Gulf Power Customers To See Nearly $7 Monthly Increase For Fuel Costs

December 8, 2021

Gulf Power customers will see an increase of nearly $7 per month on their bills in January due to the increasing cost of natural gas.

“Rising fuel prices are affecting electricity generation costs. Since projecting its annual fuel costs, FPL has seen more than a 10 percent cost increase,” said PSC Chairman Gary Clark. “The PSC’s cost recovery rule ensures that utility fuel costs are timely monitored, so the PSC can better protect ratepayers now from even further volatility in fuel charges.”

Tuesday, the Florida Public Service Commission approved the increase for Florida Power & Light Company, which owns Gulf Power.

Effective in the first billing cycle of January 2022, Gulf Power’s residential customer using a typical 1,000 kWh will increase $6.83 a month, from $148.78 to $155.61. For other FPL customers, that benchmark 1,000 kWh bill will increase $6.82 a month, from $113.85 to $120.67

Mid-course corrections—or adjustments—are used when a utility’s costs increase or decrease significantly within a calendar year. Under Commission rules, a utility must notify the PSC when it expects an under- or over-recovery greater than 10 percent.

Pictured: A sign on 10 Mile Road at Pate Street for the Gulf Clean Energy Center, formerly known as Gulf Power’s Plant Crist. Photo for, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Gulf Power Customers To See Nearly $7 Monthly Increase For Fuel Costs”

  1. Beth on December 12th, 2021 10:37 pm


  2. ROBERT on December 11th, 2021 8:41 pm

    I am so happy to not live up north in winter and have to pay their fuel costs for heat…it’s insane how high the prices have become under Biden’s control.

  3. Niknak50 on December 10th, 2021 7:03 am

    Under the Trump administration natural gas prices were in the toilet. As a result of Biden’s policies natural gas prices are soaring. You can’t shut pipelines down and sell what gas you do have to China and not expect repercussions. Elections have consequences.

  4. np630ss on December 9th, 2021 12:27 am

    When I saw that FPL had purchased the Southern Company (owner of Gulf Power), I knew it was only a matter of time until it found an excuse to Jack up the rates. Having dealt with FPL in south Florida for years, I can say without reservation that FPL actually means Florida Plunder & Loot.
    It WILL get worse. Just give it time.

  5. Anne on December 8th, 2021 8:27 pm

    WOW….we were just sitting around the family table and talking about how much prices for gasoline, diesel, food, clothing, almost EVERYTHING is now More Expensive and so Now comes the Electric folks wanting More Money because their Natural Gas costs have gone UP TOO.
    Sure am Relieved that my Income Tax isn’t going up because that may be the last straw.

  6. Big Al on December 8th, 2021 3:43 pm

    Should have stuck with coal. Natural gas Is Not cheaper, in fact the price of natural gas is regulated. Wait till they deregulate the cost of natural gas. Our electric bills will Skyrocket Up! Florida Power & Light is Woke, and Green, and we will be paying the price for it forever.

  7. Carl on December 8th, 2021 2:59 pm

    Why is it everyone always wants a raise and more money..but yet cant understand it costs to get raises and more money.

    Raises and more money is never free.
    Make more to survive and pay more to survive

  8. Eugene on December 8th, 2021 2:45 pm

    I am looking at a Gulf Power letter dated October 31, 2021 which I received a few weeks back. The front page resembles the sales pitch one might endure from a used car salesman prior to being taken advantage of financially. The back page, second paragraph begins: “As part of our new four-year rate plan, the typical 1,000 kWh residential customer bill in Northwest Florida will be LOWER in 2025 than it is today”. I can readily see that our ‘chocolate ration’ has gone up from 45 units per month to 25. (Yes, up from 45 to 25). Those in authority (ie: corporate, politics, financial, etc.) will have a rude awakening the day they stand before God and are held accountable regarding how they treated their fellow man….especially the poor, the elderly, and the widow.

  9. William in Beulah on December 8th, 2021 12:31 pm

    Water and power sources should be provided by the U.S. GOVERNMENT, natural monopolies help NO ONE!!!!

