Three Charged In 2017 Flomaton Double Murder

November 3, 2021

Three people have been arrested in a 2017 double murder in Flomaton.

Capital murder charges have been filed against 40-year old Jacqueline Bernice Rolin of Atmore, 35-year old Jermain Lavelle Smith of Flomaton, and 40-year old Kenneth Joe Lowery, Jr. of Century. Rolin and Smith are being held without bond in the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center in Brewton. Lowery is in the Escambia County (FL) Jail awaiting extradition to Alabama. Thompson told that the investigation is continuing, but at this time no more arrests are expected.

About 2:30 p.m. on August 12, 2017, the bodies of 50-year old Timothy Adams and 61-year old Susan Adams were found with multiple gunshot wounds inside their mobile home at 1455 College Street in Flomaton. They were last seen alive earlier that morning, and investigators believe they were murdered before noon that day.

“This case made a strong impact on the Flomaton area in the year 2017. We are a very close community, where everyone knows everybody,” Flomaton Police Chief Charles Thompson said. “At the time of this double homicide, I was an investigator with the department under Chief of Police Bryan Davis. Our department at the time was very committed to the investigation of this case, as we still are today. I am very pleased to see that the victims of this case and their families are able to start seeing justice here in 2021 four years later.”

Thompson said the victims’ phones and some of their property were taken from the scene and left in two different locations. The department continued to investigate leads over the past four years, with a recent renewed focus on the case.

“I am so proud of the law enforcement relationship we hold in our county and also with our law enforcement neighbors to the south in Escambia County, Florida,” the chief said. Agencies from the local to federal level assisted in the case, including the Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office, Escambia County (FL) Sheriff’s Office, Atmore Police Department, Alabama Drug Enforcement Task Force, Poarch Creek Tribal Police and the Jackson (AL) Police Department.

“It is truly a blessing from God in my eyes that we as a whole were able to begin the process on bringing justice to these victims and the closure that the family deserves,” Thompson said. photos, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Three Charged In 2017 Flomaton Double Murder”

  1. Justice on November 17th, 2021 12:49 pm

    Jackie is my family. What hurts is knowing what she did to this family and what she threatened to do to me, and others. Just because someone is family doesn’t mean they won’t hurt you. The fear & grief of the the deceased loved one’s family breaks my heart. Four years with no answers, Im sure they lived in a state of looking over their shoulders. They damn sure deserve justice. The truth hurts, but if your family is wrong- they are wrong. These three are charged because police did their jobs.

  2. Bennett Amanda on November 14th, 2021 9:45 pm

    Jacqueline is my Aunt. I pray for everyone involved And there loved ones.

  3. Speakin Facts on November 9th, 2021 11:55 am

    Honestly, some of yall is right BUT when yall find out the truth yall gonna be lookin upset that yall was wrong but I don’t choose sides because either they did or didn’t do it so why is everyone else worried if yall had no part in it.

  4. Myself on November 8th, 2021 10:53 pm

    I love Jermaine Smith and I do not feel like he did this bc I know him very well and he is not like that at all and I stand behind him 100%

  5. Wow on November 7th, 2021 3:15 am

    I want to say this yes I feel bad for the Adam’s family. But I also feel bad for the family of the ones that are in jail for this crime because I am sure that these people have kids and other family that do not believe that there family member didn’t do this and to Zadar murder is murder and if it take 60 years to close a case then the person or people who died the murder should go to jail for what they did and if the shoe was on the other foot then you would want justice for your family members that was murder just like anyone else

  6. Susie on November 6th, 2021 8:43 am

    If you people defending these scumbags don’t get it, take a look at their faces then compare their ages. They all look WAY older than their present age. Drugs will do that along with other things that damage your body and soul. Drugs will make you someone far from the person you used to be. These three chose that life. It’s a pity, yes it is. Do the crime and they’ll get caught one way or the other. Thank God for that. Very sad for the innocent and their family who fell victim to these useless fools. God bless those people.

  7. J.s on November 5th, 2021 10:59 pm

    Look people the law enforcement has something or they would not be in jail 4 years later it probably took 4yrs to put the full puzzle together…..they know lots more than anyone of us…..I’ve also seen great people and kin folk go the other way that you would not think they would….drugs do awful things to people

  8. family on November 5th, 2021 7:55 pm

    zada your comment made me really sad. “Timbo” and Susan was like second parents to me. it’s so insane that people think that it doesn’t matter four years later until it’s YOUR family in the ground. i hope they all get the death penalty DISRESPECTFULLY.

  9. Century on November 4th, 2021 6:41 pm

    I use to work with Susan at Starter years ago. And her brother was one of my Suppervisor at Alto.

  10. NPC on November 4th, 2021 3:53 pm

    In May of 2015 Smith fired into a dwelling and then ran from law enforcement which resulted in charges. Anyone with the IQ of a carrot or higher could come to the conclusion that he is quite capable of murder. Had he been imprisoned 6 years ago after this offense this couple would very likely be alive today.

  11. Really? on November 4th, 2021 1:45 pm

    Oh Lawd, here we go with the “he’s a nice boy, good heart, could never hurt anyone” crap. Y’all need to realize your brother/friend are animals and need to pay the price!!

  12. Zada R Lowery on November 4th, 2021 10:30 am

    Bruh just because yall think this is justice doesn’t mean it will happen again how you know them people didn’t kill them, other people, it should even matter no more its been 4 years get over it…!!!

  13. Whisperjet on November 4th, 2021 8:52 am

    Great job to all the LEO ’s involved in this case…and goes to show that there is no such thing as a “cold case ” as long as there are outlaws who need punished…

  14. Always Loved on November 4th, 2021 7:30 am

    Thank You (BG) and My Brothers are not bad bad People period. I know for a fact My Brother Smith is innocent not because He’s My Brother but because I know He has an Great heart and killing someone oh Hell No! That’s not in His Heart period because he’s too much of an people Person and He stay helping people so Hell No! They got life messed up on this one.

  15. Ok, so... on November 4th, 2021 7:15 am

    BG, can you explain the evidence against him then? Just because he is your best friend doesn’t mean squat.

  16. Friend on November 3rd, 2021 7:23 pm

    ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. BG on November 3rd, 2021 6:09 pm

    Jermaine is NOT a bad person…Not was his brother Chris.. I don’t care what anyone says.. I honestly believe Smith is innocent.. As for the other two well there just ain’t no telling.. I stand behind Smith 100% That’s my best friend.. family.. and I don’t believe he deserves to be where he is!!

  18. J.S on November 3rd, 2021 4:35 pm

    I’m so glad they’re caught….u just can’t kill people because you have a bad habbit and want there stuff

  19. Jose Escobar on November 3rd, 2021 12:02 pm

    Dang that’s some old pictures look how tan chief Thompson was he needs more sun. Glad you got them!

  20. Great on November 3rd, 2021 11:48 am

    Ty!!! after many numerous tips and askin for answers im glad they have justice seek the death penalty.

  21. family on November 3rd, 2021 11:35 am

    it’s so weird to see this picture of me from my dads best friends house. four years ago me and my dad showed up here to visit and little did we know we’d never be able to see them again. i personally thank Cheif Thompson for finally giving my family closure by capturing these muderers. may they finally rest in peace knowing justice finally was served.