a phrase along the lines of “educate yourself”, yet the ones choosing such a phrase seem to have facts skewed for whatever reason. To say sleepy Joe isn’t 100% at fault is correct as no US president has that much power. Here are a some facts about the Keystone XL pipeline. Biden shut the pipeline down, which eliminated 800,000 gallons and 1000 jobs. If you cannot realize how much effect that would have on future gas prices I have a ski covered mountain on Pensacola Beach to sell you.

  29. Roger on March 6th, 2022 1:32 pm

    It happened when Obama was in office and we knew it would happen again with Biden. It’s a Democrat thing. They prefer to buy from other countries and they always manage to put us in a position that allows this to take place. I don’t know how this country can make another three years like this. BTW in case you haven’t noticed, milk has gone up also along with everything else.

  30. Bill on March 6th, 2022 1:26 pm

    Lift sanctions against Iran and Venezuela.

  31. Power of the Prez on March 6th, 2022 1:05 pm

    Denny and Zachary

    Executive orders limiting or outright banning drilling and pipelines in our country directly affects our own supply of oil thus driving up prices. So yes the president does have the power and yes the president is at fault.. all while working through a deal to give the go ahead to a pipeline from Russia to Germany.

    Yes there are other things at play in the world that affect prices but if we were still working toward energy independence it would affect us much less. This administration has driven us back years in energy production all for the moonshot goal of a unified global economy. Supply and demand is the right concept but you apply it wrongly when you act as though our supply wasn’t greatly affected when Uncle Joe signed his executive orders day 1.

    Also on the topic of subsidized milk.. you should look into how much milk the government demands farmers dispose of to keep prices steady.. it’ll make you sick.

  32. Josh Jones on March 6th, 2022 12:46 pm

    Well said Denny and Zachary.

    The American president does not have the power to increase gas prices all over the world, not even domestic gas prices.

    Some on here are looking are just looking for someone to blame. For some, it’s easy to call the current White House occupant the boogieman. Even though it is fake news.

  33. Troy on March 6th, 2022 12:28 pm

    Remember, Joe said that you could save up to $80.00 a month ,if you go buy a $60,000 dollar all electric car. His crackhead son has some kind of deal with China on the batteries that go into these POS cars too. THANKS JOE!!!

  34. Dave Thomas on March 6th, 2022 12:07 pm

    We need a president and it has to be TRUMP!

  35. R on March 6th, 2022 12:01 pm

    You think you can do better job then quit complaining and put your name in the hat and run for office all you right wing, left wing complainers! That is all you do is try to blame someone for your pathetic life.

  36. Mike Honcho on March 6th, 2022 11:47 am

    So Denny and Zachary he closed keystone pipeline to buy oil from Russia you don’t think that had a direct effect on gas prices?

  37. Concerned Citizen on March 6th, 2022 11:42 am

    @ Zachary T Prosser, you are wrong, really wrong. Let me give you a Economics lesson, President Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, also over a dozen Refineries in the USA(Alabama, Louisiana, Alaska, South Dakota, and North Dakota). We are now relying on foreign oil more than ever, including an average of 27% of Russian oil. The one thing our idiot president didn’t put sanctions on from Russia. Fuel goes up, shipping and supply goes up. Diesel is almost $5/gallon, and gas is over $4/gallon.

  38. SH on March 6th, 2022 11:29 am

    Oil is a global market commodity. Prices are up wordwide. Biden doesn’t have that kind of power

  39. J.Larry Seale on March 6th, 2022 10:23 am

    It’s NOT going to get better anytime soon…….
    GET READY for HIGHER prices……..’
    BUT, people continue to drive more than every……
    The car is like the electric, we were made to believe
    this was the way of the future…..They didn’t tell
    you that they will make profits, while we go broke ………

  40. Concerned Citizen on March 6th, 2022 10:20 am

    If you want your lives to go back to normal and care about your family vote straight Republican!!!! There is no way the election wasn’t rigged, I refuse to believe that their are that many incompetent Americans.

  41. Zachary T Prosser on March 6th, 2022 10:11 am

    Can we seriously stop acting like the president enforces gas prices? It’s entirely set by the supply and demand of oil, and while we have a surplus of petroleum the gas companies know we will pay whatever they set the price per gallon for. It’s that simple, these companies don’t care about you only your money, so they gouge you for every dollar you get from working 40+ per week.A good play in favor of the American citizenry could be to cap the price at about 2.50. all we’d have to do is adjust how much we already subsidize the oil industry. Basically like how milk is only cheap because the government pays partial price.

  42. Denny on March 6th, 2022 10:10 am

    Hmm, the price of oil has gone up all over the world due to supply and demand (demand going up after Covid), corporate greed (look at the reports of the Fortune 500 about profits above the market), and world financial instability due to Communist Russia’s power grab – but it’s Biden’s fault!!! No American president has that much power to affect the entire world. Educate yourselves, please… there’s more out there than what affects you personally. Geez.

  43. Green Failure on March 6th, 2022 9:44 am

    Make no mistake this is part of the plan. The Democrats who push “green energy” have long said the key to getting people in electric cars is driving up gas prices. Votes have consequences. Voting for those who want to push a green agenda without a good foundation laid causes this. Our new technology isn’t nearly advanced enough to be ready to replace gas but when one group is adamant it time for the change…. Put them in charge and this is the result.

    At the end of the day where does the electricity comes from to charge your Tesla? Probably not a solar farm…

  44. JimC on March 6th, 2022 8:50 am

    Thanks a lot, Brandon!

  45. Donald Bonal on March 6th, 2022 8:41 am

    Thank you Joe

  46. tg on March 6th, 2022 8:39 am

    Thank you Brandon!

  47. Kane on March 6th, 2022 8:31 am

    Let’s Go Brandon

  48. Brian on March 6th, 2022 8:29 am

    joe biden, that guy who thinks he’s actually the President is the absolute worst. Let’s go brandon!!! I mean he’s actually worse than obama.

  49. voter on March 6th, 2022 8:20 am

    THANK YOU BIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    JAN. 2020 2.12 NOW 4.09.

  50. M in Bratt on March 6th, 2022 8:18 am

    Thank you Mr. Biden

  51. ekg on March 6th, 2022 8:11 am

    Totally ridiculous….We do not have to get gas from out of America…..My dad worked for the original Phillips66 in Ok….and he was in charge of where the gas came from…….and our Presidents ….etc….must be getting money from our out of America gas………..

  52. David Greene on March 6th, 2022 8:06 am

    Let’s Go Brandon!

  53. area resident on March 6th, 2022 7:08 am

    Please, come November, remember those who represent the party that has put us in this position and vote them out of office. And, if things change for the better between now and November, they still need to be voted out because they WILL do it again.

  54. Thanks Joe Biden on March 6th, 2022 6:33 am

    At least there are no more mean tweets, right Democrats?

  55. Master Mechanic on March 6th, 2022 6:32 am

    Let’s see……we received a 5.9 percent Raise on SSN ,,,Cola .However inflation is runng wild ,say 50%.Do the math we went in the hole 44.1%

  56. Tc on March 6th, 2022 5:51 am

    Thanks sleepy joe !

  57. Jim on March 6th, 2022 3:08 am