Multiple Unlocked Vehicles Burglarized In Cottage Hill And Bellview; Weapons Stolen

February 16, 2022

Eighteen vehicles were broken into Monday night or Tuesday morning in Cottage Hill and Bellview.

All of them were unlocked, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. Multiple weapons, credit cards and other items were stolen.

Five vehicles were burglarized in the area of Hollow Point Drive off Williams Ditch Road in Cottage Hill. Another 13 vehicles were burglarized in the area of Apple Ridge Drive and Apple Ridge Circle in Bellview.

Credit cards stolen from an unlocked vehicle on Boat Tail Court in Cottage hill were later used by a black male at a gas station located at the Wilcox Road exit of I-10 in Baldwin County, according to the ECSO.

Anyone with any information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the ECSO at (850) 436-9620.

Pictured above and bottom: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigates multiple vehicle burglaries Tuesday morning in Cottage Hill. photos, click to enlarge. Pictured below: A suspect uses credit cards that were stolen from a vehicle on Boat Tail Court in Cottage Hill.


30 Responses to “Multiple Unlocked Vehicles Burglarized In Cottage Hill And Bellview; Weapons Stolen”

  1. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2022 1:03 pm

    “Its 2022 if your car is broken into because you didn’t lock it then at the least you should receive a fine.”

    Fascinating idea.

    You should run for office on the promise of proposing that law, to punish anyone who does not lock everything up.

    Some may not vote for you, but what do they (we) know??!!

    (You should lock up your locks too, valuable things, locks.)

  2. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2022 12:59 pm

    ” The real victims are the police, kids, moms, and dads being shot by guns stolen from irresponsible gun owners.”

    If you are shot by someone, does it matter how he got the gun?

    “You are not allowed to shoot that person unless you BUY YOUR OWN GUN!!”

    Yeah, that will work because criminals always obey the law.


  3. Dawn king on February 17th, 2022 9:45 pm

    The criminals in politics are fighting hard to take our rights to bare arms… they do not need help from irresponsible gun owners. Now more innocent people have to be worried about being robbed and shot. My car was broken into and yes it pissed me off that police wouldn’t do anything because my car was unlocked and yes, I felt like that shouldn’t matter, they had no business there but they got nothing because there was nothing to get. Certainly not a gun. Some of y’all have kids and grandkids that might get curious and go plundering through the car and find them. I can’t speak for anyone else but I wouldn’t want to have to try and live with that

  4. Shaylo on February 16th, 2022 5:40 pm

    What is wrong with you people? Scum of the earth goes slinking on to private property helping themselves to whatever they can find and it’s the homeowners fault? THIS mind rot is why this country is so pathetic currently! Oh, and make sure you lock up your kids bc if said thugs kidnap them while your child is in YOUR yard playing, I guess it’s your fault for not locking up your kid. Disgusting!

  5. Shay on February 16th, 2022 5:37 pm

    What is wrong with you people? Scum of the earth goes slinking on to private property helping themselves to whatever they can find and it’s the homeowners fault? THIS mind rot is why this country is so pathetic currently! Oh, and make sure you lock up your kids bc if said thugs kidnap them while your child is in YOUR yard playing, I guess it’s your fault for not locking up your kid.

  6. Paul on February 16th, 2022 4:53 pm

    I don’t have any sympathy for thieves, I’m just tired of people not securing their weapons and letting crooks getting a hold of them. That’s a major part of the problem. In most cases people are carrying a weapon because they understand the world isn’t a safe place, then they leave it in an unlocked vehicle making things worse.

  7. William in Beulah on February 16th, 2022 2:51 pm

    It’s really sad when society has more sympathy for the criminals than the victims, at least until they become the victim. Whatever happened to holding people responsible for their actions?

    There is absolutely no excuse for stealing anything! NONE!!! NOT EVEN TO FEED YOUR CHILDREN, BECAUSE TO MANY PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO HELP, NOT TO MENTION THE FOOD PANTRIES AND SOUP KITCHENS THAT SERVE MEALS to anyone who shows up wanting to eat.

  8. paul on February 16th, 2022 2:34 pm

    When you leave a firearm unsecured, you’re not a victim, you’re an enabler.
    The cop who was killed in Mobile recently was shot with a gun stolen out of an unlocked car. They don’t break the windows if they don’t see anything worth grabbing. It isn’t worth their risk of making noise.

  9. northofI10 on February 16th, 2022 1:17 pm

    Reading the ‘Unlocked’ wording is sounding like an excuse to blame the victims rather than the thugs. Yes, vehicles should be locked but if not or forgotten is not a right for thugs to burglarize.

  10. brian on February 16th, 2022 1:05 pm

    They’re not victims, they’re fools. The real victims are the police, kids, moms, and dads being shot by guns stolen from irresponsible gun owners.

  11. Gabe on February 16th, 2022 12:51 pm

    At least leave the PIN code with your credit card if you are going to make it easy for the robbers lol.

  12. Get real on February 16th, 2022 12:32 pm

    Oh for pete’s sake, knock off the victim blaming! You people are more angry at folks not locking their cars, who live out in the country by the way, than you are at the criminal! YOU are part of the problem!!!!

  13. Bewildered on February 16th, 2022 11:46 am

    I agree not to leave valuables or guns in a vehicle. Thugs don’t hesitate to break out car windows, might be one reason people leave their vehicles unlocked . Who is paying for the broken windows – even if they catch these scumbags, no consequences for them.

  14. Howie on February 16th, 2022 11:10 am

    You can preach all you want about locking your doors, but there are some that will not do it. Suppose you leave an extra house key in your car and most people have a garage door opener. Then they can help themselves to the items in your garage. Don’t leave personal items such as wallets, a garage opener, cell phone and a gun in your car every night. LOCKED OR UNLOCKED.

    LOCK your doors – House, vehicles, garage, sheds. We don’t live in a world like it was 40 years ago. Criminals will steal you blind. I have neighbors that leave their garage doors open all day. Unbelievable. That is just setting yourself up for a thief, a home invasion or burglary.

    For those that want extra protection like to catch someone breaking into anything on your property – go to Harbor Freight and buy the “Bunker Hill” Wireless Security Driveway Alert System. $14.99. Place the motion sensor in your vehicle and the alarm sounding device in your house. Once you leave in your car, the motion range will cease until you get back home. Same works for boats at camps and RV parks. Be alerted that someone has arrived or broke into something that belongs to you. I have a few of these placed in flower pots around my house and they work very well. You can conceal them or place them out in the open…preferably not in direct sunlight. They can be mounted or stand alone.

    I hope some of you will buy these and be alerted first and not when it’s too late.

  15. Anne on February 16th, 2022 11:08 am

    UNLOCKED Vehicle = Easy Pickings.
    Wonder how many Spare Keys taken and may be used on a return visit by criminals?
    Feel insurance companies should Not have to pay claims where law enforcement determines vehicle left Unlocked.
    Totally Irresponsible on ‘Victims’ part in this day and time.
    Y’all, this isn’t the world our grandparents grew up in.
    Hope LEO catches the criminals who robbed folks.

  16. Concern citizen on February 16th, 2022 11:04 am

    First of all. I am sorry this happened to so many people. But, everyone keeps saying double check your vehicles. So not to be mean but people lock your vehicles. Everyone I know has a gun in their vehicle every day but when they get home it goes inside with them. And why the heck are you leaving your credit cards in your vehicle. You are helping these people. I have lived by myself for years. When I get home rather I have my hands full or have my grand child. I double check that I locked my vehicle. WHAT IS WRONGT WITH SOME PEOLPE. I don’t feel sorry for people like this. I know my neighbors get tired of hearing my car beep beep but at least they know I am checking my doors. Same thing when I get in my house. I lock the door right behind me. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

  17. Kane on February 16th, 2022 10:30 am

    Its 2022 if your car is broken into because you didn’t lock it then at the least you should receive a fine.

