Latest Numbers: Escambia Had 3,913 New COVID-19 Cases Over The Last Week

January 22, 2022

There were 3,913 new COVID-19 cases reported over the last week in Escambia County, according to the Florida Department of Health report. There were 5,010 cases reported during the previous week.

Here is the latest data from FDOH and the CDC:

Escambia County cases:

Total cases: 69,752 (+3,913)
Positivity rate last week: 46.14%
Current Case Rate per 100k: 1,230
People vaccinated: 167,928 (+655)
Vaccination rate (age 5+): 57.2%
New hospital admissions: 284
Current hospitalizations (as of Friday): 239
Total deaths last 7 days: <10

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases: 41,926 (+3,119)
Positivity rate last week: 45.71%
Current Case Rate per 100k: 1,688
People vaccinated: 97,533 (+341)
Vaccination rate (age 5+): 55.3%
New hospital admissions: 30
Total deaths last 7 days: <10

Statewide cases:

Florida resident cases: 5,280,903 (+289,204)
Case positivity rate: 26.8%
Case Rate per 100k: 1,958
Deaths: 63,763 (+140)


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