Two Children Were Left Alone Without Adequate Food In Unsafe Cantonment Shed, ESCO Says

December 2, 2021

Two children were left alone without adequate food in unsafe conditions in a Cantonment shed, leading to an arrest, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Hanna Elizabeth Blocker, 30, was charged with two felony counts of child neglect.

Deputies said she left two minors alone with insufficient food and in unsafe living conditions.

Blocker and the minors were living in a shed in Cantonment. The shed had a “very unkept small living space with only a few cans of food available for the children”, according to an arrest report. Deputies said there was a “an opened chicken” with no ice in a cooler on the front porch of the shed.

The report notes Blocker showed deputies an online Walmart food order placed the same day for $280.

A toilet was mounted on a wooden platform covered with a tarp on the side of the shed, and it was draining into the front yard, the report states. A gas generator was being used for electricity.

Blocker was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $5,000 bond.


44 Responses to “Two Children Were Left Alone Without Adequate Food In Unsafe Cantonment Shed, ESCO Says”

  1. Jcordine on December 6th, 2021 8:08 am

    I see a lot of people running their mouth condemning a woman that is struggling to support her family. And while she is locked up, “someone” burns down the shed with all the families personal belongings. This takes a special kind of evil. May you rot in hell. Does anyone on here know the family? Is there a church organizing help for this family?

  2. Be a Mom! on December 4th, 2021 8:01 am

    The fact is that this is not the first time these children were removed from her care. Those children have a long history of neglect under her care. Being poor does not make you a bad mother. Being a bad person makes you a bad mother. Those are facts. Save the Children!

  3. David on December 3rd, 2021 11:42 pm

    Most of our community probably has heard that Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you…” (Mathew 26). I wonder how many of us know that it was a reference to Deuteronomy 15, where it was written, “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.”

    Somehow, we need to return to a recognition that being poor or ignorant of how to do things better – should not be considered a crime. Somehow we need to return to a recognition that having children home at home is a risk that some must take even if it results in heartbreak. If this goes to trial a Jury should highly scrutinize every aspect of what is alleged with the benefit of doubt going to the defense. I noticed there was no report at all here that the children were physically abused or malnourished, nor taken to a medical facility by ECSO, etc.

    When it is all said and done, we should have a public accounting of the ‘cost’ of arresting, incarcerating, mom and supporting the children in her absence. And — if we are going to air dirty laundry of one parent or the other – it should all be aired out entirely. Instead we should assume good intent absent a conviction by of one party, the other, or both, by a jury.

  4. Stephanie F on December 3rd, 2021 7:13 pm

    Idk her at all but I bet you $100 that the ones I here saying she deserves this is probably friends or family of her baby daddy.

  5. UNBELIEVABLE on December 3rd, 2021 4:53 pm

    ALL OF YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE!!! The point is, is SHE LEFT THEM ALONE (the 2 little ones NOT her teen) ALONE!! In a shed with a GAS GENERATOR GOING! Read that again, and no this is NOT the only time she has left them alone, it’s been going on for YEARSSSS!!!! All these comments and all you guys can say is ‘Poor momma’ what about these CHILDREN she could’ve sent with their dad, but because of her own selfishness she refused because she used them as a tool. Trust me it was only a matter of time before this was going to happen or something worse, and THANK GOD it wasn’t something worse. But everyone is missing the point!!!! She left her 2 kids that are under 10 ALONE!!!! Like she was gone, all the way gone. Who cares about the rest, this is the problem!!!!!!

  6. Geoff Bjorklund on December 3rd, 2021 1:49 pm

    After reading through the comments seems like many of you knew her or at least her situation but obviously did nothing to help. Hope you sleep well in your little glass houses.

