‘It Will Be OK’ – Rosco, The NorthEscambia Rescue Kitty, Passes Away

December 17, 2021

We wanted to share some really sad news from our NorthEscambia.com family.

Our beloved cat Rosco passed away suddenly and unexpectedly Tuesday morning at the age of five. He received the very best veterinary wellness care, and he had no known serious issues and not been sick.

We decided to share our grief with you because thousands of our readers have come to know Rosco over the past 2.5 years since we first published his adoption story. He’s been our photo model for several stories on NorthEscambia.com and has appeared many, many times on our social media channels. We get asked about him all the time.

Rosco has been a sounding board for story ideas and right by my side waiting for bed as I wrote those 2 a.m. breaking news stories. He knew that certain tones on the fire scanner would mean dad might be leaving, and he would often wait by the door for my return. At night, he would wait for me to finish writing or take a break. In our free time, he would snuggle next to me on the couch, just wanting the reassuring touch of my hand on his back. He really was part of our NorthEscambia.com operation.

We adopted Rosco and another kitty named Oreo, now age 7, from the Escambia County Animal Shelter in May 2019. At the time, Rosco had been at the shelter longer than any other cat because he had over-stimulation aggression. When we first met, he bit me. I bled. I tried to pet him again. He bit me again. I bled again. We fell in love. (You really should read that first adoption story.)

We don’t know his backstory before he arrived at the shelter. But we set out to give him a “furever” home, not knowing that furever would be just 2.5 short years.

He became a big sweetie, often by my side. He loved those couch cuddles and being held. He was a purrfect friend.

Some days, Rosco and Oreo had their little scuffles over the best spot of sunshine on the bed. For a couple of animal shelter cellmates turned brothers, they had an obvious love for one another. Oreo  goes to bed around 10:00 each night. Later as we finished our late night NorthEscambia.com work, Rosco would walk me to the kitchen and ask for treats. He would not eat them, opting instead for his favorite food. Rosco  would go to the bedroom and “tell” Oreo. “Little brother, I got you some treats. They are in the kitchen.” Oreo would head to the kitchen for his late night snack. Best bros look out for each other.

Little Oreo is lost now. He’s still looking for Rosco, and spending extra time wanting to be held.

Rosco would want you to know that he was a tough, brave little dude but inside he had the biggest of hearts. If dad offered a reassuring look and a “it’s OK”, he would stand strong against the loud noises of vacuum cleaners, power tools, anything. If dad said it was OK, all was well.

I held him Tuesday morning and told him it was OK. He made little kitty biscuits as he took his last breath.

Thank you for allowing us to share Rosco with you over the past 2.5 years. Please consider adopting a cat or dog from the Escambia County animal shelter if that fits your family situation. Or consider a financial donation to the Friends of the Escambia County Animal Shelter (click to donate). Tell them Rosco sent you, and he wants all the shelter animals to know before Christmas that…

It will be OK.

Pictured top: Rosco by a NorthEscambia.com camera bag waiting on the next big story. Pictured first below: Part of Rosco’s 2021 Christmas photoshoot. Next two photos: Rosco and Oreo sharing a spot of sunshine, and looking out a window. And bottom: More of his Christmas photoshoot. He didn’t trust the gnome, but dad said it would be OK. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


28 Responses to “‘It Will Be OK’ – Rosco, The NorthEscambia Rescue Kitty, Passes Away”

  1. Big AL on December 24th, 2021 11:23 pm

    I am so very sorry for your loss. God bless you.

  2. Sheila on December 19th, 2021 9:53 pm

    Very sorry to hear of the loss of your Rosco. I can see by the photo’s Rosco & Oreo
    are very contented. Rosco had a loving home and best of all he had you. Thank you for choosing a Rescue.

  3. Bill Turner on December 18th, 2021 7:50 pm

    So sorry to hear about loss. Pet’s ad so much to our lives. Thank you for taking him. We’ve done that for Lucy and Baby. Their former owner had to let them go due to his child’s allergy. We are blessed.

  4. cj on December 18th, 2021 12:38 pm

    With tears running down my face I want to thank you for telling us about Roscoe and allowing us to share in your special memories. It may be one of the hardest things you could do right now but I like to believe that Roscoe would be wishing you find another special rescue to be with you and Oreo.

  5. Janice on December 18th, 2021 1:30 am

    My heart goes out to you! Our pets are absolutely Family! It’s so hard to lose them. May your hearts heal❤️

  6. Cynthia C Walsh on December 17th, 2021 9:14 pm

    What a beautiful yet heartbreaking story. RIP Rosco
    I’m so sorry for your loss.

  7. Suzie B on December 17th, 2021 4:57 pm

    So very sorry for the loss of your sweet baby. It seems harder when they go young and unexpectedly. I hope your hearts will begin to heal a tiny bit each day. Thankyou for giving him the love he may not have known without you.

  8. ThePreachersWife on December 17th, 2021 3:12 pm

    I am sitting here crying. Sorry for your hurt. Happy though that Rosco was chosen and loved. Though he cannot be replaced, I hope you can find a new someone who can fill the void. Another critter who needs to be loved.

  9. Derek on December 17th, 2021 2:17 pm

    So sorry to hear about your sweet kitty.

  10. Dennis HE Wiggins on December 17th, 2021 1:17 pm

    Rosco will be waiting at The Rainbow Bridge for you and his brother. He’ll have some stories to tell and will be excited to hear news from North Escambia again.

