Some Officials Want New Christmas Lights For Century; One Says Town Can’t Afford It Now

December 28, 2021

The mayor of Century and several council members want to update Century’s aging Christmas decorations, while one council member says there needs to be focus on other priorities first.

Century’s focal light display is at the Nadine McCaw Park, formerly known as Roadside Park, on North Century Boulevard at Hecker Road. The town added a new Christmas tree that stands 20 feet tall back in 2013. The remainder of the big decorations were donated to Century by the City of Pensacola some number of years ago. Many of those decorations have failed due to age and are no longer displayed.

There were also about two dozen Christmas wreaths on utility poles scattered along Highway 29 this year.

Council member Dynette Lewis said she wants the council to talk about redoing Christmas decorations.

“I would really, like for us to get together on that,” she told the council at a recent meeting.

“I agree with you so we’ll definitely get that going way before budget season,” Mayor Ben Boutwell said. “I’d like for us to discuss this and get some options. And then when we make that decision of what route we want to go, and then we could add it to the budget.”

Council President Luis Gomez said he prefers decorations like lighted wire Christmas trees or snowflakes that he’s seen in several other towns.

“It’s just LEDs. It’s easy on budget,” Gomez said. “It’s just a one-time expense. It’s just something about the lights and night that just makes everything Christmas.”

But council member James Smith wants the town to explore other priorities before buying Christmas decorations that can cost many thousands of dollars.

“It’ll be great to have the city lit up and looking beautiful,” Smith said. “But we don’t need to be spending a lot of money on that. There’s way too much in Century that needs to be fixed up…getting more businesses in the town, and as the town continues to grow, then we can have the finances to make the town look good. What’s the point in making it lit up when there’s not a whole lot around to be seen?”

“We’ve got to make sure we get our priorities straight,” Smith added. “It would be good to buy a few wreaths here and there when the budget allows that. I don’t think that we need to go crazy on spending money unnecessarily.”

Pictured top: Century’s Christmas light display at Nadine McCaw Park as een through a windshield in the rain. Pictured inset and below: The other major decorations in the park are old, donated by the City of Pensacola years ago. photos, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “Some Officials Want New Christmas Lights For Century; One Says Town Can’t Afford It Now”

  1. David Huie Green on January 3rd, 2022 3:14 pm

    “Daniel seems think “it’s like putting lipstick on a pig.” Which is an extreme insult to the good people in the town. I live in a city of 1.6 million now, but rest assured there are low income areas here too. It seems to me that low income equates “swine” by some of these comments.”

    Only if you consider Christmas lights to be lipstick.

    Yes, it is obvious he intended to badmouth Century but the comparison is not a one-to-one comparison. The idea is that while lipstick may beautify (and that’s debateable), it doesn’t help if the creature being beautified is beyond help.

    Century itself is composed of many fine people. The government of Century has a few flaws as has been pointed out a time or two. (Shoot, even Bluff Springs isn’t absolutely perfect such as failing to even have a working government since sometime back around 1930, but we like it that way.) The situation in Century has a bit to ask for, such that sometimes people leave Century to find a better life elsewhere.

    Right now, Century exists because it existed. It was built by the sawmill gods about a hundred years ago. They provided jobs, light, sewage, hospital, lumber for church houses, doctors, hotel, housing for employees. Then they went away. Others were driven away or made to feel unwelcome.

    On the other hand, if all anyone sees of Century is ugliness, nobody would be tempted to improve anything, as Frank pointed out. The folks still trying are worthy of praise. Even if they fail and fall, at least they may fall forward.

    David for bacon

  2. Daniel on December 29th, 2021 2:53 pm

    @ Juanita McCaw Watson
    With all due respect..I live in this little swill of a town.
    It is loaded with a ton of oink and has been for decades
    If every thinks flippin Xmas lights brings jobs and entrepreneurs to it here..perhaps you should invest in pork barrels with the delusional optimism it will prosper. Has nothing to do with anything but the same people decade after decade voting in the same uneducated ..what ever you choose to call them to represent them
    People here ho eith the flow because some of the town representatives can elude to 4 syllable words that impress the he k out of many.
    I am sure many businesses are tearing town down to open shop… right?
    No, the town for the past 7 decades has each year been reduced to squalor as that’s the way you control the citizens
    Avon dont make enough lipstick for this pig we live in.
    Get over thinking Xmas lights is even a miniscual etching of prosperity.
    You would be dumber than a box of matches if any equates prosperity with any lights…bringing something to the table…the swine running this town would gorge themselves to death on it..corrupt…uneducated, swine is the problem . Some refer to them as premoadona of swill drawing a check under the guise of running a town.
    Dont be delusional…you left and we are still here..too much prosperity for you?
    Wake up.

  3. Chris on December 29th, 2021 1:31 pm

    This is Century we’re talking about, right? It’s a town you try not to speed through on your way to the beach. When I think of big Christmas decorations, it’s not the first town that comes to mind.
    Not to mention, the town doesn’t seem to have a lot of liquid assets to spend on frivolous purchases.

  4. Juanita McCaw Watson on December 29th, 2021 12:16 pm

    My mother (Nadine McCaw) would put her own money in lights, decorations, and updates for the town. Those who are not from Century should not criticize. Daniel seems think “it’s like putting lipstick on a pig.” Which is an extreme insult to the good people in the town. I live in a city of 1.6 million now, but rest assured there are low income areas here too. It seems to me that low income equates “swine” by some of these comments. The lights are needed and all children enjoy them. Additionally, there are other creative ways to make it happen (Dorie had some great suggestions).