  7. Pam Edlund on December 3rd, 2021 1:27 pm

    This mother works two jobs!! DCF was already call out there, and said it was fit her and the kids to stay there Temporarily. So the mom paid $250 to get pipes ran from the “shed” to the sewer tank. So that her and the kids would have a bathroom. She has a sectional couch, 3 dressers full of clothes, a king size bed, a table, and yes a make shaft bathroom all inside of this “shed”. And don’t forget a washer and dryer on the porch. She also has lights (a generator). It sounds like when her house got repoed she sent money on getting this shed turned in a tiny house, just until she could get back on her feet! Meanwhile she found a trailer just needs to find a way to get it to her property. The power pole is already sit up for delivery this coming week!! So this mother has been working her ass off to get back on her feet for her and her kids and at the end the struggle Escambia county comes in and takes the kids and locks her up!!! Remind you she has proof of everything!! And the only reason that she had a chicken and CANS of food, “Without Adequate food” they say, is the kids just got home from their dads house after 5 days of being GONE! That’s why she got up that morning and order $280 of food to be delivered!! And explained that to the wonderful men in blue as well!! They didn’t care!! They just locked her up and took the kids anyway!! Now talking about seeing your kids being taken away from you, and you going to jail.I don’t even want to think of the PURE HELL that she’s going through right now!! Some people was raised to fight for what you have and not ask for help, so she made sure that she had a roof over her family’s head, running water so they can stay clean, lights, food and and bathroom. It might not be what they’re used to but it takes time! And folks need to look all what she’s done in 2 months, and help her and not down her! I really don’t understand why it’s ok to live in a SMALL tent under a bridge with your kids with NO WATER, LIGHTS, BATHROOM, CLEAN CLOTHES, FOOD YOU BUY YOURSELF, ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, WALLS AND FLOORS SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO SLEEP ON THE WET, DAMP GROUND YOU CAN SLEEP IN A BED OR THE COUCH, WHY OH WHY DO WE THINK THAT IS IS SO WRONG?

  8. Connie on December 3rd, 2021 12:12 pm

    @ Bewildered court system here…
    you are 100% correct…but..
    I know from personal experience and others, our system here in Escambia county has empowered deadbeat parents but not throwing every single one in jail..give then 30 days for non payment…make them pay or go 1 year back to jail to get all these deadbeat parents attention.
    I am owed 29k on back child support for 16 years..right here in Escambia county..I get court notices from this pathetic county system to appear so “we can discuss” what they are NOT going to do.
    I have been to court more than the judges go to work..they play footsie an can invent any excuse to to NOT throw the people in jail, attach liens to property, play games with the tax gig with zero results.
    I know how I suffered ..more from the hands of the courts here sitting on their hands and boy…the excuses.
    The courts just as myself abused me as much as this woman is and has been abused.
    Sorry for what she has been forced to with the courts complacency .
    Believe me..there are thousands living here the courts are letting down.
    The courts best excuse…they cant locate him or her…its lunch time now …lets all convene …and screw the parents who are bearing the hardships
    Now the same court system here is going to eff with her.
    The same culprits that empowered the deadbeats
    Ironic isn’t it !!!!!

  9. Alison on December 3rd, 2021 11:16 am

    There’s only one shelter in Escambia County that accepts women and kids. It’s about an hour away on N street and it is currently full.

  10. Bewildered on December 3rd, 2021 10:12 am

    Since her ex-husband lives locally and is financially able to support his girlfriend’s kids he should be forced to immediately pay all back child support for his own flesh and blood. Sadly liberal folks are always finding excuses why someone can’t or shouldn’t be held accountable. With all the manual work available everywhere force him to work his butt off 12 hours a day and pay what he owes!! Problem solved!!

  11. Larry on December 3rd, 2021 9:46 am

    The county sucks, take care or homeless under a bridge and gets political funding and PR for helping..then pour boiling water over this lady how bad she is….the county DCF already was involved…why dont the compkaintant who called show yourself. You sad sad person.
    The county sucks period on how this was handled.lots of people on here living in glass houses..loathsome people

  12. concerned on December 3rd, 2021 9:01 am

    show the love here. everyone can help if it’s just a little

  13. SueB on December 3rd, 2021 8:56 am

    Working 2 jobs and taking care of children is hard being alone. She is doing the best she can to be clean looking. Maybe the shed is all she could do because of her mental stress and not thinking to contact social services. Maybe the person who owns the property & shed will contact the builder in Pensacola to build a Tiny House ($75K) for her & the kids.

