FedEx Driver Charged With Carrying A Concealed Weapon

February 4, 2022

A delivery driver from Century has been charged with carrying a concealed weapon.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy was on patrol in the area of Mobile Highway and Lynch Street about 3 a.m. Monday when he observed a Budget box truck leave the Relax Inn with no headlights. The deputy followed the truck and conducted a traffic stop on Citrus Street.

Gaten Tyree Scott, 22, told the deputy that he was in the area looking for his aunt, and he said the rental truck was provided by his job with FedEx, according to an arrest report. Scott advised the deputy that he had a firearm in his pocket and that he had a concealed carry permit.

A records check indicated Scott has never had a concealed carry permit and that the firearm was not stolen. Scott then told the deputy that he had sent in his paperwork about a month ago but had not received his license yet.

Scott called a coworker to retrieve the vehicle, the report states.

He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $1,000 bond.


52 Responses to “FedEx Driver Charged With Carrying A Concealed Weapon”

  1. Adam on February 8th, 2022 10:47 pm

    FedEx’s policy prohibits employees from having firearms or weapons on company property, in company vehicles or in company buildings, unless authorized by FedEx security.

  2. Astounded on February 7th, 2022 9:20 pm

    I am astounded by these comments. The leo did not give him anything. He went out and got it for himself. I cannot believe the total lack of personal responsibility in the country today. Thank you law enforcement. Thank you thank you thank you. I don’t know the facts of this or any other arrest because I have never been arrested. I have numerous guns AND a carry permit. I am responsible for my actions and there are rules for everyone to adhere to to live in a civilized society. Just because you don’t like the law doesn’t mean you don’t have to answer to it. I don’t know any of the facts of this particular case but I read these comments and some of them or asinine.

  3. Adam on February 6th, 2022 5:21 pm

    Jeremiah, I am open for you correcting me on my post. Please tell me where the bravado was. I did not know I had discovered anything. Please take a couple more minutes and let us all know what you are talking about.

  4. Jeremiah on February 6th, 2022 1:07 pm

    @ Adam
    Sir you are 100% incorrect in your alleged discovery.
    Good day.
    Save the bravado sir.

  5. sam on February 6th, 2022 8:29 am

    with his job i can see where he might need to carry. he just needs to follow the law and go though the pain in the backside of getting a permit. true it’s just a way the government gets more money out of us but that’s life.

  6. William in Beulah on February 6th, 2022 7:26 am

    We have a constitution for a reason! Our 2nd amendment rights are being infringed upon by the illegal conceal carry regulations and they are illegal, because the wording in the 2nd amendment is very clear! Bear arms means “to carry on ones person” and keep means “to store at home”!!!

  7. Jr on February 6th, 2022 6:11 am

    Well well well…yes, the 2nd Amendment does say you may take up arms. BUT, there’s laws in this Country we MUST follow…or go to jail. In that area AND at 3am? Hmmm, that’s not a good area AND in a Company vehicle…AND carrying an illegal firearm. I don’t care what these keyboard Warriors say. To LEGALLY CARRY one must be LICENSED. Had this fella of really sent his APPLICATION in he would know they are backed up on issuing permits…THEY TELL YOU THAT WHEN UOU PAY YOUR MONEY! Took me right at 9 months to get mine back. No, I didn’t carry while waiting. Laws are in place for a reason…follow them or go to jail. Do I care if this young man loses his job over this? NO! He was ILLEGALLY carrying and in a bad part of town while driving with his lights off. “Looking for his Aunt”…yeah, ok…I do wish him the best and for him to FOLLOW THE LAWS! It’s that simple…

  8. David Huie Green on February 5th, 2022 11:00 pm

    “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    “The above is a stand-alone sentence in our Constitution”

    That’s how I read it too. I’m not sure there are any laws restricting that right which are lawful since they violate the Constitution. You can punish misuse but not lawful exercise.

  9. Adam on February 5th, 2022 10:14 pm

    Kathy, A records check indicated Scott has never had a concealed carry permit and that the firearm was not stolen. Scott then told the deputy that he had sent in his paperwork about a month ago but had not received his license yet. There is no proof he ever passed a background check. Kathy, where did you get that information? I believe in the 2nd amendment and the right to carry if you are a decent citizen. There also is no telling what would have happened if he had wrecked someone by driving without the headlights on. He was not authorized to drive the van at that time or place. Basically “Larceny after trust”. Look guys, I like guns and trained with an M14. I might want to tote one myself at times. If it and I was legal. Don’t try to excuse this guy thinking it will help your cause, because it won’t.

  10. That’s funny right there. on February 5th, 2022 5:16 pm

    @ Ol’ Skinny. I have lived in Century all my life and don’t remember seeing a Mobile Hwy or a Lynch Street around here so I’m assuming that you must be from here. So next time that you want to put your two cents in and try to make a funny about our town, at least read the story correctly before hand.

