Murderer Accused Of Assaulting Multiple Century Correctional Officers

January 17, 2022

An inmate at Century Correctional Institution has been accused of assaulting corrections officers during two different incident.

According to the Florida Department of Corrections, inmate Kunta Porter assaulted officers by striking them in the face. About a month later, FDC says Porter assaulted an officer by throwing a book which struck them in the face, and he also spat on them.

In both incidents, the FDC said staff responded appropriately, and the inmate was subdued.

Porter, 44, is serving six life sentences for murder, robbery and kidnapping in a Pinellas County case.


11 Responses to “Murderer Accused Of Assaulting Multiple Century Correctional Officers”

  1. Elizabeth on January 21st, 2022 9:08 am

    @Nina White-Hodge

    What a ridiculous statement. I thought I’d read some crazy stuff on this platform but this one takes the cake. Judges don’t hand out 6 life sentences for minor infractions.

    Go ahead and become a corrections officer and YOU can rehabilitate. Let us know how that turns out. (if you survive it).

  2. Nina White-Hodge on January 18th, 2022 5:25 pm

    I have read all of the comments and I believe what is missing is motivation. If there were no life sentences or if there was an opportunity for someone to overturn a life sentence through rehabilitation, meaning if they change their behavior then they could earn the right to have their freedom again, you would see a change. When people sit with nothing to lose or nothing to gain they don’t care because there’s nothing to lose. Opportunities to rehabilitate should always be there. Florida has the highest rate of wrongful incarceration. We really don’t know this gentleman story. All we know is that he was placed in prison without the opportunity to change his destiny. If we create a system that allows an opportunity to turn his life around and change his sentence, we’ll see changes in his behavior.

  3. Mike J. on January 18th, 2022 10:49 am

    Glad to see more people agreeing with me on capital punishment.

    Every convicted murderer should be executed in only a few years, not 20-30 years. The method of execution should be similar to how they killed their victims.

    As mentioned by those LEO and CO here, Hardened criminals convicted on life sentence have nothing to lose. They will continue to be cruel and evil to those around them. Taxpayers should not have to fund their food, housing, health care, and security for 30 years or more. And run the risk of escaping or win parole to get out and hurt more people. That’s what they will do.

  4. Jeff on January 17th, 2022 11:23 pm

    Well I’ve read all the messages left. Well let me tell from the other side as a CO that has worked at Century Prison we had less rights inmates can curse us out make threats refuse to do as they are told and nothing happens to them and they don’t care because they have nothing to lose most of them will die behind those gates. They can get tablets to get online. Things need to change I’ve been threatened of body harm but if we bark back they right a grieves form.

  5. Carola on January 17th, 2022 10:47 pm

    Just wipe the smirk off his face! How do you do it?
    Somebody will figure it out.

  6. Dale on January 17th, 2022 7:36 pm

    I think Presenters have it to easy. if they go to jail they should do hard time and if they are convicted of murder give them the death penalty. And the death penalty should be carried out within 6 months.

  7. David on January 17th, 2022 5:18 pm

    To Concerned Citizen, I highly agree with your statement. To many of these inmates, and I am an ex law enforcement officer as well as being a jailer, so do speak from experience, I have heard them say that “I can do life standing on my head.” They become more hardened the longer that they stay in. If the death penalty was carried out in a very timrely manner, it would certainly be a deterrent for a lot of criminals who are either getting fat in jail, or being flushed back out back on our streets where they resume their life of crime .

  8. Concerned Citizen on January 17th, 2022 3:24 pm

    This fellow is a great example for why we need Capital Punishment. Think what will happen if this animal escapes and is lose to act at will on the public

  9. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on January 17th, 2022 10:22 am

    This is just my opinion. When the government took over and told us how to raise our kids, meaning they couldn’t be spanked, or corrected for bad behavior, or else the parents faces jail time. Kids know this, so this generation know they can do what they want. Murder, robberies, beat up someone, destroy property, steal. The list goes on and on. I know that times have changed, but when I was growing up, I got the belt, spanked, and I had to go out and pick my switch from the peach tree. I learn not to do that again. It wasn’t all the time, but when I messed up, I got punished. Seems like every time the government steps in, just makes a huge mess of things.

  10. James on January 17th, 2022 9:18 am

    Great example to support doing away with lifetime prison sentences and expediting capital punishment cases. This guy will be bound in prison the remainder of his days so he essentially receives a free pass on any future crimes short of a death sentence punishment. It’s ridiculous to support these types of criminals for the remainder of their lives. It’s equally ridiculous for these felons to receive capital punishment sentences yet sit on death row for 30+ years, often dying of natural causes rather than face their judgement. Persons are afforded a speedy trial; likewise, when found guilty, they should receive a speedy punishment.

  11. Master Mechanic on January 17th, 2022 1:08 am

    He’d serve his life sentences in the Hole / Solitary. Not open for disscussion murderer