Bratt Elementary School Honors Veterans With Program, Parade (With Photo Gallery)

November 11, 2021

Bratt Elementary School honored veterans Wednesday with a Veterans Day program and parade.

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Guest speaker for the event was Commander George Trice, Jr.,  United States Navy, Retired. He retired in 2011 after 33 years of naval service. He began his career as an enlisted electronic tech in the submarine service. He earned his degree from the University of New Mexico and was commissioned an officer with naval surface warfare. The last years of his career were with Corry Station as the training director.

“I saw the young servicemen come right out of boot camp,” he said. “Seeing that the sparkle in their eye and the hope in there, and hope and dreams of what they intend to do with this country. This is the next generation coming up.”

“I thank you for what you what you’re doing,” Trice told Bratt Elementary’s third graders. “You listen to your teachers, and that you’re learning and going to become great Americans.”

“The hopes and dreams right here in front of us…this is what we feel, what we do for is to protect the next generation coming up behind us,” he said. “And give them and make sure that they have the opportunities that we have had and that they are privy to make the choices you’ve had. They all have dreams; they all have hopes.”

Following the third grade program, the veterans paraded through the Bratt hallways as enthusiastic cheered and waved American Flags.

For a photo gallery, click or tap here. photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Bratt Elementary School Honors Veterans With Program, Parade (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. NPC on November 11th, 2021 7:26 pm

    What an amazing display of gratitude. Events like this show there are always positive mindsets in our community which means a warm heart and big smiles around. Thank you veterans and thank you Bratt Elementary and all those involved in organizing this salute to our unsung heroes.

  2. sam on November 11th, 2021 7:04 am

    As an old vet i say, “Thanks kids and teachers” glad to see love ove country is still in our schools.