    It seems like a lot of people sit back and criticize and point out problems yet not one of these people came to the table with a solution. It’s business, don’t bring a problem without a proposed solution. As Nadine used to say “can’t never could and won’t never will.” You can focus on the bigger issues without neglecting the smaller issues. That’s just business, get creative.

  5. Just listening on December 29th, 2021 11:12 am

    It sure would not hurt the town of Century to spruce up a bit at Christmas. I’m sure there are company’s (reputable people) that could refurbish that old big Santa and some of the other larger displays for a fraction of what they would cost new. The employed did do a good job with what they had to work with. Also A big thank you to the families on Jefferson Ave. that spent a lot of time and money this year for their Christmas decorations. From end to end on Jefferson Ave was quite a display. So—- Come on Century do a little better.

  6. Idea on December 29th, 2021 6:56 am

    People drive for miles to see beautiful a beautiful light show, invest in the street lighting first. Keep it simple, but classy.

    Now, find an area off the highway, start small, engineer a drive thru light show for a small fee per car/person. If profitable, move forward.

    Brings business to town as well.

  7. Daniel on December 29th, 2021 4:54 am

    Xmas lights in Century…hah hah..
    Is like putting lipstick on a pig.

    I agree with Carl…DONE

  8. Willis on December 28th, 2021 7:57 pm

    Small town.
    Never gonna be real big. Thank goodness.

    Anything that gets people to slow down , hopefully stop at any of the existing businesses is a benefit.
    A few decorations through time adds up and Mr. Smith can bring forward some of his ideas.

    Together people, not always against everything unless it’s your idea.

  9. concerned on December 28th, 2021 6:33 pm

    this town needs a toll like the beach has period

  10. Nana on December 28th, 2021 5:26 pm

    Back in my youth, my Dad has to purchase the lights that strung across the road. Maybe each business could sponsee them lights close to their business and the town spring for the rest

  11. ferek on December 28th, 2021 4:26 pm

    I thought that is what covid money was for…

  12. shameful on December 28th, 2021 3:16 pm

    always a Mr. Scrooge. lol

  13. Chelleepea on December 28th, 2021 12:44 pm

    As a business owner I feel that the town needs to invest in whatever means to draw more traffic thru town no matter how trivial it seems. Everything adds up! Christmas lights, although expensive will bring more ppl down highway 29 bc ppl will go out of their way to see good Christmas lights. We’re down to 3 gas stations and just a decade ago we had 5 or 6. Don’t consider it a big one time investment but small investments through the years. Next year invest in lighted Christmas

  14. This Part on December 28th, 2021 11:48 am

    I agree with D o r i e … we can’t keep going back to the same places asking for money because now they’re tapped out. We as a community have to come together …have the bake sales… the car washes …walk the dogs …open air concerts…whatever it takes to raise the money sometimes. Let’s start planning and advertising early. You can’t complain about a bad event if all you contributed was lip service.

  15. Becca Shaffer on December 28th, 2021 10:07 am

    I agree with Mr Smith 100% on this one. It is far more important to focus on building Century up as opposed to making it look good 1 month out the year. What’s the point of a town looking good but having nothing to offer people except pretty lights. I’d rather my town have booming businesses, consistent income sources, and opportunities for others to grow.

  16. tg on December 28th, 2021 8:57 am

    New money is burning a hole in Centurys Pocket. Lets not pay bills lower taxes and get ahead.

  17. ProuArmyParent on December 28th, 2021 8:42 am

    A town without a beautiful Christmas light display is like a town without fireworks on the 4th of July!
    These kind of displays attract people to an area and show the area isn’t dead. Yes, they can be costly, but they also bring a benefit!

  18. judy on December 28th, 2021 8:27 am

    Century is like a small spoiled brat who wants to spend money on what he wants, then complain that it doesn’t have what it NEEDS! Best to pay your bills on time, live within your means, and quit feathering your own nests with others’ money!!!

  19. EMD on December 28th, 2021 8:15 am

    My mother always said, “You are old enough for your wants not to hurt you.” And, “If wishes were horses. we’d all take a ride.” Ben Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

  20. Dorie on December 28th, 2021 7:58 am

    Find other avenues to pay for Christmas. Start now, have bake sales,do different events to raise money for Decor and PLAN AHEAD , Stop waiting til a week before Christmas to decide let’s have a Santa meet with No advertisement, How will children come If Parents haven’t a clue anything has been planned??
    We had 4 children this Santa Meet 4! And they were all family members of Town Employees …
    Anything can be accomplished if you care enough to do the work.

  21. Athought on December 28th, 2021 7:33 am

    Try asking for sponsors from the already local businesses, get a cost per wreath, ask for donation, have sign made who it it sponsored by. Just a small sign on pole where attached. There are some profitable businesses in Century, may not be all retail.

  22. Embarrassed on December 28th, 2021 6:55 am

    Wanna see some pitiful Christmas decorations?Check out East Brewton’s
    Lots of the lights are out, some of the Christmas tree decorations have numerous red lights out making them look like a Christmas tree with a demented evil grin.

  23. Frank on December 28th, 2021 6:00 am

    It is also a pride thing (in good way) if you want to draw people and businesses. I say draw up a budget on the project and have a private fundraiser! People need to take pride it their town!

  24. Carl on December 28th, 2021 3:58 am

    What an incredibly sad place
    A vicious circle of instability