  10. P'cola on December 8th, 2021 11:10 am

    The GP and FP&L Marketing Department shouts “rates” are going down while jacking up the base rate, fuel costs, or some other component.

    Latest FPL power grab is their attempt to eliminate net metering by homeowners rooftop systems already in place! Changing the rules after game has started. A Republican State Senator and a Republican State Representative has introduced legislation to eliminate and/or significantly reduce Net Metering to the benefit of the Florida Power and LIght and Gulf Power. This will negatively small and medium size solar industry businesess in Florida dramatically.

    Yep, two worthless Republicans (McClure and Bradley) exposed their true colors and allegience to the Corporatocracy are trying to legislate out of existence small and medium size businesses and eliminate attempts by homeowners to reduce their energy dependence on Big Power. All for the benefit of billion dollar FP&L!

  11. joy bryant on December 8th, 2021 10:40 am

    well so far – 1. energy select – gone – I no longer can turn my water meter off during hours of no use – it is always on 2. I no longer can use my phone or laptop to set the hours I want the heat or air to save money – GONE- instead they put you on a bu -dget plan OF THEIR MAKING – I have zero idea how much my bill will be – and I can’t turn on or off my power if I am our of tower 3/ what the hell happened to cheaper if they put in MASSIVE gas lines that could blow Molino off the map – the bill is going up!! 4. If you dont pay almost $4 a ,month to maintain the meter and you have a storm and it is damaged or the lines are damaged- it’s on YOU to pay for it!! AND THIS IS JUST 4 THINGS to start with – if this is customer service WE ARE IN TROUBLE – and I hope there is input from those who wil be serviced by the windmills!!

  12. joy bryant on December 8th, 2021 10:32 am

    well so far this new power company is 1. doing away with taking care of THEIR meter – now in order to repair it or fix it -if you don’t pay a monthly fee IT’S ON YOU 2.doing away with the energy elect where you can set the times on your water meter and thermostat via your smart phone or laptop – gon3

  13. customer on December 8th, 2021 10:04 am

    I thought the solar farms were suppose to reduce the cost?????????????

    Why not lower the investors return??????????????

    When the next hurricane threat comes they will increase again.

  14. ensley boy on December 8th, 2021 9:54 am

    What happen to the cheap clean natural gas they pushed to convert their plant from coal? Power bills were suppose to go down.

  15. Susie on December 8th, 2021 9:31 am

    Of course! Any excuse Gulf Power can find, they raise the rates.

  16. SueB on December 8th, 2021 9:23 am

    GP or FLP is making so much money but do not share the wealth with Escambia County Residence.
    Senior residence try to keep your electricity bill at or lower than 1000 kwh. Learn how to ready the meter. If you have a computer you can monitor your daily usage accessing but this will be change in January to
    FPL is saying peak hours excludes New Years Eve,Memorial Day,4th July, Thanksgiving Day, & Christmas Day. I doubt it!
    Research how and who was appointed Florida Public Service Commission that keeps approving utilities to keep going up up up up.

  17. concerned on December 8th, 2021 8:47 am

    well here we go again everything just keeps going up pensacola will see less lights everywhere ? at this rate better off to but — s o l o r — l I g h t s — charge them during the day and take them inside at night seems like no more a.c
    units running open the windows and hope you can afford a fan to cool you down. seems like we are going back in time..gonna have to build a fire outside to cook food and head to the creek to take a bath. can’t spend any money on the things you really need it all goes to bills bills and more bills. a line has to be drawn somewhere. going backwards here ?

  18. J.Larry Seale on December 8th, 2021 7:45 am

    why don’t someone help me with my fuel cost…….

  19. Sedition on December 8th, 2021 6:08 am

    When are we going to see a $7 per month increase in service?
    I’ll wait for the answer…

  20. JustAgoodolboy on December 8th, 2021 5:08 am

    Oh way I thought burning natural gas was a cleaner and cheaper than coal. SMH

  21. Charlie on December 8th, 2021 3:17 am

    Strange! I just read yesterday that natural gas purchase “futures” were down 10 percent due the forecast of Winter weather being less harsh than originally expected. The cost should be less, not more. Are we being duped again with a phony excuse?