FPL Completes Gulf Power Integration; Customers To See Bill Increase

January 4, 2022

Florida Power & Light Company and Gulf Power Company have integrated and are now doing business as Florida Power & Light Company in Northwest Florida.

Former Gulf Power customers will see an increase of nearly $7 per month on their bills in January due to the increasing cost of natural gas.

Panhandle customers will see a near-term rate increase, but a reduction in the long term. The rate plan will directly support the largest solar buildout in the United States, including 16 million solar panels across more than 50 new sites. The company said that is enough to power one million homes.

The total increase in 2022 for the typical residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours per month will be about $15 per month.

Former Gulf Power customers will now use the FPL.com website and log in with their existing username and password to manage their account. The FPL app will also be available for download to provide customers with instant, secure access to their accounts. In addition, customers will be able to report an outage through the website and app.

FPL will also rebrand Gulf Power office buildings, trucks and uniforms with the FPL logo over the coming months. During this transition period, customers may see employee uniforms and vehicles with either the FPL logo or Gulf Power logo.


29 Responses to “FPL Completes Gulf Power Integration; Customers To See Bill Increase”

  1. Laura Soderlane on March 11th, 2022 11:58 pm

    I was asking everyone at home if they were connecting more devices. It was not that we’re using more energy. We’re just paying more! We have no control over what we pay to these monopolies.

  2. JD on February 19th, 2022 12:49 pm

    The $7 price increase for 1000 kWh is a joke. It is at least $30 more for 1000kWh, and it just gets worse as you go up. It is easy to figure that out by looking at the past Kwh usage and how much it was on the graph at FPL’s website. I am surprised they are allowing the past usage stats to be on their website. They are probably forced to do that by regulations. Last July I used almost the exact same kWh’s that I used this January, approx. 1400 Kwh, and the bill was $40 more. This is just the beginning of FPL’s new “service.” If they are this bold at the beginning, what is coming? Usually, companies like this will begin by trying to win the hearts of the customers and then slowly increase the rates. Not this one!

    FPL even had the nerve to send me a letter a few months ago during the transition from Gulf Power congratulating me on my upcoming price decrease, lolol. No kidding! Not only are they squeezing us all for more money for their ridiculous “green agenda” and outrageous salaries for executives, but then they they want to tell us how fortunate we are to get shafted by them.

    I always liked Gulf Power. People who complained about them will be wishing they never sold. These guys are something altogether worse in every way. They are a giant cash cow for tons of executives and they can legally rob us blind. Only judgment day will expose all of this greed for what it is. Old Widows and the poor will suffer while execs make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year and live in solar powered mansions so they don’t have to steal from themselves.

    Someone here said, “why isn’t everyone going solar?” The answer is that it is ridiculously expensive. Even with a tax credit it would take me at least 50 years to save enough money for it to be worth it, and that is only if I stay in the same house for the next 50 years. We have never lived in the same place for more than 10 years, so it would cost us tens of thousands extra to go solar. No thanks.

  3. Armywife on February 14th, 2022 12:01 pm

    My dads electric bill went from 300 to 700. He’s a widower and his thermostat is set on 64. He’s alone and doesn’t really cook, this is insane!!!! He can’t afford this on a fixed income.

  4. Gary from PCB on February 12th, 2022 5:06 pm

    How lucky we are to have FPL instead of Gulf Pwer now – NOT!!!!
    What a joke

  5. Jessica on February 3rd, 2022 9:39 am

    Our Dec bill was 195 and our Jan bill was 432! We have gas heat that we have only turned on 3 times. This is insane.

  6. Allan on February 3rd, 2022 5:25 am

    I work very diligently to keep my energy usage low(around 650kwh a month) so that my bill stays cheap. My last bill was $62.84 my new projected bill will be $120 plus… double doesn’t feel like a 15 dollar increase. Lies.

  7. Jon S. on January 24th, 2022 6:16 pm

    Bill increased by $99. Absolutely insane. What a heck of a time to increase power bill! Maybe slowly ease the increase or just leave it alone my god some of the people on here are having theirs DOUBLE!! No excuse for that kind of increase!!

  8. Kenneth on January 24th, 2022 11:36 am

    Last bill 130 this one coming 286

  9. Connie on January 22nd, 2022 7:53 pm

    My last Gulf Power bill last month was $136.75. My first FPL bill this month is $274.13. I’m furious. The increase of $137.38 is more than my entire last month’s bill. Looks like the $7 increase was a flat-out lie.

  10. Charlie on January 9th, 2022 6:37 pm

    I just got my new electric bill by email. It went up $50 for the same amount of usage kilowatts as last month.

  11. fisherman on January 6th, 2022 11:03 pm

    @ Michelle Davis
    I am sorry for the increase in your power bill same thing happened to me once. I found out when my heating element came on to heat the house the electricity use was enormous. This is what I done. I only turned the heat on prior to taking a shower and off when finished. When I went to bed turned thermostat to like 55 so heat didn’t come on during the night slept with blankets. Turned heat back on first thing in morning to warm hose for 15 minutes or so. I made other changes and found out they worked. My power bill went back to normal. Check the number of KILOWATTS you are using each day and make adjustment to power your use. When central heat is used it only takes a few days for your bill to increase.

