Escambia BOCC Moves Toward First Development On OLF-8 In Beulah

February 11, 2022

The Escambia County Commission took a major step forward Thursday in the development of the OLF-8 property on Nine Mile Road in Beulah.

The commission declared 84.47 acres of the property as surplus (indicated by hatch marks in the graphic above), allowing the county to sell it for a “town center” with mixed-use commercial, high-density residential and more — essentially jumpstarting development on the project.

Commissioner Steven Barry said, receiving support from other commissioners, he would entertain any unsolicited offers for the entire 500 plus acres.

“Let’s stick the for sale sign in the ground and divest it,” Barry said. “Let’s see what the private sector has to offer out there.”

“I’d be all ears,” Commissioner Jeff Bergosh said.

He said commissioners could make decisions based upon not just current offers, but the future benefits and taxable value of development offers.

The commission unanimously approved a motion to declare the 84.47 acres as surplus and name the board and as the selection committee to review offers.


15 Responses to “Escambia BOCC Moves Toward First Development On OLF-8 In Beulah”

  1. MtnDewey on February 15th, 2022 4:10 pm

    better get your first responders up and running. more of this construction and still not much on St. 2. better start hiring and training now to supplement these areas. Of course the BOCC is too busy with ethics hearings and other nonsense.

  2. William Lingo on February 14th, 2022 7:31 pm

    @Beulah Man, Thank you for your reply. Since there isn’t a legend to the map, the only area I understand is the one with the hash marks and that’s only because it is mentioned in the article. The numbers I’m assuming are representing the acreage of each parcel.

  3. BeulahMan on February 14th, 2022 8:09 am

    @William Lingo, if you look at the bottom left hand corner of that map it appears they are preserving the wetlands. This was one of my concerns during the initial planning phase. I believe there are talks of adding even more ponds and some walkways where we can go and enjoy the wetlands. From what I can see from 9mile it really is a beautiful place with some beautiful bald cypress, lilies, and beaver dams. I will be very sad if this is not the case though.

  4. SueB on February 13th, 2022 10:08 am

    Move the SW SPORTS COMPLEX to this site in Beulah. Then CC Bergosh can be “all ears” and experience the sounds.

  5. Russell on February 12th, 2022 8:42 am

    This is corporate leadership doing its best to favor special interests. If we let them they will develop every square inch mark my words.

  6. StraightShooter on February 11th, 2022 9:48 pm

    All that money we paid to get the Santa Rosa landing field built and again taxpayers loose, developers win.

  7. William Lingo on February 11th, 2022 7:06 pm

    What about the wetlands on the property? WHY IS THAT NOT BEING PROTECTED!!!! I have witnessed both the state and county working to try and drain it,. Thats not acceptable, they’re even attacking the beavers who’ve lived there long before Beulah became a thing. PROTECT OUR NATURAL WETLANDS!!!

  8. Susie on February 11th, 2022 2:56 pm

    I think most people knew (or should have known) now that Navy Federal is there and 9 mile Road has been widened more homes and businesses would follow. That’s usually how it goes. If people think this is a spur of the moment idea, they are sadly mistaken.

  9. Reader Of Things on February 11th, 2022 11:30 am

    “where is the $$$ propertytax from all this land being sold???”

    There’s not any tax revenue NOW, because it’s owned by the county. When it’s sold, THEN there will be tax revenue. So selling it gets us tax revenue.

  10. concerned on February 11th, 2022 10:01 am

    born and raised here pensacola is moving way to fast traffic is so bad before long it will be bumper to bumper stop building we have enough going on. take the new construction up to places where there isn’t very many people .

  11. Henry Coe on February 11th, 2022 9:09 am

    As long as we get all the over development done before we build the interstate access off Beulah Rd. As a Beulah resident I’m looking forward to a few more stop lights and getting back to sitting in traffic on 9 Mile Rd.

  12. HAPPY ANGEL on February 11th, 2022 8:46 am

    where is the $$$ propertytax from all this land being sold???

  13. Lorene on February 11th, 2022 7:22 am

    That’s a great idea, 9 Mile Rd doesn’t have enough traffic yet !
    Have the county commissioners given any thought to where future hurricane debris would be dumped to mulch up ? But this would require planning ahead.

  14. Olin Schultz on February 11th, 2022 7:09 am

    Well so much for moving to the country to get away from city life. I guess we can move further North or West into Alabama. So sad!

  15. Honest John on February 11th, 2022 6:21 am

    Every piece of property will soon be developed along 9 Mile Rd.