Two Charged In Escambia County Double Murder

November 10, 2021

Two people are now charged in a double murder Tuesday morning in Escambia County.

Hunter Patrick Carroll, 15, and Nathan Douglas Brown, 18, were charged with two counts of murder each and one count of robbery each.

A man and woman were found dead  with multiple gunshot wound inside a vehicle on Waycross Avenue near Stonewall Avenue, south of Gulf Beach Highway, in Warrington.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said the victims were found about 6:45 a.m. Their investigation is ongoing. The victims’ names and other details have not been released.


27 Responses to “Two Charged In Escambia County Double Murder”

  1. Somerandomdude on April 6th, 2023 7:09 pm

    I have met the parent of one of the accused and I will guarantee that not all people that end up like this blame the parents nor should the parents be blamed at all. The parent I’ve met is a very nice person and has raised the other siblings wonderfully. People make their own choices and it is not up to a parent to watch every move of a child. Not all “thugs” are result of bad parenting.

  2. D. bookout on December 15th, 2021 10:19 am

    Yall some punks carrol my brutha no matter what yall say he a good kid just got caught in the street life on gang like me

  3. Stumpknocker on November 14th, 2021 5:34 pm

    @ William 2, 827.03(1), FLA. here ya go. You can research the supreme court rulings as well.

  4. David on November 13th, 2021 7:38 pm

    I’m not a lawyer but I’d hire one if my kids were young enough to need discipline from me. “Harm” seams something progressive prosecutors can claim if backed by a liberal therapist saying a kid was mentally hurt by any discipline. Fla. Stat. § 39.01 seems to be the statute of merit here.

  5. William 2 on November 13th, 2021 2:03 am

    @stumpknocker you should post the law you are referring to, where in Florida law did you find this?

  6. Cc on November 12th, 2021 12:08 pm

    @Denbroc been waiting for years to show their Georgia knowledge and didn’t even read the statement. Lol.

    Escambia county is going to hell in a hand basket! It’s so sad watching these youngster who never really given a chance throw their lives away. Please Jesus help this country!

  7. Stumpknocker on November 12th, 2021 11:55 am

    @DH, educate yourself by reading the law, corporal punishment is allowed in the state of Florida, yes you can spank your child as you see fit as long as it’s across the backside and leaves no permanent marks or scars. Go read it.

  8. Jill A Coulter on November 11th, 2021 12:16 pm

    Kane, you said it. If we were to go back to a simpler, less expensive way of life that allowed parents to stay home to raise their children, we’d have far fewer incidents like these. Teachers are there to instruct; not to raise your children. They can’t be with them before or after school and they can not be expected to teach morals and values. I attend church regularly and sadly I see very few families. It’s mostly seniors. Who Is teaching morals and values?

  9. Susie on November 11th, 2021 9:03 am

    Wait until all that “street tough” turns into just two more “punks” in prison. You reap what you sow.

    I’ve always told my kids “what goes around, comes around three times”. I hear the same words repeated to my grandchildren now. There are many ways to be a good parent but only one way to be a bad one. Thank the good Lord my children listen.

  10. D H on November 10th, 2021 9:27 pm

    Frist of all, parents are not all of the problem. Today it’s hard for parents to have a lot of discipline. Many laws protect these young folks. They do as they please. If you dare smack one of them, then a visit from the Police will cost you. It’s not like when we were growing up and at home in bed by 10pm. A few slaps on the a___ with a leather belt got our attention. If it left bruises, so what we remembered that. After a few times, we knew our parents were in control. These kids now days have friends they call friends who are criminals, peers at school and so on play a big role in a followers life. They learn to be thugs. They like being thugs. It makes them look powerful and in control.

    As for the 15 yr old – Oh yeah he needs to be sentenced as an adult since he carried a gun to rob and to shoot. Why would you have a gun, if you don’t plan to use it? What a waste of life for these two.

    May they rot in prison for a LONG time.

    Prayers to the families of those murdered and especially the 4 children they were parents to.

  11. bob c on November 10th, 2021 6:46 pm

    15 and 18 years old…..if Convicted they could spend LIFE in PRISON with NO Parole.
    If Convicted they have earned themselves a Very Long Time locked away and have thrown away the best years of their lives.
    WHAT in the world could be so important to these two that it was valuable enough to literally forefit their freedoms and chances for life outside the walls of a prison?
    You do the crime, You do the TIME….
    Waiting to hear the Rest of this Story….

