Cantonment Woman Charged With Child Neglect After Young Child Found Running Around Near Nine Mile Road Traffic

March 18, 2022

A Cantonment woman is facing charges after her young child was allegedly found running around alongside Nine Mile Road.

Hannah Louise Rolin, 24, was charged with child neglect and resisting arrest.

The incident happened back on March 10. Drivers in the 400 block of Nine Mile Road, in the area across from Home Depot, saw a small child running “extremely close” to traffic with no adults around. The good Samaritans were unable to locate the child’s parent, so they called law enforcement while taking care of the child.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the child appeared exhausted and slept for an hour while under their care before Rolin was located. The child had small cuts on his feet and a larger cut on the palm of his hand that appeared to be a day or two old. His diaper was completely full of feces and leaking from the top and bottom.

Deputies purchased diapers and EMS assisted in changing the child. The child was evaluated on scene by EMS and released to the Department of Children and Families.

As deputies were on scene, a representative of the property owner arrived to board up the house because transients were sleeping inside.

Deputies made contact with Rolin, who first told them the child was with a friend she thought was named Jason. She was placed under arrest, but began to resist once one wrist was handcuffed, according to the report.

The deputy called for backup, as she attempted to headbutt the deputy. He pushed her toward a vehicle, and her head hit the windshield causing it to crack, the report continues. Both the deputy and a witness inside the vehicle stated it appeared Rolin intentionally slammed her head into the windshield out of anger.

According to an arrest report, ECSO had contact with Rolin at the property two days prior to the incident. Multiple transients ran from the house while others were found inside. Deputies reported Rolin walked out holding the child. She told deputies that she lived in Cantonment but was present only to see if her friends needed food.

Deputies described the home as being full of clothes, garbage and food to the point that the floors could barely be seen.

“The house did have power but was extremely filthy with flies and strong odors throughout. This house was a health hazard and not safe for an adult let alone a small child  to reside in,” a deputy wrote in the report.

Rolin remained in the Escambia County Jail Friday morning with bond set at $10,000.


34 Responses to “Cantonment Woman Charged With Child Neglect After Young Child Found Running Around Near Nine Mile Road Traffic”

  1. Angela Powell on March 20th, 2022 6:19 pm

    I am good friends with her mother. I pray for HEALING AND
    RESTORATION. Drug Rehabs isn’t always the answer
    Sometimes ALL they want is a listening ear- a HUG
    isn’t Always Picture Perfect.. We All are Fighting Our Own
    DEMONS. Mental Illness is OVERLOOKED and Sugarcoated
    with medications thinking it will fix it.. When I look at HER
    -Critisized- Abused and what is self-Love and LOVE
    If you don’t know how to LOVE. I PRAY THAT SHE AND
    Thank God the baby was okay.. Find yourself, your peace
    ,your worth and FORGIVE those who have WRONGED YOU. AS WELL AS YOURSELF..

  2. Michael m on March 20th, 2022 1:55 am

    Brittney Griner is being held for supposedly having the very same drug she can buy legally in her home state of Arizona…. Sounds kinda suspicious to me . Then again I’m not an expert on the Russian way of doing things but an Olympic champion sure would make a nice negotiating chip for Putin. Just saying

  3. Summerne on March 20th, 2022 12:26 am

    She’s 24, which is very young! She looks and acts as if she’s had a very hard life. I hope she will find the resources and people who care than can help her live a healthier life.

  4. Carl on March 19th, 2022 11:28 pm

    I feel this person may feel she has nothing else to lose. She has it appears given up.
    I pray for her.
    I would hate to feel what she feels or thinks.
    Society itself can not do anything to her that hasnt already done.
    Imagine how it would feel to beung called names and loathing bestowed upon her as you all do here .

    None of that helps…it helps them go lower.
    She is human.
    Not perfect..she is still human

  5. Mary on March 19th, 2022 11:02 pm

    @FusionBlack, you are spot on!

