Escambia Relaunches Dashboard To Track Local COVID-19 Hospitalizations

January 4, 2022

Due to a rising number of COVID-19 hospitalizations, Escambia County has relaunched a COVID-19  dashboard.

On Monday, there were 104 people hospitalized in Escambia County due to coronavirus, two of which were under age 18. By Tuesday, there were 114 adults and no children hospitalized for COVID-19 in the county.

“As we mentioned previously, we will reimplement the COVID-19 dashboard if local hospitalizations reach 50 or higher,” said Escambia County Public Safety Director Eric Gilmore. “Unfortunately, we have reached over 100 hospitalizations in a quick time frame. We are going to continue to monitor the local hospitalizations daily, as well as provide weekly updates to the death count provided by the CDC. Our hope is that we see this number drop below 50 again very soon.”


5 Responses to “Escambia Relaunches Dashboard To Track Local COVID-19 Hospitalizations”

  1. Warren on January 6th, 2022 12:39 pm

    This is really at its core is about concern and fear. The unvaccinated, with few exceptions, fear the vaccine, predominant medical experts, the government, etc. Then, those of us who are vaccinated and boosted our concern and fear is directed to a virus that has killed over 800,000 people…and counting. So the question in the mind of a reasonable person would be what do the facts… not notions, not hearsay, not non medical opinions, etc. say? There’s no contest here folks. There’s only a contest because despite the facts, people who have not one iota of medical expertise have cultivated your mostly unfounded …fear….for political and monetary gain. Sad what people will do for power and money. As old as history itself.

  2. John Doe on January 4th, 2022 11:48 am

    El Duque: zero deaths as reported by the State of Florida to the CDC for the previous week. COVID deaths are usually reported weeks after they actually happen. This number is not very reflective of anything, actually. Some Ron DeSantis trickery to make things look Rosey. You’re better off looking at the CDCs monthly/yearly death counts for the county to get a more accurate number.

  3. JJ on January 4th, 2022 11:31 am

    Also note: 114 people hospitalized. If 114 people were hospitalized in our county for the same reason (like a massive accident or food-borne illness) it would be considered a catastrophe. Stop minimizing the local impact Covid is having on our county to fit your political narrative.

  4. Henry Coe on January 4th, 2022 9:52 am

    @ El Duque,
    Please Note: While it is fortunate that no one in Escambia County died in the past week directly connected to Covid-19, over the past week 32 people did die and cumulatively 62,504 Florida Residents have died and the statistics on that dashboard DO NOT list those who are now permanently disable by stroke or lung damage from having survived Covid 19.

    I lean toward inferring from your claim about “Please Note:No Deaths” that you want people to not wear mask and to not get vaccinated? Is that because you want the death numbers to increase?

    Having no deaths is a big plus in pointing out that being vaccinated helps people survive becoming infected with Covid 19. It is not a partisan thing. It is a matter of science and math.

  5. El Duque on January 4th, 2022 9:07 am

    Please note: Zero deaths.