  14. judy on December 3rd, 2021 8:28 am

    This woman is doing the best she can! Perhaps the county should be more diligent about helping those who REALLY need it instead of feathering their own nest! :( :( :(

  15. Jr on December 3rd, 2021 8:14 am

    Wow…as sad as this story is I pray for a better outcome for this family. The ones wanting the judge to throw the book at her may just need to look in the mirror. Yes, these were not suitable conditions but I haven’t seen where they lived. Yes, the police report makes it look like a bad place but how many of you(me included) have lived in less/same conditions throughout our lives? How many of you(us) are pay check to paycheck? I know how hard it is to raise children in this day and time and with no help from the “donor”. Sounds like to me Momma was doing the vest she could. So what if it doesn’t meet YOUR thoughts on this situation. I agree with you all that have said the kids deserve better conditions but have you see this shed for yourselves? Me neither. I pray this young lady gets everything straightened out and she and her kiddos finally get ahead in this life. I know all too well how some hate asking for help. Pray before persecution for this young mother…if so many are concerned and want better for these children let’s all chip in and take care of OUR NEIGHBOR…I’m willing, are you.

  16. Sheila Hubbird on December 3rd, 2021 8:01 am

    Wonder what do good nosey neighbor reported is arresting arresting the mother who will now have a record..who will be put thru the financial strain of court appearances( child care while she appears..transpirtation cost..missed days at work) then fees(public defenders are not free) court costs.
    All of that money could have provided more for her children or go toward housing.

  17. Td on December 3rd, 2021 7:58 am

    You guys think you know this mom she has been offered help a job that she could work while the kids are at school and make decent money there is no excuse for this she lost her moms house because she didn’t pay it, they kids are in a better place all of y’all think you know but all you know is what she has told you and that’s it when your child has no clue where there mother is that is a problem.

  18. Really Folks on December 3rd, 2021 1:12 am

    Wow!! This “shed” is as big or almost as big as a Tiny House, or a camper! It has a porch, tin roof, and as flooring. Why is it ok for the Homeless to sleep on the ground with kids in a tent under a bridge?? When the wind blows, you feel every blow. When it rains, you get wet and damp, hopefully it won’t be cold to. But that’s fine right? REALLLY folks. Anyone would sleep in a “shed” over a tent ANYDAY! Who knows she might of been making it into a Tiny house?. Clearing seening in front of that “shed” there USED TO BE A HOME, BUT IN HARD TIMES GOT REPOED!! And that wasn’t to long ago. And about the food, There was a little and ALOT MORE COMING!! Remember in small spaces you can’t have alot anyway!!! Wonder if you go downtown and look into them Homeless tents, you might not find that much! And they get plenty of help! And this single mom has to PAY for her food!! Man this makes me mad, cause now a days that could be you one day fighting like H××× to keep your family together, and seeing the same thing but worst living conditions and them folks don’t even have to fight for anything. But that’s ok?? The famiy is Homeless why don’t you help her instead of arresting her and ripping this family apart? All the Homeless people are not in tents under that bridge some is making due with what they have, and hoping that one day to get back to the way it use to be.

  19. Judgenot on December 3rd, 2021 12:48 am

    This family needs help. Judging and arresting the mother does the children no good. Times are very hard right now. If you aren’t in a position like this then count your blessings and move on or do some actual good and lend a helping hand. Your scathing self-righteousness is useless. Im ashamed that this is how we treat struggling mothers.

  20. Neighbor on December 2nd, 2021 10:58 pm

    I am a actual neighborhood of Hanna and here is what I know to be TRUE!! She has been working 2 job’s trying to improve their living situation. Her mother who was pretty much her only “support system” passed away not long back, so since her passing Hanna has been doing thing’s ALL by herself, with the exception of me & 1 other neighbor, & we always help her out. MOST IMPORTANT their father who up & just walked out on his entire family!! (while she was 6 or 7 month’s pregnant with the youngest) Does NOT help her at all!! Oh wait… Yes he does, but ONLY when they are fixing to arrest him for ALL the back Child Support he owes her. Then, He will run down there & pay the bare minimum just enough to keep his butt outta jail!! She begs him for help with keeping/watching the children (you know help her out with HIS own children while she’s trying to work) BUT NOPE!! However he has a girlfriend that he supports/lives with him & is a”stay at home” mom… But yet he NEVER concerns himself with the hassle of the daily needs of his children. Up until just very recently the children wouldn’t see him for month’s at a time!! So I ask that you have some compassion for this family (mother & 3 boy’s) & keep them in your prayers!!

