Thieves Hit Walnut Hill ‘Honor System’ Farmer Again Monday (With Video)

November 30, 2021

The Walnut Hill “honor system” farmer that was hit by crooks last week was targeted by thieves again early Monday morning.

Two people wearing ski masks spent about 11 minutes attempting to break into a drink vending machine outside Eicher Farms on South Highway 99 in Walnut Hill. Surveillance video from the incident is below.

They arrived about 2:35 a.m. Monday in a SUV believed to be a 2002-2004 Nissan Xterra. The vehicle’s headlights were off as they pulled behind the barn and went to work on the vending machine with a crowbar. At one point, the only cash in the machine fell to the ground, unnoticed by the duo as they continued their efforts. Eicher said there was only $2 or $3 in the machine, but thousands of dollars in damage was done.

After a lengthy battle with the vending machine, the suspects then took several bags of ice, valued at $2 each. They also took a large cooler valued at around $100 and several bags of corn from the business that sells deer corn, peanuts and other products on the honor system.

One of the suspects was wearing a hoodie with the words “Cash Only No Credit” on the back.

“It’s extremely tough in today’s economy when people are stealing from you,” Eicher told “It makes it especially tough. I don’t know why they want to come out and target this place for a few dollars they don’t even see when the money hits the ground.”

The last of three people accused of stealing bags of corn and peanuts from the farm November 19 were arrested Monday. Gregory Paul Traynor, age 47 of Pensacola; Bradley Parker Henderson, age 40 of Cantonment; and Michael Darrol Dunson, age 40 of Pensacola, were each charged with first degree misdemeanor petty theft. They have not been named suspects in the incident early Monday morning, November 29. For more on their arrest and mugshots, click or tap here.

Anyone with information on Monday’s incident is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP. screen grabs and photos, click to enlarge.


34 Responses to “Thieves Hit Walnut Hill ‘Honor System’ Farmer Again Monday (With Video)”

  1. Oldman on December 3rd, 2021 5:11 pm

    ATTENTION, thieves are also hitting the mailboxes on hwy 99 near sunrise trail. I have lost a package or two and so has my neighbor. It’s Christmas I guess.

  2. lucid Holliday on December 1st, 2021 9:51 pm

    SHAME…SHAME…SHAME…I wish I knew your NAME. I pray you feel the shame and repent and admit. You should work on his farm in any way he deems fit…but heck…I wouldn’t want you seeing anything ELSE on my property. If I was, put in this honorable mans place, I would be creative. So how do we deal with you? Pray for you while you are in a deer suit/costume surrounded by 99 people with paintball guns….. with all the paintball ammo we 99 could hold…well. Sometimes, Justice Is Funny…..My Version of Doc Holliday.

  3. M M on December 1st, 2021 9:34 am

    Someone knows these thieves. Call crimestoppers 850-433-STOP (7867) and earn yourself a $1000. It’s anonymous and I know it works. I called in on my cousin that I recognized in a video a few years ago that was stealing. A thief is a thief whether related to them or not.

  4. Ol' Skinny on December 1st, 2021 6:58 am

    I can’t begin to fill the vacancies here at work …. more work than people to go around, and it’s not just me, it’s everyone. And then…… you have these 2 knuckle heads that would rather tear up a vending machine and steal $2.85 and then grab about $10.00 worth of ice. It’s amazing the number of idiots we see paraded in front of us on this site. Well done North Escambia, thank you for reminding me almost daily that there are other knives in drawer a whole lot less sharp than I am!

  5. Looking around on November 30th, 2021 8:36 pm

    Given the price of gasoline, I cannot see how such is even profitable.

    The best way to find them is to look for someone who flunked math.

  6. Willis on November 30th, 2021 7:08 pm

    You may as well turn yourselves in.
    Pretty good arrest record here.

  7. Grady Smith on November 30th, 2021 7:01 pm

    .300 Winchester Magnum

  8. Billy on November 30th, 2021 6:31 pm

    We buy corn from this guy all the time we went there a few days a go and the drink machine was fine. They just need to really leave this poor guy alone he probably sick and tired of being stole from by now

  9. William Lingo on November 30th, 2021 5:29 pm

    I lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years, never had to worry about thieves. Sharia law may not be perfect, but I think we should embrace a few of the penalties though. Perhaps if people would start losing body parts, they would stop stealing.

  10. Suzie B on November 30th, 2021 4:06 pm

    The idiot had the phone on selfie mode. I hope they can enhance that and see the face along with the other face ID, like the eyes even with the mask. Someone knows them. TURN THEM IN!! This is ridiculous when someone is trying to maintain a tiny bit of trust among neighbors and this happens again. If Mr. Eicher comes out while this type of thing is going on one night, I hope he’s armed and ready in case they are those kinds of idiots. What a shame. It seems like a good game camera placed to take tag numbers is needed also

  11. insest on November 30th, 2021 3:55 pm

    probablly related to the other three

  12. M. Moore on November 30th, 2021 3:10 pm

    I pity the fools if they ever get caught red handed.
    They obviously have no clue who they’re stealing from.
    The repercussions of the law will be secondary to what the Eicher boys will subject them to.

  13. Paul on November 30th, 2021 2:45 pm

    I’m sure they thought they were being smart with the face mask but that jacket and vehicle is enough for their momma to know who they are ;)

  14. Kane on November 30th, 2021 12:08 pm

    Tis the season. Holiday seasons brings out the best in us but also the bad crime is always up this time of year it’s nothing new also suicide rates are up so if you know someone struggling you might want to reach out to them.