  12. Michelle Davis on January 6th, 2022 12:06 pm

    $138 dollar increase – that’s way more than $7 – this is RIDICULOUS and my bill is over $450 now. NOT HAPPY.

  13. fisherman on January 6th, 2022 9:48 am

    Does anyone know why when you logon to FPL Northwest and hit the billing and history report it pops up with all the information and then disappears. Any information would be appreciated.

  14. D.B. on January 5th, 2022 10:40 pm

    To David Rogers,
    I haven’t gone solar because I don’t want screw holes in my roof! I’m afraid my roof will eventually leak like home solar sun roofs eventually do.

  15. David Rogers on January 5th, 2022 8:57 pm

    Why has everyone not gone solar with a battery back up do you can tell them bye bye

  16. KB on January 5th, 2022 10:52 am

    William do you know when the online services “Projected Bill” and “Daily Usage” for the current month will be available? I try to keep up so I can budget and not be surprised by my bill.

  17. Donnie on January 5th, 2022 10:18 am

    Very welcome @ fisherman and everyone has numbers now to contact the crooks – FPL Northwest. FPL is ranked the highest and best electric utility company in Florida. But a high price utility bill comes with that.

  18. Mike J. on January 5th, 2022 9:39 am

    @TW, I logged in using the same userid/password with no problems. My account is all there and history as well.
    Have a nice day! :-)

  19. NW Molino on January 4th, 2022 10:37 pm

    Well folks Southern sold Gulf to even bigger crooks. First we paid for hurricanes, as if we wanted them. Then we paid for the scrubbers at Crist Plant. All the time we paid for stock options & unbelievable bonuses for executives, managers, supervisors. Then we paid rate increases to maintain the proper rate of return for investors. We paid for wasteful practices and upgrading the system we have no control over. Finally we paid for worthless management buyouts so they could escape the FPL headhunters. Oh I forgot! The land buying scam by Southern to build a nuclear plant on Escambia River!

    Now the Biden supporting crooks of FPL have taken over. When they first came in they were going to lower our rates. Then they slashed jobs and got rid of people by cutting employees so don’t think they are thru and don’t think the rates will go down. FPL is ruthless to say the least, cold blooded and have ten times the executives Gulf had. Look up the financial documents of their executives and you will see the truth.

  20. fisherman on January 4th, 2022 9:50 pm

    I want to thank you for supplying this information to me the entire community. Greatly appreciated. I gave up looking after a two hour search there were way too many phone numbers for FPL and I couldn.t figure which one were which.
    Once again THANK YOU !!!!!!!

  21. Citizen on January 4th, 2022 4:30 pm

    Coal is a nonrenewable resource and is running out fast. That is why the change to solar and other green energies is a NECESSITY now.

  22. Donnie on January 4th, 2022 4:01 pm

    800-226-3545 Customer Service account information

    800-468-8243 report an outage or problems with your electric service

    additional numbers I have located:


    I called 800-226-3545 and asked if the mailing address for online automatic payments out of your bank account was the same. The representative said yes but make sure you change the recipient from Gulf Power to FPL NORTHWEST.

  23. fisherman on January 4th, 2022 12:21 pm

    When logging in you have to select the FPL Northwest Region or you won’t be able tp log in. The bill pay and history pops up with info and disappears . If any one(William) out there knows all the current phone numbers for FPL Northwest Fl would you please post them .Customer Service/ Report Outages and other helpful numbers. It would have been very helpful if the would have just kept the same phone numbers as Gulf Power..

  24. ensley boy on January 4th, 2022 12:09 pm

    When they switched Plant Crist to natural gas, they said our bill would be cheaper. Who would have thought they would lie to us….oh well. they need to bring back the coal.

  25. Beach Boy on January 4th, 2022 9:56 am

    What’s with all these increases?? We’ve had several increases since Sally only 18 months ago. Wish we could get a decent increase in SS without increase for medicare!! Everybody want’s an increase. So how are we to pay for all these increases and still enjoy doing what we want to do???? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

  26. TW on January 4th, 2022 9:27 am

    No, i just completed the log in process and I definitely had to create an account with FPL, it would not let me use my existing username and password. You just need to make sure you have your account number which i could find on the FPL website under account look up

  27. FPL Solar on January 4th, 2022 9:17 am

    I’m glad FPL will be investing more in solar. Going forward when these annoying solar panel solicitors knock on my door I’ll tell them I already have solar with FPL.

  28. J.Larry Seale on January 4th, 2022 9:10 am

    let’s all stand up and give Southern
    Company a big pat on the back or what every.
    Because of Southern POOR leadership they
    had to sell gulf power to make up for there
    costly mistakes in Mississippi and Gerogia…..
    Its too late to wish for our coal fired power
    plant and ( fair rates) back……….


  29. Diane on January 4th, 2022 4:24 am