  21. BT on December 2nd, 2021 10:45 pm

    No excuse none lock her up these kids deserve better and will get it. No reason for this don’t anyone attempt to protect this ruthless so called parent!!!! She ought to be ashamed of her worthless self!!!! These children can’t help themselves lock her up 15 yrs ought to get her attention

  22. Chloe Fury on December 2nd, 2021 10:31 pm

    I don’t see how incarcerating someone’s working poor mother and slapping her with court fines will make their lives any easier or better but go off.

  23. Chris on December 2nd, 2021 9:40 pm

    @Reader, Don’t be stupid, that’s not at all what anyone is saying. Of course children should be taken care of. Of course you shouldn’t leave children unattended depending upon their age. It isn’t that at all. It’s how Big Daddy Government tries to control everyone. Most government lovers are under control however, some of us don’t like unnecessary laws.
    For example, if I purchase a piece of property, I should be able to put a storage shed on it for yard tools so I can landscape the property before building.
    I should be able to live on the property in a tent if I so choose, but I can’t. Heck, it’s illegal to live in a camper trailer for longer than 14 consecutive days even though many are getting away with it. Especially in a rural area, I should be able to do just about anything I want on my own property. But people like you probably love Big Daddy and more and more laws until all our freedom is gone. You probably love Big Daddy’s agenda of having 85% of the population living in just a few areas by 2040, and the rest of their urbanization plans. But different strokes I guess. What many may call progress, some see as destruction.

  24. David Huie Green on December 2nd, 2021 7:40 pm

    I’ve seen sheds better than many a house. Just so you have enough sardines, not necessarily so bad. I doubt they charged without some feeling of justification, though. Others will decide; we can just speculate.

    David for safe children

  25. Shed Builder on December 2nd, 2021 6:11 pm

    Hmmm… Y’all need to quit judging this lady for living in a shed. We build and sell these up to 16′x52′ and many people make them into very nice tiny homes. We’d like to see more people living in sheds!

  26. Warbeast on December 2nd, 2021 5:27 pm

    From what I can tell from the Facebook posting on this, she was 2 weeks away from having a new home delivered and set up. People also said that DCF was aware of the living situation and approved it.

    I don’t know first hand, just relaying info.

    I hope this all works out for her and her children, it seems like she was doing the best she could until her home was brought in.

  27. Bewildered on December 2nd, 2021 4:06 pm

    Something does not add up. She ordered $280 worth of groceries from Walmart, had access to $500 bail money…. Makes no sense.

  28. K-K on December 2nd, 2021 2:50 pm

    Come on people! There is no excuse for this. If things are that tough she needs to get with whatever state benefits are available. Dept of Children and Families. Also food drives and church help. Maybe she did this some. Maybe she gave up!? This is a real life version of Slingblade. sleep kids in a dirty shed?! We need to know more about the story.

  29. Susie on December 2nd, 2021 9:37 am

    @concerned, I believe there is A LOT of compassion in this town. Who are you to to educate anyone on compassion? Here this woman sits dressed clean with makeup on and bleached blond hair while her children are holed up in a shed. WTH is she thinking? Why don’t you have compassion for those children who have a mother that is perfectly able to put them first and provide for them but FAILED? Bless those baby’s hearts.

  30. A Single Mom of 2 on December 2nd, 2021 9:35 am

    Things have been rough for everyone lately. I think anyone on this feed who thinks they have a right to judge this woman should write her a check or give her a place to live with those kids. I can tell you as a single mom of 2 that if I didn’t have a family I would have been in the same position or worse many times. Before you go running your mouth about this woman maybe you should get a little more information about the circumstances. I dont’ know her but, I do know what it is like to be a mom and not know how to make ends meet. Heres a fun question where the heck is the dad? Why is he allowing his kids and their mother to live like that? Even if they aren’t together she is the mother of his children. LIkely, he is a dead beat who hasn’t helped since they split up and she is doing it on her on. So shut it up talking down to her.

