Escambia Superintendent Tim Smith Takes Flight With Blue Angels

November 5, 2021

Escambia County School Superintendent Tim Smith had a chance to fly with the Blue Angels this week.

Smith flew in the#7 jet with Lt. Cmdr. Julius Bratton.

We’re told Smith did not get sick during the flight, but he did pass out briefly during a high G-force maneuver.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Escambia Superintendent Tim Smith Takes Flight With Blue Angels”

  1. Lifetime resident but not a good ol boy on November 6th, 2021 7:21 am

    @ Bogian
    He’s been in office just at a year. Do you think that school got that way in a year? Nope! That distinction rests with Malcolm Thomas. And had the school closed or been taken over? And you act like a couple of hours either way would make a difference. How about the parents of those kids in that school put forth some effort to helping improve the situation.

  2. Yep on November 5th, 2021 3:53 pm


    #1 – He’s been here about a year now…. there was lots of failure in the District, including failing schools, LONG before he got here. That failure built up over decades, and to expect it to be fixed in a year is unrealistic. Some of it will never be fixed, regardless of who is put into the superintendent’s office.

    #2 – Since the citizens of Escambia County voted to give up their rights to ELECT a Superintendent, we now have one who was HIRED by the school board. He answers to them, not to the citizens. It is his job. And like anyone else in the world with just-a-job, he’s just as entitled to fun weekends and taking days off sometimes and everything that we “normal” people are allowed to do.

  3. BOGIAN on November 5th, 2021 8:18 am

    @Blues Fan

    Dewzyme is exactly right.

    This guy uses people as props in his photo ops, and his time (as a highly paid public employee, mind you) is better spent doing his job dealing with the schools in this county.

    If you were the superintendent of a school district and you had a school on the brink of closure or being taken over by the state, would you be focused on hopping in “the big blue jet dat goes fast” or doing your actual job? If you answered the former, congratulations. You’re perfect for a career in “public service.” If you answered the latter, you’re probably a better fit for superintendent and you should let the county know you’re available.

  4. Phil on November 5th, 2021 8:15 am

    Let’s reward the guy for doing a bad job on our school system. Love the blues, but think they could have found a more worthy person to take up.

  5. Autism Mom on November 5th, 2021 7:16 am

    @Dewzyme. A simple congrats would do you better. Dr. Smith is actively working on bettering the education system. He is involving every employee in the county. Yes, Mr.Thomas had his qualities, and so does Dr. Smith. Move on and get over it.

  6. Blues Fan on November 5th, 2021 6:55 am

    @ Dewzyme
    WOW the Karen in you is really showing! Tell me you wouldn’t be proud and happy to fly with the best flight demonstration team in the world!

  7. Dewzyme on November 5th, 2021 3:19 am

    At least Malcom Thomas did his job without fanfare and photo ops.
    Good luck with your future.
    Miss Malcom