Cantonment Woman Gets Over 20 Years In Prison For Stabbing Death Of Her Boyfriend

December 16, 2021

A Cantonment woman has been sentenced to over 20 years on state prison for the 2019 murder of her boyfriend.

Jaquoia Xiaxiana Collins was sentenced to 20.5 years for second degree murder with a weapon. She previously entered a plea of no contest to the charge.

She stabbed her boyfriend in the chest outside the Wild Oak Farms Apartments in the 800 block of North Highway 29 shortly before midnight on July 6, 2019. Deputies responded to the apartments at 11:39 p.m. where they found victim Quartez McShane unresponsive on the ground near the driver’s side door of a blue Mitsubishi Gallant parked in the entrance of the apartment complex. He had been stabbed in the center of his chest with a knife. McShane was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital where he was pronounced deceased less than an hour later.

Collins faced a maximum sentence of  life in prison.


12 Responses to “Cantonment Woman Gets Over 20 Years In Prison For Stabbing Death Of Her Boyfriend”

  1. John on December 18th, 2021 11:19 am

    Funny how when a woman kills a man it must have been he was beating her. Woman can be cold cold blooded to. Witnessed my buddies wife try to stab him in the chest with scissors just cause they got in a fight over them not having enough money. If he didn’t knock the scissors out of her hand and pin her to the floor who knows what would have happened. She eventually calmed down and just left him for not making more money when she stayed home and smoked pot all day. Not saying that this guy wasn’t beating her just saying don’t jump to conclusions women are held up in society way to much just for being women. How about we take gender and race out of issues and just look at facts. If it was self defense She got a raw deal but if not and she murderd him she got lucky cause murder should a least carry life.

  2. mnon on December 18th, 2021 9:02 am

    @Jodi Men don’t take plea deals? You seriously think that?


  3. mike on December 17th, 2021 6:26 pm

    yes they are soft on murder, there is no justification self defense being the exception. if someone is beating on you and you stayed with them after that you can’t then stab them in the heart. death penalty anything less, soft on murder. the state making money housing them is a factor. :mad:

  4. Jodi on December 17th, 2021 7:27 am

    @mike no they aren’t soft on murder.. circumstances played a lot , she obviously took a deal which allows you to get lesser time if she would’ve went to trial and lost she would’ve by law received life… @mnon most of the people MEN get more time because they actually follow through with trial and don’t take a plea deal… by law in Florida you lose in trial by jury of your peers to murder LIFE. UNLESS OF MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES THAT CALL FOR A DOWNWARD DEPARTURE BUT USUALLY THAT IS DONE IN A PLEA DEAL

  5. William in Beulah on December 17th, 2021 12:21 am

    Not long enough!!!! SHOULD BE LIFE!!!

  6. mnon on December 16th, 2021 11:51 pm

    Another case of women getting a third to half what a man would get. Cold blooded, per-meditated, stab you in the chest murder… Do you know how much force that takes? Do you know how much anger you must unleash to stab through the sternum to kill someone? Just think about that a minute and now 20 years… Maybe prison will take care of her. Hopefully the children stand a better chance.

  7. Shay on December 16th, 2021 10:15 pm

    “Did you ever think about those babies you would be leaving behind before you killed McShane?”

    With a mother capable of stabbing another human being in the chest with a kitchen knife, it sounds like they are better off without her in their lives. With that kind of person raising you ,you don’t have a chance.

  8. Just My Opinion on December 16th, 2021 4:17 pm

    No One I mean No one knows what went on its a shame that it went this far someone should have spoke up for her a dog will get tired of being mistreated shake my head if feel sorry for the both families but how do you go from forgiving her to letting the judge give her that much time but y’all are Christians we gotta do better everyone has something to say until it’s really time to speak No One No One has walked in her shoes Never Let A boy physically abuse you I don’t think she tried to kill him but she was protecting herself as I would have ijs

  9. Megan on December 16th, 2021 3:35 pm

    She killed someone cold blooded and only gets 20 years. She posted weeks before that she was going to go to jail for murder. That young man will never be able to come home or be able to grow into a grown man. The fact that she will come home before 45 doesn’t sit well with me. But atleast she received some time to reflect and hopefully change as a person.

  10. Richard on December 16th, 2021 10:52 am

    so when she gets out of prison. does he comes back to life? think about it.

  11. Howie on December 16th, 2021 9:38 am

    To Jacquoia Collins: Did you ever think about those babies you would be leaving behind before you killed McShane? I hope you think about that kitchen knife you used to stab him every time you eat for the rest of your life.

    I’m referring to you as Lucky Collins – you got less than life, which most people get.

    Prayers for the Collins children and McShane’s family.

  12. mike on December 16th, 2021 8:51 am

    Death penalty. Soft on murder, no wonder so much of it goes on. Timothy Hurst got it easy, laying around in prison. His victim had just got married and wanted to live. I guess her life just wasn’t that valuable. :mad: