Gulf Power Begins Transitioning To Florida Power & Light. Here’s What That Means For You.

December 30, 2021

Gulf Power is making the full transition to Florida Power & Light (FPL) tonight.

Gulf Power customers will be unable to manage their accounts, make a payment or report an outage on the website, mobile app or through the automated phone system. Customers can call (800) 487-6937 to report an outage.

“Rest assured, there will be no disconnections or adverse impacts to the status of customers’ accounts while our system is unavailable,” Sarah Gatewood, Gulf Power communications manager, said Wednesday in email.

Starting Jan. 3, 2022, customers can visit their new web experience at and log in with their existing username and password to manage their account. The FPL Mobile App will also be available for download to provide customers with instant, secure access to their account. In addition, customers will be able to report an outage through and the new FPL Mobile App,” Gatewood added.

NextEra purchased Gulf Power from the Southern Company in January 2019, but the companies were not immediately merged to operate as one. FPL is the largest electric utility in the state with about five million customers. Gulf Power has about 470,000 customers in eight Florida Panhandle counties, including Escambia and Santa Rosa.


16 Responses to “Gulf Power Begins Transitioning To Florida Power & Light. Here’s What That Means For You.”

  1. NW on January 2nd, 2022 6:20 am

    Reading the comments and as with the southern company, its obvious the public doesn’t have a clue! Southern Co. “sold out” the employees and the public of NW FL. FPL is more like MS13 than a public utility. Don’t challenge them or you will be dealt with accordingly. Southern followed the good ole boy system and would screw you in a minute, but this bunch is modelled after Al Capones day. Don’t cross’em. You won’t get a fish wrapped in newspaper, you’ll get swim with the fish.

  2. joy bryant on December 31st, 2021 9:10 am

    Say goodbye to the off hours and seasonably so you can use your power more economically – just have a bill SO HIGH – you’ll have to turn it off—they told us $7 @ month more-now I hear $15 a month more! My water heater will run all the time now (I had GP) put a timer on it AND connect the thermostat to the internet!) not any more
    I had to go to the hospital unexpectedly -and could grab my phone and TURN OFF my thermostat -NOT ANY MORE—-just burn baby burn while they make MORE MILLIONS!
    And they are doing a great job telling us all about how they can be saving money AND HITTING US HARDER!!!

  3. commonplace now on December 31st, 2021 8:11 am

    Sadly, this seems to be the norm for all industry now.

    Reduce headcount to a bare minimum. Work is prioritized and scheduled according to some obscure metric. If you rank low on the priority list, good luck getting anything done quickly. Use contractors for most work, who don’t know the intricacies of the systems, but are supervised by an overworked GP employee, who actually has an understanding of the system, but is disgruntled after seeing the company and culture they’d work to build being slowly torn apart. But hey…they have slick commercials.

    Their goal is to do the work as quickly, and (cheaply) as possible. It’s then the next person’s (contractor’s) problem.

    Probably don’t even live here, so why do they care…

  4. np630ss on December 31st, 2021 12:24 am

    The party hasn’t even begun with FPL. Idealt with them for almost 10 years in central FL. Their customer service is almost non-existent. Should you have an issue with loss of power – they will get to it when the feel like it. From experience – my home list a neutral at the pole. I contacted FPL. It was 10 days before a lineman showed up. His fix? Tie my neutral into my neighbor’s power box. A big naked wire laying on the ground. I thought my neighbor would have a stroke. It was ANOTHER 2 weeks before they showed up to fix the problem – on the pole on the right of way. In the mean time – my neighbor was “reading his meter” and waving the numbers at me. Every. Day. FPL doesn’t care if your lights are on. They will never “lose money” – as they will be granted a rate increase “supposedly temporary” to cover the loss.

  5. Lookmannomoney on December 30th, 2021 8:20 pm

    Ok no. To hey get paid hourly. Got nothing to do with workers.its the person paying investing…and knowing No competition in Florida…people have to complain..Older people say they can’t pay..they say oh sorry Go Beg a church here call this number…There should be a set amount the older people pay. Energy Guide or something. Instead of embarrassing them. Ask for help. Stamps up foods up food stamps up…gas oil ..back to food stamps..tell ya will they eat if don’t have money to pay this company for electric unless they BEG these charity places..retired set income. For older people Needs to be addressed. Hellooooo. One day you or I will be speed calling charities for electric money if something isn’t done. Ty

  6. Lookmannomoney on December 30th, 2021 8:13 pm

    Well well well…lol.10 dollars to be a Gulf power customer was on your bill. Did anyone complain…well now we’re gonna be paying them 15 just to be a customer.Got that? Fees taxes and reading your money…yep they gonna own us. So turn off lites unplug tvs and go old school…Remember your parents,..Do you live in a barn!! Close that door.. turn on window fans ..go swimming..get a pool…Happy New year..!

  7. reddy kilowatt on December 30th, 2021 7:09 pm

    As someone else said in relation to restoring power after a storm…if the meters aren’t turning, they’re not making any money. Follow the dollars.

    The linemen are doing the job they’re paid to do. Tough work? At times, yes. Heroic? No. It’s their JOB, which they’re compensated pretty well while doing it.

    FPL has probably eliminated a good bit of waste and duplication of jobs, many of which can be done remotely. Not wild about any price increase, as we are long time participants in the Energy Select program.

    How about the money they spend on advertising go towards our bills? Why even advertise…do we have a choice?

  8. jerry on December 30th, 2021 2:24 pm

    Gulf Power customers are paying higher rates than FPL customers in 2021. So how does the Public Service Commission justify a pay increase for Gulf Power customers and no increase for FPL current customers. We are getting screwed as usual.

  9. Suzan Ypma on December 30th, 2021 2:22 pm

    Can we still pay are bills at a money center

  10. Jimbo on December 30th, 2021 2:04 pm

    @John, in response I think that all of us are EXTREMELY grateful to the power personnel and how they respond after a storm, but lets not lose track on why they are there. They work for a company that make NO money from its customers while the power is out. FPL is already proposing a rate increase for this area and they dont officially start for 2 days from now. They have already cut out the cost savings programs that consumers did have from Gulf Power (IE Energy Select program) so there is no real reason to believe that they are out friends. They are a company looking at increasing profits and we should tell the commission to do their job and review the necessity for increases.

  11. JOHN on December 30th, 2021 1:32 pm

    People sure like to hate on the power companies when they work quickly to get our power restored after a major storm.

  12. Anne on December 30th, 2021 1:06 pm

    With Gulf Power changing over to Florida Power & Light, what will become of the huge building on Bayfront Parkway in Pensacola?
    Will it still be used by FP&L?
    Will it become a luxury condo?
    What sort of use will it have?
    Just wondering….

  13. Kate on December 30th, 2021 9:40 am

    Wait till you see the new bills, we will be charged more than they are in Orlando in a bout 2 years. And the Commission said yeah go ahead enjoy the profits and screw the people of NorthWest Fla.

  14. tg on December 30th, 2021 8:10 am

    What it means is They Own You!

  15. Travis on December 30th, 2021 8:06 am

    Does anyone know if automatic payments will be carried over or will everyone have to set it up again once the new website is available?

  16. GH on December 30th, 2021 7:46 am

    Welcome to Florida Plunder & Loot.