  6. Stumpknocker on March 19th, 2022 4:16 pm

    @nit cantonment, well the Publix at pine forest and 9 mile is cantonment, it has a cantonment address.

  7. FusionBlack on March 19th, 2022 6:19 am

    Meth along with Fentanyl is coming across our southern border at rate we have never seen.If you think illegals are only here to roof your home wake up. Our federal government has failed us by having open borders.

  8. Autumn on March 19th, 2022 12:05 am

    I pray for people like this!!!!

  9. Autumn on March 19th, 2022 12:01 am

    This is the best thing for this child I know this girl she has lost all 4 of her prior children to the state!! Situations like this is where they should be mandatory to be fixed!!!

  10. Cathy on March 18th, 2022 8:41 pm

    Even more sad is that though the children may end up in loving homes with adoptive parents, if she was using drugs during her pregnancies it can cause lifelong medical and psychological problems for these kids. At 24 to think shes already had four kids and all taken away. Good job good Samaratins and ESCO for saving this baby.

  11. Shay on March 18th, 2022 8:00 pm

    Who looked at this woman’s face and believed she was at the crack house with her baby “just to drop off food to friends”? At 24 her jaw is completely eaten away. Why is she able to have any children in her custody? No one in her life noticed she was totally incapable of being around a child much less in charge of one? Family, friends, neighbors, passerby’s or anyone? Meanwhile DSS will just continue to try and “rehabilitate” and get the children right back. That’s why I won’t foster bc I know I wouldn’t be able to allow the child I grew to love to ever go back to someone who had four kids and leaves them with strange men they don’t know the name of and they end up on the Highway cut up and covered in feces. Too many good people wishing they could adopt. WAKE UP CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES, your system is a joke! Instead of the millions in foreign aid and all the bs spending, the government needs to put our tax dollars in CPS/DSS!

  12. Sarah on March 18th, 2022 7:32 pm

    I Happen to know this girl and she has lost all of her kids she needs to be in jail for along time her drug habit has always came first to her.

  13. Jcellops on March 18th, 2022 3:35 pm

    Talk about not knowing how to keep your drug preferences to yourself!! Her FB “likes” are horrible!!! And, doesn’t seem to care who knows…I’m so scared that this little child will be placed back with her at the end!

  14. Concern Mom on March 18th, 2022 3:26 pm

    @Renee. Hannah had everything she needed growing up. She chose drugs over her children all of them. Four kids. She doesn’t deserve children at all. She was offered a safe dry place to stay with that baby and she chose drugs.

  15. Jr on March 18th, 2022 2:14 pm

    Another pitiful excuse for a person/parent I agree, lock her down and detox her naturally. People like this don’t deserve another child so take that Avenue as well. Both of my childrens mothers got on that mess and their lives are forever ruined. I thank OUR GOD every day for allowing the Courts to see this and give me full custody from the beginning of both their lives. This drug(all drugs) is wreaking havoc on kids, families and our communities. It’s past time the courts quit slapping wrist and doing something to change it. Yes, an addict is going to do what they can to get their fix but you can’t have an addict without a poison pusher. Start cracking down on the suppliers. Now, my words may seem harsh but I’ve had to deal with these types almost 30 years and they get no sympathy from me. Pray for them? You dadgum right I will/do/have. The only person that can change this type of behavior is the addict. For us? There’s only 2 types of people WE can change…ourselves and a baby in diapers…

  16. Catebe on March 18th, 2022 1:23 pm

    DCF please don’t fail this innocent child. No kind of life for him if he goes back there. Mom of child, get help!

  17. William Reynolds on March 18th, 2022 1:17 pm

    “North Escambia… you need to stop calling everything north of 9 mile Cantonment. That IS NOT Cantonment. ”

    Read the story again. It does not say the incident happened in Cantonment. It says she is from Cantonment.

  18. Rebecca hunt on March 18th, 2022 12:26 pm

    She’s not the same person I knew in middle school, this is pathetic she doesn’t deserve her children… Who in the hell raises a child like that… She needs to grow the hell up and get some help before it’s to late

  19. Mlm on March 18th, 2022 12:02 pm

    What will happen is she promises to get off the drugs, probation and gets the child back from the courts. Seen it happen in the past.

