Century Council Votes To Raise Garbage Rates

November 2, 2021

The Century Town Council voted Monday night to raise garbage rates, something that has become a yearly tradition.

The town contracts with Republic Services to collect garbage within the town limits. Republic has a provision in their contract that allows them to increase the rates they charge the town each December to match the Consumer Price Index.

The increase  will amount to 3.73%, or 91 cents, per customer with one can. The town traditionally passes the rate increase directly along to residents each year.

Century renewed a five year no-bid contract with Republic Services in July 2020.

Residential sanitation customers in Century will see their rate increase from $24.43 to $25.34 . That’s broken down to $18.68 per residential container picked up by Republic and $6.66 for bimonthly yard waste pickup by the town. Century does not offer recycling services. Republic charges the town $15.49 a month for each residential container, so the town retains $3.19 each. With 533 containers, Century makes $1,700.27 per month that pays the town for providing customer service and billing.

Commercial customers will see a similar 3.73% increase from Republic, but they are not billed by the town.

File photo.


5 Responses to “Century Council Votes To Raise Garbage Rates”

  1. SueB on November 3rd, 2021 7:51 am

    Century Town Council did this – Century renewed a five year no-bid contract with Republic Services in July 2020. How Stupid. Now each year Century will see an increase until the 5 year contract is up. Then maybe new council members will be smart enough to go out for bids as there are other companies beside Republic Svcs.
    With 533 containers, Century makes $1,700.27 per month that pays the town for providing customer service and billing. How far do you think $1700.27 per month will go? Would like to see the plan for the $1700.27.

  2. Jus me on November 2nd, 2021 8:22 pm

    If the rates are comparable to what everyone else pays threw out the county, so be it. Just because you live in Century and the rates get raised…quit complaining and pay what is being charged. Century is not an exception to the rule about paying what the norm is just because of the town council or because the town is “poverty level”. During this time, everything is going up. Century is not being picked on or singled out. Its called inflation. BUT if the rates are not comparable to the rest if the county, then you have a legitimate complaint.

  3. Kenneth on November 2nd, 2021 8:43 am

    Didn’t they just rasieed it last year?

  4. Bob on November 2nd, 2021 8:24 am

    “…The town contracts with Republic Services to collect garbage within the town limits…”

    When are they picking up the town of Century board members for removal???

  5. sam on November 2nd, 2021 6:23 am

    and the folks get ripped again. at least put the trash can back up when you turn it over while collecting.