  11. HAPPY ANGEL on December 17th, 2021 11:24 am

    D I T T O !

  12. Daily Reader on December 17th, 2021 10:55 am

    Tears in my coffee this morning. Thank you for sharing this story so we can all send prayers of comfort for you and your family, and perhaps we can help you carry some of the grief. There aren’t many things more difficult than losing a best friend. I experienced it myself for the first time back in September.

    We may not understand all things, but I’ve held tightly to the belief that God cares for all His creatures. And ever being blessed with the unconditional love from one of them is a beautiful gift in itself. I was fortunate to spend 13 years with her.

    A sweet friend told me, “This is going to be hard. It’s going to be really hard, but you will be OK.” It is a deep loss, and it may be very hard for a little while. But you said it best, and I think Rosco would want you to know too, it will be OK.

    *Father of mercies and God of all comfort, thank you for your never ending love and your abundance of comfort that surpasses understanding. Please lift up William, Oreo, and their family, and anyone reading this who may also be grieving the loss of a friend, and please help them to know in a very real and tangible way that you care so deeply for them and that you and your comfort are very, very near.*

  13. Leslie on December 17th, 2021 10:32 am

    Sweet story. Condolences on the loss. The unexpected ones seem to be the hardest.

  14. Carlos on December 17th, 2021 10:13 am

    So glad that Rosco had a good home with people that cared.

  15. Arlene W Walsh on December 17th, 2021 9:54 am

    So very sorry for your loss. They become our children. I have two rescue kittens and they have kept me sane for the last year. I am so glad you were able to give them both their forever home. Rosco is looking down on you and smiling.

  16. Aleisha on December 17th, 2021 9:43 am

    I’m so happy Roscoe had an amazing family to spend with, his story of life would have not ended this way without you guys!
    I remember the pain in both of yalls eyes, at the same time you fell in love with Roscoe, after losing your maine coon. This was by far the best and most memorial adoption I ever did at ECAS. I’ll never forget my excitment when you guys walked in asking to see him. Shortly before that his options were being discussed, because of his…. ” fiesty ” personality. Lol
    I’m so sorry for your loss, but so happy he had an amazing last few years.
    Roscoe was definitely one of a kind !
    Thank you so much ♡

    Rest In Paradise Roscoe ♡

  17. WhorffFamily on December 17th, 2021 9:16 am

    So so sorry for you and your family’s loss.

  18. EMD on December 17th, 2021 9:12 am

    William, I am so sorry you lost your fur buddy. I know very well how if feels to lose a pet . and my heart hurts for you. And, thank you for adopting both the kitties. Not one can take the place of another, but I hope you will get some more kitty company for Oreo and for yourself. So glad to know you are for rescuing the homeless ones. Thank you

  19. ensley boy on December 17th, 2021 9:10 am

    Sorry for your loss Mr. Reynolds. Some folks do not understand how furbabies can become a member of the family. I guess it is because they have never experienced unconditional love.

  20. Mr. Mark on December 17th, 2021 9:10 am

    At moments like these,….my head has to remind my heart,….”Don’t be sad it’s over, be thankful it happened.”

    I’m thankful you both found each other….., what a blessing our furry children are.

  21. NavyDave on December 17th, 2021 8:45 am

    They really do get into our souls, these little beasts. Very sorry for your loss, sir.

  22. Citizen on December 17th, 2021 8:44 am

    I’m so very sorry for your loss, William and Oreo.

    RIP in your eternal spot of sunshine, Rosco you handsome little man.

  23. Debbie on December 17th, 2021 8:19 am

    William I just wanted to say I’m sorry you lost one of your best friends , I know how hard this can be . Rosco had such a wise face . Those eyes could grab and hold my attention for a while I bet . He was a very handsome guy . I feel so bad for Oreo maybe when the time is right you can go to the shelter and pick him out a new buddy to help him move on , just thinking out loud. I know you will do what’s best for Oreo and yourself .
    I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .

  24. Michele Nelson on December 17th, 2021 7:33 am

    What a sweet story of building trust and love. Happy that Roscoe lived his best life thanks to you.

  25. Ramona Preston on December 17th, 2021 7:24 am

    I am so very sorry to hear this. Those companions add so much to our lives. I am so glad he was in a loving home the last few years with y’all. I know you will surely miss him. We will miss the occasional Roscoe appearance on Northescambia.

  26. Jr on December 17th, 2021 5:44 am

    So very sorry William. I know this pain all too well. I too had a Roscoe that has passed away. He had lived in the sheds out back and under my house for years before I moved in here. It took him almost 2 years before he trusted me and got close. I brought him inside during Sally and he never went back outside to his old life. As a wild Maine Coon he transformed into one of the sweetest and most loving kitties I’ve ever had. I only got to have gim for 9 1/2 months before a deep tissue parasite took him down. He too was making biscuits and then he laid down and passed away. You gave your Rosco a great life snd showed him love and that’s what we are supposed to do…big prayers for you buddy.

  27. Robert R Bruner on December 17th, 2021 4:08 am

    So sad to hear this news. May Rosco live in our hearts forever and remember there are a lot of pets that need homes and love,, please try to give it to them.

  28. Shay on December 17th, 2021 2:44 am

    I have my own senior hospice rescue for older, neglected and unwanted senior chihuahuas. My heart breaks at ever one of their passing ,although I know they have less time with us than if they were young, because I will never again feel the unconditional love these animals give us. I often wonder who saved who. They give so much more to me than I could ever give to them.

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for giving him a life full of love in his last few years.