  18. Bill N on February 16th, 2022 10:09 am

    I’ll bet those idiots that left guns in their unlocked vehicle can’t even tell the SO what the make, model and serial number of the gun. I wonder how many of them were stolen guns?

  19. Josh Jones on February 16th, 2022 9:52 am

    Here’s a thought – how about we contact our representatives to bring to the FL legislature this idea: if an individual’s weapon is stolen from their vehicle because it was unlocked, that individual is guilty of irresponsible gun ownership, and forfeits their gun.

  20. Faye on February 16th, 2022 9:19 am

    I wish that every person having a weapon in an unlocked car would be fined a hefty fine. That weapon will now probably be used by a criminal in a crime causing injury or death. THIS IS HOW CONVICTED FELONS OBTAIN WEAPONS. Usually stolen! The gun owner should not be allowed to purchase another.

  21. Cantonment Mom on February 16th, 2022 8:58 am

    Really people…how hard is it to hit the button on your key fob, or the lock on your door. And leave guns or credit cards in your vehicle??? Something tells me that maybe they are trying to have the car stolen to claim on insurance. Wake up! Simple lock your doors!

  22. sam on February 16th, 2022 8:57 am

    it’s always the same crowd. do they get taught this stuff at home?

  23. EMD on February 16th, 2022 8:47 am

    Why would anyone leave a car unlocked if there was a gun in it??? And, why would anyone leave their credit card or valuables in a car. Locked or not??? If there is a gun in ones car………..even a locked one, you need one in your house also. What Debbie said. Most people work hard for their money. So, why do thieves think they deserve that for which others worked? No respect for The Ultimate Authority, spells no respect for anyone else. That is the root of the problem. And, the love of money IS the root of all evil.

  24. Brian on February 16th, 2022 8:37 am

    Let the shaming of irresponsible gun owners begin.

  25. paul on February 16th, 2022 8:25 am

    I think the ones leaving guns in unlocked vehicles shouldn’t be able to own one.
    That’s where most of the thugs get them.
    I also think thieves should be shot on the spot.

  26. Mic Hall on February 16th, 2022 8:02 am

    People who leave weapons in cars give responsible gun owners a bad name.

    Why would anyone leave a gun in the vehicle rather than have it with them?

    A gun left behind cannot be used to defend yourself.

    A gun not controlled by the owner could be picked up by a child which could be horrific.

  27. Yawn.... on February 16th, 2022 7:59 am

    Anyone surprised?

  28. Bill on February 16th, 2022 7:12 am

    Only irresponsible gun owners will leave their weapon in a vehicle that is unlocked. Think about how many law abiding citizens you have now put in danger with your actions

  29. Debbie on February 16th, 2022 4:46 am

    I’m not trying to make anyone mad but….why why Whyyyyyy does anyone leave their vehicle unlocked . You would have to live on the moon to not know about vehicles getting broken into and it’s almost always the unlocked ones they hit . Then if that’s not bad enough some of the really intelligent people leave a gun in the unlocked vehicle. If they walked out on the robbery in progress they would probably get shot with their own gun . Why folks why leave your vehicles unlocked ????

  30. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on February 16th, 2022 1:57 am

    My dogs, all nine of them, normally are quiet at night. Sleeping peacefully in my bed, some of them, at night. But last night, Monday, all of them suddenly went crazy. Looking out of my bedroom window, I didn’t see anyone, but could hear footsteps running. I let all nine out, and I heard someone hit the chainlink fence. My house sits back about an acre off the street, but is totally fenced, and I do have cameras up, and signs up to let people know, and I also have signs up warning about having the dogs. My Pitt/Lab mix is the sweetest girl in town, but very very very protective with us when she has to be.