  11. Well on February 4th, 2022 8:56 pm

    @ kathy
    Drugs are bad for you.
    Just a little shade that seems fitting.

  12. MtnDewey on February 4th, 2022 8:03 pm

    2nd amendment is your right to keep and bear arms. no CCW needed. concealed weapon permits are a scam for money.

  13. David on February 4th, 2022 6:53 pm

    He had a “concealed” weapon on his person. It’s a shame he did not have it concealed in the glovebox or other allowed location. Florida’s slow process of “Shall Issue” – I hope lawsuits against Florida for delaying the issue of these are deemed in favor of the plaintiffs. For those that don’t know, “concealed” simply means “hidden from ordinary sight”. He should have joined Florida Carry and asked questions in their discussion forum about how he could lawfully carry while waiting. Unfortunately – our laws impede our rights – for now. Even on days I choose to place my everyday carry into my glovebox I have a list of places I must avoid because our government wants it to be illegal. The Post Office, any of the Federal Properties such as the base, the VA, and the Airport — even if just dropping someone off, etc. One day we will all be felons because our laws don’t protect us from criminals but make otherwise law abiding citizens into criminals.

  14. Eric M on February 4th, 2022 5:56 pm

    I’m ex-Army, pro 2nd Amendment… but you have to live within the law. The law says you need a concealed carry permit to carry a a firearm on your person, then get one. I wanted to conceal carry during the months it took to approve mine, but I did not. Instead, I followed the law, which allows you to carry a pistol in your glove box. He could have done the same. Even if the glove box doesn’t shut or lock, it is still allowed.

  15. Kathy on February 4th, 2022 5:46 pm

    @ You lie in the bed you make
    You dont know.
    I do.
    Put up your canvas, your still trying to paint.
    Since you didnt know..why paint a person.
    This isnt dont get a like on here , trying to figure out by posting his arrest why you are acting like you was not trying to jade him?
    Take care
    Good luck with your masterpiece.
    Stop adding shade on the canvas.

  16. James on February 4th, 2022 5:38 pm

    The law in FL is that you have to have a license to CC.
    If you CC with no license, then you are breaking the law.
    Laws exist for a reason.
    If you don’t like the reason for the law, then contact your state representative, or join a politcal campaign to unseat that representative.

    Telling the cop that you have a gun illegally does not get you out of an arrest for the offense you admitted to. Furthermore, he lied to the cop about his license, and cops generally don’t appreciate being lied to.

    Break law – Get caught – Pay the price

    It’s REAL simple.

  17. Stumpknocker on February 4th, 2022 4:48 pm

    @Avg Joe, if you drive a car your required to present license when asked, hunting the same way as well as carrying a concealed firearm. It’s not up to law enforcement to go
    Look for what you are responsible of having. Also we have no knowledge of the entire circumstances, meaning complete criminal history. It’s very easy to what if when someone else is doing the work.

  18. Avg Joe on February 4th, 2022 4:06 pm

    I wonder if any thought was given by the Officer to seize the firearm release the man do some more investigating to determine if he had in fact applied for a concealed carry. If the man violated the law prepare a warrant for judicial review and once the warrant has been signed by a judge then make the arrest. This course of action could save tax payer a lot of money and resolve a lot of concerned questions. At least the man was honest letting the officer know he had a firearm in his pocket. It would seem to me the one that don’t tell officers they are armed would be is the one to be most concerned about!

  19. You lie in the bed you make on February 4th, 2022 3:52 pm

    At the beginning of my comment I stated that I did not know the outcome of his court case.
    I suggest you also do your homework because…..
    Nolle Prosequi does NOT mean you are not guilty. He could have a Nolle Prosequi because other evidence turned up showing he was innocent, or because witnesses refused to cooperate or because the prosecutor didn’t have quite enough evidence at the time to convict. Unless you know what was behind the Nolle Prosequi then you don’t know whether he is guilty or not and I will admit neither do I. I sincerely hope this guy learns from his past trouble and this trouble and starts making better decisions.

  20. Cindy on February 4th, 2022 1:29 pm

    He was not concealing conceal..means hide..he did not hide the gun..he on his own told the officer he had one and gave that kittle tidbit of pertinent info to the officer.
    How do you conceal when the officer did not know and the man had to tell the officer that.
    This was a poor decision to make an arrest on something in the nature of the way it unfolded.
    This too will not be the last case he was arrested for.
    If you a gun at a vendor. Lay it on the seat next to you and lay anything on top of it so it will not be seen…head home..get pulled over..are you a felon? Are you hiding it from LEO?
    You should be arrested because a LEO pulled you over and you voluntarily tell him or her where its at? Make you now a felon?
    There was not criminal intent.
    Keep in mind you didnt have a conceal permit on the gun you just bought..are you guilty..NO
    Perhaps a ticket for no lights on for the much for de escalation and carry it to escalation.
    I support the man on this.
    This is a railroad situation after the officer ran his name and concluded he was a bad guy because he had been arrested before..albeit wrongfully…and apparently found not guilty.

