Trial Date Set For Mom In Tate High School Homecoming Queen Scandal

January 21, 2022

A trial date has been set for the former school official accused of accessing student information to help her daughter win the Tate High School homecoming queen crown.

Laura Carroll appeared in an Escambia County courtroom Thursday, with her request for continuance denied. Carroll’s attorney argued for the continuance because they have not seen Verizon records and information from Google accounts.

Prosecutors said  Carroll was offered a plea deal that she rejected — plead guilty to one felony and received probation, while the other felony charges would be dropped.

Jury selection was set to begin on January 31. Carroll faces up to 16 years in prison if convicted on all counts.

Carroll, former assistant principal at Bellview Elementary School, and her daughter Emily Rose Grover were charged by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement with one count each of felony offenses against users of computers, computer systems, computer networks, and electronic devices; felony unlawful use of a two-way communications device, felony criminal use of personally identifiable information, and conspiracy to commit these offenses.

Grover is entering a pre-trial diversion program that, if successfully completed, will result in the charges against being dismissed.

Both were accused of illegally accessing the Escambia County School District FOCUS computer system and casting 246 votes for Tate homecoming queen in the fall of 2020. Grover won, but she was later expelled. photo (left) and Escambia County Jail photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Trial Date Set For Mom In Tate High School Homecoming Queen Scandal”

  1. Rico on January 23rd, 2022 9:24 pm

    You folks need to check yourselves and STOP judging this girl. Remember, “he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

  2. judy on January 23rd, 2022 8:20 am

    “jerry” How do we know that the daughter did not just steal her mother’s password and do this felony all by herself. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty. I do not know either of these women, but all the comments seem like you know that the Mom is guilty.

    The daughter was telling every one around what the had done, and the Mamadid not deny helping the daughter, The girl was NOT smart enough to do this without help and inspiration!

  3. Tate dad on January 22nd, 2022 1:19 pm

    I thought very highly of you Emily,
    however your lack of remorse has made me rethink what kind if person I want my child to be friends with.

  4. Lee on January 21st, 2022 5:36 pm

    Seems lying and cheating are skills some parents actually TEACH their kids. What employer will want to hire either of these women? Reputations ruined over something as silly as a popularity contest. Seems we’d be past that kind of nonsense at schools anyway.

  5. cchgn on January 21st, 2022 3:20 pm

    NO! NEVER take a plea deal, if you are NOT GUILTY! Also, ALWAYS take “trial by jury”.
    I was recently acquitted on felony assault charges that were FALSE . The “victim” was the actual assaulter and he and TWO cops lied on the stand. The PD I had tried to get me to take a plea deal and I refused and left it to the TRUTH. Well the truth is, the “victim” attacked me first and tried to choke me out, from the front and in the process of me ripping his hands off my throat, several times, put four nice scratches on each side of my neck. The arresting (me) cops said they didn’t see anything, but when the wounds scabbed over, it was REAL obvious. So I had pictures taken of them and when the jury saw those wounds, it was over. Then, my lawyer let them tell their made up stories and then showed them the pictures and asked the “victim” how they got there, he had no answer and then to the two cops, how could they not see those wounds? THEY had no answer. The jury deliberated less than a half hour. The cops were fired, in exchange for me not suing them and the county (Santa Rosa) for the whole thing and 90 days in jail. The “victim” was charged with purgery, filing a false report, lying to the cops, felony assault and a couple other things.

  6. jerry on January 21st, 2022 2:49 pm

    How do we know that the daughter did not just steal her mother’s password and do this felony all by herself. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty. I do not know either of these women, but all the comments seem like you know that the Mom is guilty. Let the jury decide.

  7. Maybe on January 21st, 2022 1:17 pm

    Maybe if her mom goes to prison for a few years she’ll learn her lesson. Judge may have gave her a slap on the wrist but it would be a slap in the face to lose your mom for even 5+ years, which quite frankly is exactly what they both need (consequences for their actions!) They had complete access to thousands of students personal private information, if you ask me this shouldn’t be taken lightly.

  8. Just Me on January 21st, 2022 8:20 am

    Guilty need to stand up and except what she has coming! Only way the daughter knew she could cast votes for herself by using other students accounts was because Mother helped her pull it offf!

  9. Anne on January 21st, 2022 7:20 am

    This woman exposed the complete data of every kid in Escambia County Public Schools.
    Sharing her password and helping her daughter win homecoming queen was just not really smart.
    How would you feel if your kid’s data — or yours as the parent — was exposed or used by others due to the illegal, unethical and criminal uses this woman provided.
    Daughter is getting a slap on the wrist for some reason. No kid shouldn’t go to prison but there should be something more than a tarnished crown to teach her right from wrong.

  10. Imagine on January 21st, 2022 7:15 am

    Imagine hacking the school to win, and still losing. LOL.

    Really hope they make a example of this woman since her daughter continues to smirk even when getting her pic taken in the county jail.

  11. Jr on January 21st, 2022 6:05 am

    Well, she had her chance to plead out and get this over with. We all know she’s guilty or is she going to allow her daughter to take all the blame? I hope they make an example of this woman. Teaching a child that it’s ok to cheat through life is a terrible example to show. Probably not thinking she did anything wrong but some are just wired to be this way…THROW THE BOOK AT HER!

  12. Master Mechanic on January 21st, 2022 2:11 am

    Should of taken plea deal