Correctional Officer Injured In Inmate Attack At Escambia County Jail

December 14, 2021

An Escambia County Jail correctional officer was hospitalized after he was attacked by an inmate Sunday night.

Lee Mon Tamurry Brandon, 24, was charged with battery in connection with the incident.

The officer asked for Brandon’s name in order to discipline him for inappropriate behavior. The officer threatened to pepper spray him due to non-compliance, and Brandon started punching the officer, according to an arrest report.

The officer was hit multiple times in the head and face, and surveillance video shows the inmate throwing the officer across a shower area, the report states.

The corrections officer has since been released from the hospital.

Brandon was also already jailed on felony charges of criminal mischief, burglary and petit theft.


10 Responses to “Correctional Officer Injured In Inmate Attack At Escambia County Jail”

  1. MtnDewey on December 16th, 2021 3:35 pm

    put them in a room. lock the door. leave them until their arraignment. bread and water. dont want to give basic info then good. stay there. not pleading the fifth, has nothing to do with the charges. they are called criminals for a reason.

  2. Jill on December 16th, 2021 10:38 am

    I’ve been in the tank with 50 ish other women while CO’s tossed bunks and had pepper spray pointed at me. That was in 2010 & I’ve not been back, lol. Jail sucks. Obey the law and nobody bothers you round here. Otherwise it’s peanut butter mixed with kayro syrup & cat food sandwiches…with a side of pepper spray pointed at ya.

  3. No Excuses on December 15th, 2021 1:37 pm

    As a former prison worker, I can say that communication does go a long way to preventing problems. I worked for 20 years in a federal prison as a teacher, but we were often called to work as CO’s if there was a staff shortage for any particular reason.

    I always had this conversation with new inmates to our facility, “My first choice is to speak to you and treat you like a human being.” Then, “If you don’t want things that way, I can handle it. You pick how you get treated.” I never had any major issues with inmates, although a few felt the need to get mouthy, The other inmates would take care of that and it didn’t last long.

    All that being said, sometimes the CO can do everything right, and this is still what happens. That’s why it’s a dangerous job. The iinmate unltimately loses, though, because he assaulted a staff member. It’s better to just follow orders and walk away.

  4. Chris on December 15th, 2021 5:42 am

    As someone who went to prison as a teenager for over a decade, as an adult I am now a huge supporter of LEOS. I don’t just say it, I show it through donations. I show it by purchasing gift cards and bringing them to my local sub station. I show it by purchasing meals for LEOS. That being said, many times, not just sometimes, corrections officers get just what they ask for. Just because you are in jail doesn’t mean you should be talked to like a dog or ignored when you ask for the little things you deserve by their own rules. Perhaps not this case however, if the ugly, nasty guards would get more of this by fed up inmates, maybe they’d change the culture of horrible behavior that Correction Officers have. Remember before saying “their in jail, they get whatever they get” that they are innocent until proven guilty. That’s prison you are thinking about. Not County Jail. So the behavior will continue until more officers are sent to the hospital on the regular.

  5. Jason on December 14th, 2021 6:15 pm

    As a former inmate I highly believe the story. People are quick to judge the inmate but never look at how the officers treat them.

  6. Paul on December 14th, 2021 6:02 pm

    If this was an automatic 10 years added it wouldn’t happen so often.

  7. Don cooper on December 14th, 2021 1:07 pm

    To whoever took down Brandon, way to go and let’s go support all our law enforcement officers.

  8. No Excuses on December 14th, 2021 9:50 am

    I hope he at least pepper sprayed him.

  9. Bill on December 14th, 2021 8:38 am

    He should have opened with the spray instead of warning him.

    I hope the officer gets all the needed to follow up care and Brandon gets an extra decade or so.

  10. Wink on December 14th, 2021 6:34 am

    These young punks are such pansies!