  31. R. M. B on December 2nd, 2021 9:30 am

    I think she was doing the best she could, maybe some compassion and help should be shown to her and children. Shame on Escambia County

  32. Careful on December 2nd, 2021 9:29 am

    Don’t knock people til you walked in there shoes. I’ve took clothes an food to the homeless that don’t even have a shed.some people just don’t have families that will help

  33. Concerned on December 2nd, 2021 9:15 am

    Some people need to learn some compassion and offer this woman help, condemn her without knowing her actual circumstances is a terrible thing to do!

  34. Reader on December 2nd, 2021 9:15 am

    “So I guess there are standards that are outlined by the state on how we have to live.”

    Well, yes. Things like a safe place for your kids. Food for your kids, and chickens in a cooler with no ice don’t count.

    Oh, and the state says you can’t dump your toilet in the front yard. I’m know that seems like a like a load of crap, and yeah, it is crap.

  35. Dola on December 2nd, 2021 9:11 am

    Thank you, Elmer. I agree with you 100%!!

  36. Sherri on December 2nd, 2021 8:49 am

    So, does this woman not have family that could have helped her take care of her two kids? She obviously has makeup on and decent looking clothing. There will be so many questions raised by this incident. Whose shed? Where did she get a generator? Why? There is absolutely no reasoning behind any of this! How long had this been going on?

  37. sam on December 2nd, 2021 8:17 am

    she and those kids need help. does she receive financial help from any source? has she asked for help?

  38. Jodi millionaire on December 2nd, 2021 8:01 am

    What in the actual ?????? Kids taken and she needs to Experience some jail time in the old jail so that she can see what it feels like to starve living inmoldy unsafe conditions.

  39. A Alex on December 2nd, 2021 7:46 am

    Who allowed her to live there ?? Should be jailed first. Appears she is actually homeless and needs help NOT ARESTED

  40. concerned on December 2nd, 2021 7:38 am

    times have been hard for so many people I pray dear Lord that those who read this and can help these children and her mother please step up I’ve seen this more and more every day any one of us could be one step away walking in their shoes don’t think for one minute it can’t happen to you because it really can. we live in America this right here should not be happening . omg these children needs help . maybe a go fund me can be set up to help them. it’s Christmas these kids needs a home and people to care for them. I hope we all can make things better for them. breaks my heart.

  41. JustSaying on December 2nd, 2021 7:11 am

    She sure doesn’t need the children back! You can tell she she only takes care of herself!

  42. Ol' Skinny on December 2nd, 2021 7:11 am

    Hmmm…. lip pierced, nose pierced, fake eye lashes, hair kept nice (I know what it costs for my wife to go) …. while the kids are “pooping in the yard” ?

    This looks like another case of someone had to know about these living conditions for these children, but no one came forward. So sad for these children.

  43. mnon on December 2nd, 2021 6:21 am

    I’m torn here, one part of me feels for her, how she ended up in a shed? she doesn’t look like a druggie. I know times are very hard, if she was struggling why not ask for help? I know some people are too proud to ask for help sometimes and try to do it on their own, but sometimes you just can’t and you must swallow your pride. Especially when children are involved. I just hope the kids are okay and she finds the help she needs to improve her station in life. The other part of me is angry that the kids were put in that situation and can’t help it. I’d ask a family member to help me with them until I could get back on my feet. Instead of having them live in a shed with me. I’m not going to judge though because I don’t know the circumstances of her ending up living in a shed. I just hope everyone gets the help they need now.

  44. elmer on December 2nd, 2021 5:30 am

    So I guess there are standards that are outlined by the state on how we have to live.
    I can remember the stories my grandparents would tell us as kids when they first came to this country, back in the early 1900’s.
    I myself was called a latch key kid at the age of 6. meaning, I walked home from school and had a house key on a chain around my neck and would be at home alone until my parents got home.
    But I guess today we need more Karens to tell us how to live.