Update: Woman Reportedly Kidnapped At Gunpoint Has Been Located

March 3, 2022

UPDATE: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said a woman allegedly kidnapped from her car at gunpoint Thursday morning  has been located.

In a statement, ECSO said, “Just before 4:00 this afternoon, Brianna McGuire was safely located at a home in Escambia County. Nicholas Jody Liberto has also been located. This is an ongoing investigation.”

No further information was provided


A woman was kidnapped at gunpoint from her car Thursday morning in Escambia County.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office,  24-year old Brianna Renae McGuire was reported kidnapped at gunpoint from a car on Norstum Drive. That’s off Airway Drive just south of Nine Mile Road.

Deputies said 26-year old Nicholas Jody Liberto is believed to be one of the two alleged kidnappers. They left the area in what appeared to be a red or orange Jeep Renegade.

Liberto and the other suspect are considered armed and dangerous. Anyone that sees them is asked to call 911 immediately.


14 Responses to “Update: Woman Reportedly Kidnapped At Gunpoint Has Been Located”

  1. Nope on March 5th, 2022 3:54 pm

    @Just Beachin

    No, it isn’t taking it too far. People should be allowed to carry anytime, anywhere. And no one said carrying a gun means things won’t go sideways. That point was never made. Being trained and armed could have definitely stopped this from happening.

    That’s assuming she wasn’t in on it.

  2. Yeah right on March 5th, 2022 3:52 pm

    @J Larry Seale

    Yes, this did happen before. You just didn’t have access to the news cycle 24/7 to hear about it. Come on, dude.

  3. Prove it on March 5th, 2022 3:51 pm

    @Just Sayin… Does it happen more often now? Or is that just recency bias? Do you have stats to show that these sorts of things actually do happen more often now? Because I happen to know it actually statistically happens less often. Y’all all need to stop assuming that just because we have a 24 hour news cycle means the stuff happens more often than it did when we didn’t have it.

  4. Just Saying on March 4th, 2022 10:19 pm

    @J. Larry Seale,

    We never had this problem before WHAT? I’m in my fifties, and we’ve had these problems all my life! Yes, they’re more common now, but they were definitely happening then too.

  5. Robert Bruner on March 4th, 2022 1:53 am

    Sort of hard to use a gun when you are abducted unless you walk around with a cocked and loaded gun IN YOUR HAND at ALL times. Too much 2nd amend talk about protection. A lot more people get shot by their own guns than crooks get shot by their guns.

  6. Jason on March 4th, 2022 1:32 am

    The suspect has prior arrest (May 2021) for domestic violence with this victim. Hopefully, she will follow through and prosecute this time.

  7. Tony on March 4th, 2022 1:19 am

    This doesn’t sound like a random kidnapping so there might have been some kind of relation between them

  8. Shay on March 3rd, 2022 8:51 pm

    Exactly, Mr. Nobody, this woman believes in the great equalizer! I don’t check the mail without my .45! That’s why my children are grown and safe even though they were raised by a single mom. Protect yourselves ladies!

  9. Thinkinbot on March 3rd, 2022 8:30 pm

    Agree Justbeachin. Y’all just think if the woman was armed she’s gonna be okay, but not expecting this situation her weapon would have been concealed and not ample time to respond ambushed by individuals with weapons out and ready.
    Let’s get he facts on this presumed abduction .

  10. Yes to Mr. Nobody on March 3rd, 2022 6:24 pm

    Yes- Agree w/Mr. Nobody!! 2nd Amendment= Protect Yourself!!

  11. Agreeable on March 3rd, 2022 3:48 pm

    I have to agree with Mr. Nobody, you used to be able to walk outside without feeling like you need a gun, especially here in Escambia County (born & raised here), but now my wife can’t even go out to her car in the morning without needing me to be out there because it’s just that bad now-a-days. It’s truly a shame what’s happened in this county/world. Praying for the woman to be found safely and alive and for these 2… creatures, to be caught and put behind bars. This is heart-wrenching.

  12. JustBeachin on March 3rd, 2022 1:59 pm

    Not everyone has access to a gun. That being said, sometimes, even if you HAVE a gun, things can go awry. This is very unusual and unfortunate. Hope that she is found safely and that he is taken into custody! Let’s pray and hope for the best in this situation and quit going on and on about having a gun. Personally, some of us don’t care to go around sporting a gun on our waist like Barney Fife! Geez! I believe in Gun Rights, but that is taking it a little far. Don’t you think?

  13. J.Larry Seale on March 3rd, 2022 1:59 pm

    this show what kind of people that
    are living in Escambia county…
    We NEVER had this kind of problem

  14. Mr. Nobody on March 3rd, 2022 1:36 pm

    This is exactly why everyone should be armed at all times. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. For me and mine wearing guns is like wearing underwear.