  12. Kane on November 10th, 2021 11:06 am

    “where have we failed” Everywhere. “where are their parents” At work.

    Raising kids in this day and age is next to impossible there are far too many people that want to tell you what to do or what you are doing wrong but when it comes to truly helping they disappear like the morning dew.

    You have a child that is hyper and you take them in public you are either treated like you do not know how to raise your child or if you do act to control them you are treated like a monster.

    I made 6 adults turn around and stare at me in Wal mart when I told my young nephew who has adhd to “Turn around and look at me” in a very low but commanding voice to get his attention so he would not run into the middle of the main isle and barrel into other shoppers. I never knew I had such power.

  13. Gregory Mcintosh on November 10th, 2021 9:55 am

    Parents are letting their children grow up like weeds. Nobody tends to weeds they tend to the garden. Time to start treating their children like a garden instead of weeds.

  14. Adam on November 10th, 2021 9:45 am

    @ Denbroc, No one said Waycross was a County. Denbroc said “cities or counties”.

  15. Bill on November 10th, 2021 9:31 am

    The system has to start holding the parents of juveniles accountable for their actions too many kids raising kids

  16. Michael on November 10th, 2021 8:57 am

    I lived with this kid lived!! Just two months ago he moved out I can’t believe this has happened

  17. A Alex on November 10th, 2021 8:57 am

    REMEMBER: “It’s ten oclock,do you know where your children are”

  18. Paul on November 10th, 2021 8:52 am

    18 Is Not a child!
    And I don’t think 15 is too young for the death penalty in a murder case.
    It’s a waste of oxygen.

  19. @ Denbroc on November 10th, 2021 8:50 am

    ….”Does anyone know why so many streets along that stretch of GBH are named after cities or counties in Georgia”

    Waycross isn’t a “county” in Georgia… It’s a city located in southeast Georgia situated in Ware County.

  20. Lindsay on November 10th, 2021 8:24 am

    Oh what do you know, it’s children again. We gotta do better and be better Pensacola..this all falls on us as parents!! Kids are only so responsible. Time to bring back discipline and strick parents…..period. because this generation has no regard for life. prayers to all involved.

  21. Safebear on November 10th, 2021 8:24 am

    “…I often ask myself we as adults where have we failed…” Parents have failed because they have this attitude that they are not going to be as strict on their kids as their parents were with them and they let the kids run free and expect the school systems and stuff to baby sit. Or, they are so strict the kids rebel and become uncontrollable. There has to be a balance. Parents need to keep their kids under control and educate them. Teach them manners and other things. How many parents just take their kids to the mall or a sports event and just drop them off?

    Not to make light of a bad situation but look at the 9 year old kid in Houston. He was at that concert listening to the angry raps, the fowl language and way past the time a kid should be in bed. I hope the kid recovers but will the parents learn anything from it? Will they sue for millions and the they become more entitled than they already think they are? Just my $0.02

  22. John on November 10th, 2021 7:32 am

    Answer for concerned: mankind by his very nature is evil. In many ways how we end up does depend on how much good is poured in! Young people will often go down the same path as we did if left to their own devices. Some people learn from their mistakes, some don’t. All of us are being steered by something, what is steering you? Where are you getting guidance? Life will beat you up and wear you down!

    America’s very existence depends on the condition of the family.

    The family structure that God has intended.

  23. Denbroc on November 10th, 2021 6:48 am

    Does anyone know why so many streets along that stretch of GBH are named after cities or counties in Georgia?

  24. Citizen A on November 10th, 2021 6:31 am

    It’s “No shave November”.

  25. concerned on November 10th, 2021 6:12 am

    what in the world is going on with these young children honestly I often ask myself we as adults where have we failed I often see kids in gangs comming down my street and I think where are their parents ?

  26. Concerned on November 10th, 2021 4:56 am

    Saw him in handcuffs at 2oclock on the curb in our neighborhood wow good job detective

  27. Well on November 9th, 2021 7:31 pm

    It’s been rough.
    Saw the Sheriff on TV and he hasn’t had time to shave.