  21. Kathy on February 4th, 2022 12:56 pm

    @You lie in the bed you make
    Finish your comment:
    All 4 cases- were Nolle prosequi is a Latin phrase meaning “will no longer prosecute” or a variation on the same. It amounts to a dismissal of charges by the prosecution.
    He also was not convicted..
    He was found not guilty!
    Do your homework before you paint a picture thinking your Picasso!

  22. DE on February 4th, 2022 12:52 pm

    Thank you deputy for patrolling our streets and keeping us safe at 3:00am in the morning while we sleep soundly in our beds. Everyone knows the law and you CAN NOT carry a concealed firearm without a background check and lawfully issued permit. As far as the individual that decided to hang out at sleazy hotels at 3:00am in his work truck……we can all expect he was up to something no good.

    Thanks again to our wonderful dedicated police officers working while we sleep !

  23. D. Flowers on February 4th, 2022 12:36 pm

    “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    The above is a stand-alone sentence in our Constitution.

  24. You lie in the bed you make on February 4th, 2022 12:15 pm

    Apparently there may be more to the story. I don’t know what the outcome of the court case was in 2018 but this isn’t his first arrest. According to ECSO Jail, He had charges in 2018 for aggravated assault, battery, kidnap/false imprisonment, obstruction of justice. Im thinking he won’t be getting a permit anytime soon. Some people make their own problems by making poor choices. He knew better than to be driving a company truck with the lights off at 3:00 am in a high crime area, carrying a gun he did not have a permit for. I think the officer did the right thing according to the current law.

  25. Jj on February 4th, 2022 11:18 am

    Pass constitutional carry now!…. The government has no right to make you pay them money for you to carry a firearm, if you’re allowed to buy it your allowed to carry… Shame on this cop

  26. Teacher on February 4th, 2022 11:18 am

    Gaten is a really good guy and a hardworker. It’s sad that one small mistake will probably cost him his job. I wish more law enforcement officers would give warnings for situations like this instead of immediately arresting people. No one gets a chance anymore.

  27. Kathy on February 4th, 2022 11:01 am

    What a nice way for LEO to create a felon for life.
    Young man passed a background check for the gun purchase…passed the background check for FedEx….what a terrible person he is.
    The officer must have been on a donut glaze high.
    Dont natter the man was doing in his own transport van…or Fedex van..his car..truck.
    Created a problem when there was none.
    I agree 100% with Carl.

  28. Adam on February 4th, 2022 10:55 am

    To “it’s ok” Sounds to me like he is the one you need protection from. Driving without headlights, in a known drug and prostitution area with a gun.

  29. William 2 on February 4th, 2022 10:43 am

    @J The concealed weapon permit requirements are against the 2nd amendment and therefore is ILLEGAL, regardless of what the nanny government says!!!! THIS WILL NOT END UNTIL WE STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS GIVEN BY THE FOUNDERS!!!

  30. JD on February 4th, 2022 10:12 am

    So freaking glad that the wonderful deputy by arresting this man stopped all the crime in the county by this arrest (sarcasm). Exactly why some people get a case of iritation with law enforcement overdoing it or not enough. In that high crime area he was in you dang right I’d been packing. I drive thru there every morning before daylight on the way to work. My advice to the cop on this is to hang out in that area a little longer and you can catch an actual crime happening that’s worth arresting someone for.

  31. Swampfox on February 4th, 2022 10:12 am

    @ Kenneth Shaw
    You nailed it !

  32. Law Yes on February 4th, 2022 10:12 am

    He was 45-50 miles from home at 3am in a company truck in a CRIME AREA. YOU think he gets workman comp if he got shot or a medal from FedEx if he shot someone. Thankyou LEO

  33. Bewildered on February 4th, 2022 10:08 am

    Anyone driving/walking/hanging out in that area of town at 3 am is out looking for trouble!

  34. Northman on February 4th, 2022 10:05 am

    Maybe y’all should read about his charges before defending this hero

  35. Walt Deal on February 4th, 2022 10:03 am

    He doesn’t need a carry permit. The US Constitution, 2nd Amendment is all the permit he requires. Any and all laws that infringe upon the right of a US Citizen to both own and carry a firearm are unconstitutional and illegal.

  36. Carl on February 4th, 2022 9:58 am

    Its all about the goverment getting their piece of the pie money.
    Remember prohibition government says then give me some money and you can buy and sell spirits all day long..liquor licenses sales tax. Pot…you can do that long as you buy a pot card and pay tax on the pot. Your right to carry by the constitution..YOUR pay the government a carry license with paying for the license and taxes to carry. We fight our own government every time they want to attach a tax .

  37. anonymous on February 4th, 2022 9:41 am

    @ol’skinny @kenneth shaw…I agree…. this is hastling the public at it’s finest. The officer could have used discretion better in this instance… We have a hiring shortage and you gave the fedex man a felony so he can’t find good quality work in the future? He’s only 22 years old and he’s a felon now…???

  38. J s on February 4th, 2022 9:21 am

    I’ve dealt with this guy delivering to me….very nice guy….BUT the law is the law. My daughter and son in law had to take and pay for the concealed weapons class. Hes no better even if he has to wait for the certificate before carrying.. the law did there job. Its because of all the shootings makes it really hard for everyone even the law. Hopefully he didn’t lose his job…no matter what he was doing over there at 3 a.m thats his business

  39. anonymous on February 4th, 2022 9:15 am

    @ol’skinny I agree…. this is hastling the public at it’s finest. The officer could have used discretion better in this instance… We have a hiring shortage and you gave the fedex man a felony so he can’t find good quality work in the future? He’s only 22…

  40. ccw on February 4th, 2022 8:53 am

    So let me get this right, he applied for the permit, but had not received it. That makes it ok?????? MAYBE THE PERMIT WAS NOT APPROVED.

    So I apply for a licence to sell something, so while i’m waiting , IT IS OK TO SELL IT ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Paul on February 4th, 2022 8:32 am

    The constitutional carry law isn’t here yet.
    He jumped the gun on that one. ;)

  42. Red on February 4th, 2022 8:23 am

    So much for having police that uphold the constitution…there may be more to the story but at the end of the day if what the article says is true this man should have NEVER been arrested for carrying a firearm without a permit.

  43. NobodyInParticular on February 4th, 2022 8:11 am

    Imagine thinking that somebody should be arrested for NOT HURTING ANYBODY.

  44. Kenneth Shaw on February 4th, 2022 7:52 am

    I’m judging his actions because that was not called for. This is why I whole heartedly believe there should be no licensing requirement to carry. He wasn’t committing a real crime. I’m sure this was a new deputy that was excited that he got to arrest someone. This is also one of the reason our hardworking LEOs get such a bad wrap. Write him a citation for not having headlights, warn him about the current handgun laws and send him on his way. Instead you take a hard working young man and ruin his career and possibly life.

  45. Mayjem on February 4th, 2022 7:48 am

    Yes, it’s good he was upfront about carrying the weapon and yes, it’s good he has a job. However, did he have permission from his employer to use the truck for personal business? I didn’t see where it says he lost his job, but alone could be grounds for termination. Is that assumed? Driving without headlights, especially at that time of night, would also be another red flag to me that there’s much more to the story. Thank you ECSO for being vigilant.

  46. Dan on February 4th, 2022 7:43 am

    @ ok skinny you are what’s wrong with this country. A person gets caught breaking the law and you don’t blame the criminal you blame the police that caught him

  47. Not Thinking on February 4th, 2022 7:41 am

    @ Ol’ Skinny

    ECSD is doing its job and the arrested cost himself his job. I will bet a paycheck he was not out delivering FedEx packages at 3 a.m. on Lynch and Mobile Hwy, while in the company vehicle; however, FYI there are lots of drug and prostitution activity there. By his own admission he was “looking for an aunt”, which doesn’t pass the smell test even for a casual observer. Yes, ECSO could have handled this differently, and so could the young man, agree? But with all the gun shootings happening, they are not likely to wink and blink on illegal conceal carry of a firearm.

  48. Buzzer on February 4th, 2022 7:33 am

    Well done ‘ol Skinny. Were you there? Do you always sit in the safety of your house and judge everyone’s actions? I have a suspicion that nothing makes you happy and you actually look for trouble in public places and live to make a scene. Also, have an adult read you the article again and explain it to you sentence by sentence.

  49. Maggie on February 4th, 2022 7:27 am

    Hmm. I hope there was more to the story, otherwise I agree with the previous comments. Any person who is honest about it up front would have gotten a pass from me. AND he has a job! That should be applauded, not ruined.

  50. Not Thinking on February 4th, 2022 7:24 am

    Most likely he’s now a “former” FedEx driver. And “if” he had an application pending for a CWP, that will get rejected too. Come on man, think straight.

  51. Ol' Skinny on February 4th, 2022 6:40 am

    Well done ECSD …. you just cost this young man his job. 3am in Century, I would have a gun in each pocket! He was forthright, told the deputy he had it and still chose to make an arrest. This could have been handled in a much better way.

  52. it's ok on February 4th, 2022 1:45 am

    In that neighborhood, he should get a free pass to carry for his protection.