More Details Released In Case Of Molino Man Facing Multiple Child Porn Charges

March 29, 2022

Court documents are offering new details about multiple child porn charges brought by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement against a 76-year old Molino man.

William David Pettus of 3101 Crabtree Church Road was charged with 25 counts of possession of child sexual abuse material on Saturday.

The investigation began last August after agents identified child sexual abuse material being shared from a computer in Escambia County. Agents obtained and executed a search warrant at Pettus’ residence in February. Forensic examinations of his electronic devices uncovered evidence of videos featuring children being abused, according to FDLE.

In documents obtained Monday by, a FDLE special agent said an IP address belonging to Pettus was used to share files of known pornography between August 3, 2021, and again between January 23 and January 24, 2022. A search warrant was served at Pettus’ home at 3101 Crabtree Church Road.

“William Pettus identified the two desktop computers in his office were his and that his wife did not use computers, an arrest warrant states.

According to FDLE, 25 child pornographic images of male and female children as young as three were recovered from Pettus’ desktop computer, CDs, and external hard drives.

Most of Pettus’ statements to investigators were redacted from the warrant affidavit.

Pettus was released from the Escambia County Jail Saturday afternoon on a $50,000 bond.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office made the arrest on an FDLE arrest warrant. ESCO and Homeland Security Investigations assisted with the case.


13 Responses to “More Details Released In Case Of Molino Man Facing Multiple Child Porn Charges”

  1. Jim on March 31st, 2022 4:01 pm

    Sick disgusting old man!!!!

  2. Pat on March 31st, 2022 10:22 am

    For everyone thinking it could have been hackers.
    They found evidence on CDs … A hacker isnt breaking into a home, finding a blank CD, putting it in the computer, burning images to it, and then removing it and leaving it at the house.

    Some of the images were of kids as young as 3 years old. This isnt a case of “They looked 18.”.

    Additionally the images were SHARED from his IP address. Im curious why they didnt throw a distribution charge in there as well.

    If you are defending him then you really need to look at the facts. You are being purposely delusional.

  3. AC on March 31st, 2022 7:34 am

    So, would you let this man babysit your kids? Would you let your kids be alone with him? How confident are you in his innocence? It’s true that the standards of our legal system include being innocent until proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW; but that is not the standard in the court of public perception. We are not the ones who will decide the fate of this man in the legal system (well, technically twelve of us will), but we are the ones who have to live in society with him and have EVERY right to believe that he is a danger to our children’s safety and even to warn others not to trust this man.

  4. William in Beulah on March 31st, 2022 7:15 am

    We have no problem with the justice system going through the motions!!! He was CAUGHT RED HANDED!!! Unless he is some kind of super spy, I seriously doubt that he was set up or innocent for that matter!!!!

  5. Jason on March 30th, 2022 12:39 pm

    For the ones commenting that those trying to defend him are no better. Your wrong. Its because we believe in innocence until proven guilty. Yall are just so hung up on having to be right that you cant let the justice system do its job

  6. Jr on March 30th, 2022 7:09 am

    THIS!!!! No, I don’t know all the particulars in this case but LEOs found THE PROOF on HIS PERSONAL electronic devices. …how can he be “set up”? How can this be a mistake? And then there’s those that are taking up for him! Yes, I believe in allowing the courts decide BUT THEY FOUND THIS ON HIS COMPUTER!!!! Those taking up for him are simply saying that this is all good and well in their world…These sick people like this needs extermination from any/all walks of life….yeah, I believe in Justice and the courts but I also believe in “Dirt Road Justice” as well….these, like this, boil my dadgum blood!!!!

  7. Anonymous on March 29th, 2022 12:52 pm

    As a child, I had a neighbor who was a “great guy,” and a “really nice neighbor,” who was “so helpful to everyone.” Everyone admired and respected him. He also abused my sister and me.

    Unless you know someone’s intimate life, you can’t speak on it. You only know what pedophiles choose to share with you.

  8. Carl on March 29th, 2022 10:44 am

    Lets let the legal system do its job…and get out of the way with opinions trying to serve a basis of anything.

  9. AC on March 29th, 2022 8:47 am

    “According to FDLE, 25 child pornographic images of male and female children as young as three were recovered from Pettus’ desktop computer, CDs, and external hard drives.”

    OK; even if you could somehow believe that someone else hacked his computer and downloaded all that stuff (yeah, right). Did they also download the CDs and external hard drives as well?

  10. Paul on March 29th, 2022 8:15 am

    The ones who “try” to defend him are no better.

  11. Rasheed Jackson on March 29th, 2022 7:37 am

    When I see cases like this, I cannot help but think about the children that are involved. Who are they, where did they come from, and what happens to them? The emotional and physical harm these children experience is unimaginable. I do not understand why, in a day and time, and with technology such as it is, this type of stuff cannot be stopped. I guess the fact that it generates untold millions in revenue is one reason.

  12. Mr. Nobody on March 29th, 2022 5:36 am

    Imagine living in a world where scammers are able to hack your computer and use your IP address to peddle porn without you ever even knowing about it and then you get arrested for it. What a wonderful world

  13. mnon on March 29th, 2022 2:31 am

    Just so everyone is clear, if you claim possession of a computer in your home it does not matter if you download the stuff or your second cousin’s nephew, it is YOUR responsibility of what is on it or downloaded. I was reading comments on here the other day saying “someone else was using his computer” I’m sorry it does not matter. It would be like you getting pulled over and cops finding a pound of cocaine under the passenger seat… It is your car, you have possession of it, whatever is found in said car is your responsibility. So sick and tired of hearing people make excuses for such vile behavior. Face facts, he would not have been arrested by the feds had they not had ample evidence for an arrest and/or conviction. By the way that goes for your cellphone or 1980s VHS tapes in your attic and even he shed in your backyard. You can’t say “it’s not mine!” it’s in your possession. period.