Bergosh New Commission Chair, Underhill Vice Chair

November 16, 2021

The Escambia County Commission has new leadership after their annual reorganizational meeting Tuesday morning.

For the next year, District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh will serve as the new chairman and District 2 Commissioner Doug Underhill as the vice chairman. A scheduled rotation takes place each year.

“I want to keep the positive momentum of the last six months moving forward, continue to foster better working relationships with our employees, bargaining groups and community partners, and work toward streamlining our budgeting process for 2022 and beyond,” Bergosh said. “Additionally, I look forward to working with my peers on the board to provide our constituents, the taxpayers of Escambia County, maximum transparency and efficiency in all of our county operations as we work toward recruiting, training and deploying a dynamic and talented workforce to take our county into the future with competence and confidence.”

District 4 Commissioner Robert Bender previously served as the chairman. Bergosh was vice chair prior to his appointment as chair.

“I want to thank the commissioners for allowing me the opportunity to lead the board this past year. We continued to recover from Hurricane Sally, navigate through COVID-19, created and finalized a plan for OLF-8 and made great strides in Public Safety with pay increases and ordering new equipment. I look forward to a great year of leadership as Commissioner Bergosh takes control of the gavel, and I am able to continue to represent the citizens of District 4 and Escambia County.”

Bergosh added, “I applaud the accomplishments and achievements of the last year that the board and staff of the county were able to realize under Chairman Bender’s steady leadership. From hurricane rebuilding to the difficulties of COVID-19 on our community, to beach traffic reduction to profound economic development victories at OLF 8 and the Pensacola Airport with ST Engineering—it was a challenging yet still productive year for Escambia County.”


9 Responses to “Bergosh New Commission Chair, Underhill Vice Chair”

  1. NobodyInParticular on November 19th, 2021 8:06 am

    These two couldn’t be any more crooked if they tried, and they are officially running the show now. Awesome (HEAVY sarcasm)

  2. Well on November 18th, 2021 8:17 am

    Ronnie could always move back SOUTH where he seems to think things are so good.

  3. concerned on November 18th, 2021 5:55 am

    I’m very happy and pleased of the leadership we have had threw many many years here in escambia county as a lifelong resident I will say many changes have been made most for the better. I understand you can’t please everyone however I hope during these meetings that everyone will conduct themselves accordingly and serve the citizens of escambia county. lots of work to be done however ? keep the budget plain and simple keep the funds at a all time high escambia county needs to save money lots of it for what is yet unforseen in the event of a monster hurricane or other events. good luck guys.

  4. Ronnie on November 17th, 2021 6:43 pm

    Another year of the north end of the county being ignored. SSDD.

  5. Olin Schultz on November 17th, 2021 11:00 am

    Maybe Bergson will do a better job with this! Can’t even get him to return calls about his district. SMH

  6. ensley boy on November 17th, 2021 9:30 am

    Reckon we can”t be trashing Century anymore. We have our own problems now.

  7. J.Larry Seale on November 16th, 2021 6:17 pm

    they all act like a bunch of
    self center don’t care for the people
    who voted for them JERKS………

  8. bob c on November 16th, 2021 5:48 pm

    So Horribly SAD that our first thoughts were NOT of excitement at the progress for Escambia County and the benefits of government to We The People who live here and pay taxes.

    INSTEAD our first thoughts were of the Absolute Absurd Theatrics and Hysterical Hissie FITS these two are capable of throwing at a gnat’s eyeblink.
    Egotistical Entertainment at the EXPENSE of the People of this County.

    More goofball back and forth and rowing with a single oar going round and round in circles going nowhere. Underhill’s farce-page will be lit up firing a salvo at Bergosh who will be reloading his for the next volley. What a MESS….

    Jeff, you did kinda sorta steal away the Perdido area of District 2 though so perhaps you earned Underhill as your Buddy on the Board.

  9. Me on November 16th, 2021 3:07 pm

    This oughta be good…