  20. That’s NOT Cantonment on March 18th, 2022 11:48 am

    North Escambia… you need to stop calling everything north of 9 mile Cantonment. That IS NOT Cantonment. As if Cantonment doesn’t crap on itself enough… we don’t need false attention. That is Ensley… or just Pensacola… definitely not Cantonment. As far as the sorry excuse for a mother… lock her away and make her detox without the help of other medicine. Let her suffer and sweat it out.

  21. Renee on March 18th, 2022 11:19 am

    @steve wow a monster, that’s a bit much dont you think?! While there is no excuse for having her child in those situations Hannah hasn’t had the easiest life again not an excuse but instead of shaming her maybe pray for her that she can get help she needs.

  22. Just Me on March 18th, 2022 11:04 am

    Meth doing what it does best….destroying lives….sad to read about

  23. Think again on March 18th, 2022 10:55 am

    @mnon, I work in the ER and most of the people I see on meth are over the age of 45. I see more Gen Xers and Boomers on meth or opiates than millennials or Gen Zers. And more women than men.

  24. Don’t on March 18th, 2022 10:54 am

    Regardless of whether she is the Home Depot panhandler or not, you all need to stop giving money to them. Your cash goes straight into the local drug trade. If you want to fund the local drug trade, keep giving them money. And no, I don’t want to hear any “NAXALT” arguments.

  25. Concerned Mom on March 18th, 2022 9:59 am

    This is her 4th child that has been taken by the state. DCF has already placed the first 3 ( they r adopted) this 4th baby is in a safe place and getting the love and care he deserves. She is a horrible person who only cares about getting her drug fix and herself!! She needs to be fixed so she can’t mess up anymore children’s lives!!

  26. Susie on March 18th, 2022 9:32 am

    @Alex, Thanks my friend. I pulled up her Facebook & it looked just like her. Still, like @Steve said, “there are many more like her…”. Sad, sad, sad.

  27. Bewildered on March 18th, 2022 9:19 am

    The drug epidemic is getting worse daily. Right now our media concentrates fighting for the imprisoned athlete in Russia who was arrested for bringing drugs into the country. They are not wrong, we are upside down as far as justice is concerned – NO drugs should mean NO drugs. How many more tragic stories like this does it take for Americans to wake up. We are destroying our civilization from within by feeling sorry for all these pushers and criminals and giving them chance after chance to continue their destructive behavior

  28. Alex on March 18th, 2022 9:12 am

    She is not the same panhandler at Fowler and 9 mile
    Road. I pass her on a dailey basis.

  29. Steve on March 18th, 2022 8:15 am

    She is a monster and there are MANY more like her.

    There are people waiting to adopt a child and take care of them, She sees only herself and the check she gets for the kid.

    Hope DCF does their job. But they will not..

  30. Susie on March 18th, 2022 8:07 am

    I believe she panhandles most days by Home Depot. You kind people giving her money probably don’t know what lies beneath. Read the article. Most especially, the child is sharing her world full of drugs, no love, no emotion, only desperation for another fix. It matters not who loves her. She only cares about one thing and it’s not the child.

    Stop giving these people money. Maybe they’ll be desperate enough to seek help. God bless the boy. It’s a sad, sad story.

  31. Bill T on March 18th, 2022 7:49 am

    Drugs do things to people bad things

  32. Deborah Daugherty on March 18th, 2022 7:46 am

    I am mad and sad after reading this story…I hope she gets help and I am so glad that the child was not harm

  33. sam on March 18th, 2022 7:43 am

    the child does not need to be growing up in that environment.

  34. mnon on March 18th, 2022 7:07 am

    Meth man… its a beast. I’ve seen so many young adults with promise ruin their lives. Prayers for the child, hopefully the little tyke is in good hands now, safe and getting the care they deserve.