  15. Denny on November 30th, 2021 11:12 am

    Idiots who abuse the honor system have no honor, they’re just common thugs.

  16. Just saying on November 30th, 2021 10:38 am

    O.M.G you gotta be kidding me…..MR.EICHER Please I hope you are pressing charges on all of them. It is not ok for those thugs to take or destroy anyone’s property…all I can say is thank you Mr.Eicher for having the honor system and belive me we all understand if you discontinue the honor sad. I pray those people get caught….and belive me you will be caught….

  17. Don cooper on November 30th, 2021 10:31 am

    Beavis and Butthead ride again !!!!!!

  18. me on November 30th, 2021 10:27 am

    Looks like they knew the layout of everything as they drove straight to the machines with no hesitation! And wonder where they bought or stole those nice new matching gloves? What a shame this farmer has to endure another malicious act by these thieves. Hope they are arrested soon!

  19. Come on man! on November 30th, 2021 10:09 am

    If you are the criminals in this video! Please get help, get sober, and please stop taking from hard working people who are trying to provide for their families. Jesus I pray for these men and their families that you will heal them from their addictions and show them that you are the only way!

  20. Just an idea on November 30th, 2021 9:42 am

    Bless Mr Eitcher hearts! May I suggest that we as a community come together and pull a Kevin McAllister in Home Alone and rig this sweet man’s business up for these clowns to be welcomed with next time? The surveillance system is

  21. jason on November 30th, 2021 9:42 am

    Wont be hard to find that exterra with that odd ball wheel on the passenger back

  22. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on November 30th, 2021 9:40 am

    With all the “NOW HIRING” signs up all over Pensacola and surrounding areas, why do you have to steal from other people? I don’t get it. Oh, maybe I do. That check you get every month from our government turned you into a sloppy lazy ass. But, now it’s not enough, so instead of going out and working at a job to make your “OWN” money, it’s easier to take from someone that has worked their butts off. Maybe some jail time might make you wake up. Ya think?

  23. My name is Earl on November 30th, 2021 9:17 am

    Idiots like this is what makes things bad for honest people!! Hopefully, these two imbeciles will be caught soon and go to jail!! I have no tolerance for LIARS or THIEVES !! They both gall me to the bone!!

  24. Rasheed Jackson on November 30th, 2021 9:10 am

    My wife, Mrs. Jazreel, and I were commenting on the last robbery, and we figured the first thieves were not from around here. So glad we were correct in our thinking. I would hate to think those folks were from around here. The same is hopefully true of these two idiots. As for the ladder, yeah it would have been much easier, but tools are not on their list. No surprise there, they probably have never used a ladder so they have no idea what it would be worth. Hopefully they will be caught. Thank you, Mr. Eicher, for your trust in the community and your neighbors but we will understand if you discontinue this practice.

  25. Jtt on November 30th, 2021 8:58 am

    My first guess is this is retaliation for the 3 guys who were arrested previously for stealing bags.

    Doing damage this way is costly to business owners, but doesn’t have the same punishment as say arson when these thieves are arrested, too. Their choices of things to steal seem silly (ice and cooler to put some drinks from the vending machine in on a cold night?) and they didn’t take the more valuable items like that ladder.

    Or it could be these guys are really that stupid to think there is anything money in a vending machine at night.

  26. Hawk on November 30th, 2021 8:42 am

    A thief will never still a ladder, a wheel barrel, a hammer, a hand saw, an ax, a maul, nor bags of cement. Thieves are lazy.

  27. CW on November 30th, 2021 8:37 am

    This is probably a game to them, hence the masks and sweatshirt. They knew they were on camera and were getting a thrill from it.

  28. Bill on November 30th, 2021 8:34 am

    It’s kinda comical these idiots think well we gonna get rich!!!! Boys you are pretty stupid!!!! First and foremost you should have gig a job so you wouldn’t be out stealing second of all didn’t you read northescambia!!!!!! The three men stealing were caught and arrested doing the same thing you are doing and they are smarter than you!!!! Take faith in what I’m going to tell you !!!! YOU WILL BE CAUGHT BY LAW ENFORCEMENT so be ready to go to jail ( ya should have got a job )

  29. Robinhood on November 30th, 2021 8:27 am

    It ONLY takes one to usually mess up a good deal such as this farmer being kind and trusting and trying to help out people. NOW, Farmer probably will start keeping produce under lock and key. People will need to wait on him to open up to purchase. That is a good thing.

  30. John on November 30th, 2021 7:00 am

    Yeah, their pretty dumb. When their bail bondsman says “cash only” they will probably scratch their head and wonder where they heard and saw that before!

  31. TeJa on November 30th, 2021 6:59 am

    I wonder if someone with great technology can zoom in on his cell phone to see his background pic and publish that as well?

  32. Patricia McNamara on November 30th, 2021 6:13 am

    God does not like ugly. They will get what they deserve.

  33. Jason on November 30th, 2021 4:50 am

    Lets hope some law-abiding citizen recognizes the clothing and backpack worn by these thieves and will make the call to Law Enforcement and provide the names to identify these folks.

    Kudo’s for making the investment to install camera’s . Its a shame that in today’s society a business is forced to have cameras due to so many criminals among us. I hope these two thieves will caught as fast as the last group of thieves.

  34. Kev on November 30th, 2021 2:44 am

    Probably pretty young. They’ve got a $350 ladder right behind them, and they’re trying to get nickels and dimes.
    Not the sharpest young fellas for sure.