ECUA Sanitation Truck Rolls Over In Molino; FHP Said Driver Was Traveling Too Fast

November 9, 2021

There were no serious injuries reported when an ECUA sanitation truck rolled over Tuesday afternoon in Molino.

The Florida Highway Patrol said the 26-year old female driver was traveling southbound on Highway 29 and attempted to make a right hand turn onto Stout Road.

“The truck’s speed was too high to safely make the turn. The speed and high center of gravity of the garbage truck caused it to roll on its driver side,” FHP said.

The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating. reader submitted photos from Gabe Harvell, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “ECUA Sanitation Truck Rolls Over In Molino; FHP Said Driver Was Traveling Too Fast”

  1. William Reynolds on November 13th, 2021 8:18 pm

    “Can anyone tell me why ECUA seems to have a monopoly on the sanitation services? ”

    ECUA is a governmental body, established by the Legislature. It’s not a private company.

  2. William 2 on November 13th, 2021 4:57 pm

    Can anyone tell me why ECUA seems to have a monopoly on the sanitation services? I can remember when we had companies that were competing. Why were people like George Resmondo forced to close, with ECUA becoming the only provider? I just can’t understand why Utilities are allowed to be monopolies.

  3. Sheri on November 11th, 2021 6:59 pm

    They speed in our neighborhood as well. No respect for the speed limit.

  4. Donnie H. Delmonte on November 11th, 2021 11:02 am

    @ M M / I definitely agree with you about the woman driver in 261. She thinks she is shortening her day by quickly snatching the cans up, dropping them down, speeding down streets carelessly. There are children and animals that use the streets too. A serious accident will happen someday involving her.

    @ Middle of no where / same thing happened at my sister’s house. The garbage truck ran over a 2 short posts in the ground at her water meter. A passenger vehicle would receive damage for hitting it, but the garbage truck kept going. It was inches from hitting the water meter. Security cameras are great !

    I got a replacement can about 6 months ago and couldn’t believe it was like new. Looking at it today after Miss Snatch-it-up has been on the job, it’s falling apart. Yes, a crack on the side where she squeezes it to death. I drive along Hwy297A and see many of the cans turned sideways with lids open, some toppled over in the highway and we drive around them to avoid hitting our cars. I wonder if 261 is the driver along this route. Sure seems like it could be. If not, then there is two drivers that need to look for another job.

    Maybe a few board members at ECUA will read these comments and have their drivers in for safety meetings and training. Teach your employees about respecting property of others. It’s not my garbage can, it’s yours and you need to be thinking about saving a few dollars instead of all the increases with lousy service and drivers.

  5. M M on November 10th, 2021 10:43 pm

    For the past several months, a female garbage truck driver (#261G) has no respect for ECUAs property. My garbage can along with many others will need to be replaced soon. Last week she was driving away too fast and almost took out my mailbox with the truck arm extended. My can is placed far enough away from my mailbox that no other driver has had any issues. That truck is too big for her to maneuver. Maybe there is an art to emptying the cans, and she definitely needs some lessons. That’s okay, because whatever she tears up of mine, ECUA can pay for it to be replaced. Including a new can soon when the wobbly wheel breaks off and the lid is cracked now.

    Slow down Speedy! What’s your big hurry?

  6. cchgn on November 10th, 2021 11:59 am

    Harold Wulnuti “all the garbage trucks sped past my house and failed to pick up my garbage” REALLY? ALL the garbage trucks? Do you know how many trucks they have? So ALL of them SPED past your house, huh? WHY? BTW, you DO know they all have specific routes? At MOST you saw a garbage truck and a recycling truck. Now, if you don’t have your recycle can out, the recycle truck will pass by.

  7. cchgn on November 10th, 2021 11:42 am

    We went down Hwy 29 and saw the garbage truck sitting on the side of the road, North of where it turned over. We started to stop and see if she was alright but figured that if she had a problem she’d call dispatch, so we went on into Pcola. In less than an hour, we came back by (on the way home, in Walnut Hill) and saw it turned over. WOW, I now wonder if it would have gone differently if we’d have stopped.

    Another incident happened recently: A man on a motorcycle wrecked and was seriously injured (Life flighted) when a wild turkey flew into his path, on Rockaway Creek rd.THAT turkey was in our yard earlier that morning. I almost shot it with my shotgun, but didn’t. We never know what small action we take, or don’t take affects other events.

  8. Harold Walnuti on November 10th, 2021 11:31 am

    All of the garbage trucks “sped” past my house and failed to pick up my trash so I’m not surprised to hear that one overturned.

  9. Shay on November 10th, 2021 10:20 am

    Girls aren’t old enough to drive, perhaps you are referring to a woman?

  10. Middle of no where on November 10th, 2021 8:43 am

    EDIT> the only reason I said it was a girl driver is that I wonder if it was the same one.

  11. Middle of no where on November 10th, 2021 8:42 am

    We live in the middle of no where with a huge turn around for the trucks. We had a girl driver here who nearly took out my water meter. She ran over a post I had there to stop anyone back that way and kept on going. The reason she didn’t back right was that she was in a hurry and was whipping that truck too fast. If ECUA does get ahold of these drivers they are going to have some law suits or worse Injuries….

  12. Harry T on November 10th, 2021 6:42 am

    Not shocked. The commercial trucks speeding on secondary roads are out of control. Spend a minute on Beulah Road near Frank Reeder and watch the speedway of trash and construction trucks going north and south. Nothing will happen until someone is killed and then it’s too late. The outrage will be short and things will move along. We cannot always rely on law enforcement to be our answer, these companies need to be held accountable and GPS speed monitoring should be mandatory. Let’s place the responsibility and liability on the drivers and the companies. Failure to take action, and when an accident occurs and the company knew or should have known their driver had a habit of excessive driving, the punitive and criminal complaints doubles, maybe triples. ECUA doesn’t care, they probably have some exemption. Just drive by the landfill and look at the amount of trash just outside their fence. Image, like most places around this county, does not matter it’s all about how much money can we squeeze from the citizen.

  13. Susie on November 9th, 2021 9:35 pm

    I bet she won’t do that again. Slow down, girl!

  14. J.Larry Seale on November 9th, 2021 8:38 pm

    We have the same problem
    here in Ferry Pass…….it seems
    they don’t respect the speed limits
    Also, don’t trying calling ECUA you
    want get a return call…..