FWC Law Enforcement Report

February 4, 2022

The Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following activity:


Officer Allgood observed a vehicle operating with an antlerless deer strapped to the roof. Officer Allgood conducted a traffic stop and proceeded with a resource inspection. During questioning, Officer Allgood determined the deer was not reported on a harvest log. The appropriate citation was issued.

Officer Allgood observed a vehicle returning from Alabama with a trailer and side by side. The trailer did not have trailer lights, so the officer conducted a traffic stop. As he approached the truck, he saw a buck in the truck bed. During the resource inspection, the operator of the vehicle said his son shot the deer in Alabama. Due to Chronic Waste Disease (CWD), it’s against the law to bring a deer into the state unless the meat is deboned. The appropriate citations were issued.

Officers Allgood and Ramos noticed household debris dumped on county property. After a short investigation the officers were able to determine the owner information located at the dump site. They interviewed the owner and the owner’s son admitted to dumping approximately 2,000 pounds of debris. The officers issued the subject a notice to appear for the illegal dumping


K-9 Officer Hutchinson received a complaint of an illegal bait site within the Yellow River State Forest Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The complainant agreed to meet with him and show him the baited hunting stand. Officers Hutchinson and Roberson later met with the complainant who led them to the bait site. After documenting the bait site, the complainant provided them with a vehicle description and tag number belonging to the suspect. The officers contacted the suspect who agreed to meet them at the baited hunting location. Once the suspect arrived, he admitted to placing the bait in the Yellow River WMA. He led the officers to his hunting stand, camera, and the bait that he placed out. After removing his hunting equipment from the area, the subject was issued a Notice to Appear Citation for placing bait within the Yellow River WMA.

K-9 Officer Hutchinson was patrolling the Blackwater Wildlife Management Area (WMA), when he observed a truck parked and blocking half of a forest road. Officer Hutchinson observed hunting equipment sticking out of the back of the truck along with a bow lying in the back window and dried blood on the tail gate. He approached the driver side of the truck and observed a male subject lying in the seat. After contacting him, Officer Hutchinson learned that another male subject was hunting in the woods near the truck. Officer Hutchinson questioned the man about the dried blood and learned that he had harvested an antlerless deer a few days prior. The man admitted to not registering the deer in the State Registry System. The second subject who was hunting nearby approached Officer Hutchinson and confirmed the first subjects’ story about the deer blood. Officer Hutchinson issued a citation to the first subject for not registering the antlerless deer.

This report represents some events the FWC handled during the time period; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. Information provided by FWC.

NorthEscambia.com photo.


6 Responses to “FWC Law Enforcement Report”

  1. DB on February 6th, 2022 5:23 pm

    I’d like to see them around the semi triangle of hwy 99, 99A and 97. Hunting hours are 30 minutes after sunset, not when it’s dark or 7:00! This happens just about every time we r up there! M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su! Doesn’t matter!

  2. William in Beulah on February 4th, 2022 7:16 pm

    @William Reynolds Thank you for your reply! I was wondering why we weren’t seeing them.

  3. William Reynolds on February 4th, 2022 6:59 pm

    “Please keep them coming NorthEscambia.”

    FWC stopped publishing the reports on a regular basis. Hopefully they will be back. We did always run them when they included Escambia or Santa Rosa counties.

  4. Ed on February 4th, 2022 11:21 am

    Thank you for posting these reports again. A lot of them are hilarious in what people are trying to get away with.

  5. Fence Jumper on February 4th, 2022 10:18 am

    Glad to see this new FWC report. I have missed reading about the activity’s and what type of infractions go on in and around our public lands. Either I have missed them or this is the first one in a long time. Please keep them coming NorthEscambia.

  6. Oversight on February 4th, 2022 7:12 am

    Follow the rules and hunting regulations, and your likeness will not end up here. Thank you, FWC for what you do.