Tate Football Head Coach Jay Lindsey Resigns

October 5, 2021

Jay Lindsey has resigned as the head football coach for the Tate High School Aggies.

He submitted his letter of resignation from the coaching job on Monday, but he will remain in his physical education instructional position, the Escambia County School District said.

Lindsey was offensive coordinator for the Aggies when he was named head coach in 2015 after the resignation of Ronnie Douglas, who stepped down to spend more time on a business venture. In 2015, he led the Aggies into the 6A state semifinals. In his first two seasons, Tate was 26-10. Since moving to 7A in 2018, the Aggies have a 6-28 record.

This year, the Aggies are 1-5, having been outscored by opponents 165-23 points as of last week. Friday night, the Aggies will host Washington (3-2) for homecoming.

Pictured: Jay Lindsey leads the Tate Aggies from the sidelines during a 44-0 loss to West Florida (above) and a 14-0 loss to Gulf Breeze (below). NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


33 Responses to “Tate Football Head Coach Jay Lindsey Resigns”

  1. John Doe on October 8th, 2021 2:12 pm

    165-23?? Yikes! When I was at Woodham in the 80s, we never won a single game the entire four years. True story. We were terrible. Life goes on.

  2. Another player on the team on October 8th, 2021 9:37 am

    I read one of my teammates comments and he is right. Yes even though Tate has had a bad few seasons and yes he was partly to blame for that. At the end of the day no one cared more about the team and the players on the team then Coach Lindsey. He taught us many things that we can use not only on the football field but in life. He taught us how to be better men and how to be better husbands and better for society in the future. Whoever lands him will be getting a damn good coach. Even though he killed our body during the week because he thought it would make us a better football team no one cared more about that team and the teams players then Coach Lindsey. Best of luck in the future Coach! Thank you for everything!

  3. JW on October 8th, 2021 9:33 am

    Wow. Some of y’all act like this is the DFW area where they have the funds to pay coaches over 100K and assistants without them having to teach.

  4. Tate Alumni on October 7th, 2021 1:50 pm

    Two Words……”Steve Campbell”

  5. Athlete on the team on October 7th, 2021 10:56 am

    I hate to see these comments and it only shows how people really feel about Tate and the student athletes of Tate highschool, the defensive coach that is now coach has only been here for two years, the defense is the best defense in the area statistically mentally and physically. We leave teams low at score in the first half of every game, we end up getting exhausted for minor execution misshapes on special teams or offense but nothing is greater than having a strong team bond with the players that are willing to continue to play through every game the team bond is better than just winning yes we would love to win but somethings just don’t go the way we all want we face adversity personally on and off the field or whether it is as a team coach lindsey taught us very valuable things of not just the things on the feild but off the feild as young men he has been here for us since day one he didn’t quit because he gave up on us he didn’t reasign because he lost hope he resigned because of the people just like the people in the comments using hatred and discontent towards not only the head coaches but to coaches that have nothing to do with this situation. Nevertheless coach Lindsey has be there for me personally and as a head coach through football other sports I have done and off the feild he is an amazing man amazing father an amazing coach. He would always put the team before him he would always make Sure the team was taken care of before he went home for the day. He would check up on all the players being there. Coaching isn’t just about the X’s and O’s It about the student athlete bond you can have looking out for the students that have volunteered to play the game they love it’s about giving them a family away from home giving them hope and opportunities encouragement gratitude and most of all to teach valuable aspects in life so we can succeed in life. Coach Lindsey if you’re seeing this I want to thank you personally for everything you have taught me for being there guiding not just me but the whole team pushing us to be a better man that we were the day before. The team will miss you especially this significant senior class this year. Sending love and prayers coach.

  6. Brian on October 6th, 2021 8:02 pm

    Criticism are all opinionated and the boys are having a tough run of it. Things will have to change to move forward. First thing will be fan support, student support and parent support.
    Offense has struggled to gain first downs. Leaving the defense to play excess of 80 snaps a game. Sounds like tough kids on that side to only allow 27pts a game average.
    Take it back to old school. Like 2 weeks ago wishbone and moved the ball. Not sure why they stopped.
    Good luck Aggies we support you.
    Good luck coaches

  7. StraightShooter on October 6th, 2021 7:22 pm

    After watching last Friday’s game against Pace it was clear Tate looked like a cluster. Jay may be a great guy. Hats off for trying to make men out of these kids. But I saw an assistant coach that has no business trying to coach football. He tried to head coach the baseball team and was a complete failure. He needs to be banned from coaching at Tate. To be successful, the new coach has to hire competent assistant coaches not just teachers at Tate who want to earn a little extra money

  8. JD on October 6th, 2021 7:17 pm

    Reach out to Mike Bennett. He played under Carl Madison and he has won championships. All he can do is say no.

  9. Mr. Reality on October 6th, 2021 1:14 pm

    There is a man living in our community now with Div1 experience and HE KNOWS COACHES TO HIRE. That is what the game is about KNOWING WHO TO HIRE and HAVING CONNECTIONS.

  10. Jr on October 6th, 2021 12:25 pm

    @Tate Alum..YES!!!!! Those two are high on my list as well…there’s another one on my list but I’m not thinking PF will let my Ol buddy leave. Good luck Tate but do your homework and not rush anything…you’ve got time.

  11. Shirl on October 6th, 2021 10:21 am

    Tate use to have the best team around, in the 1980’s, they were the State Champions, plus the same year the Showband of the South won the National Champion. A great ball team and band. Both my children were in Tate at this time. Wish Madison was still coaching, he was Tate football coach then.


  12. Tate alum on October 6th, 2021 8:33 am

    If Tate wants to win
    Give Mike Bennett a call, if he declines try Rhett Summerford.

    But something tells me they will hire someone else from Santa Rosa and keep up the losing tradition.

  13. Jeffrey on October 6th, 2021 6:39 am

    One down one to go.

  14. Jess on October 6th, 2021 6:05 am

    What winning traditions are some speaking of? I grew up in this area and I never can remember Tate being taken seriously, ever. Observations from what I gather are: grown adults who played for Tate during their prime (losing seasons) raise their kids in their hometown, and shockingly enough their kids are as good as they hoped. But, they are delusional and cannot handle someone who tells them otherwise. Instead of being coachable, parents gang together and make someone’s life hell. Maybe it was enough. Maybe the dust needed to be wiped off his feet and for the safety of him and his family walked away. This is what they all wanted all along, for him to leave, right?

  15. Jr on October 6th, 2021 4:54 am

    @Coach of another Team. I agree with you on BOTH of your post. We don’t see these High School Coaches with that “Moving Up” agenda anymore these days. They take over a program to make their mark over the years. The biggest obstacle I had to overcome when I coached was myself. I expected these fellas of today to play like I did or the next group behind me. I’m not saying they don’t want to play but they didn’t/don’t have that same “WANT TO” in them. (it’s been 30 years) The coaches, in this day and time, are limited on what they have to work with as far the type of players they get and the passion they are allowed to coach with. Another thing that hurt High School football in our area is allowing players to transfer to another school if they want to. When my son was a Freshman at Tate (mid 2000s) that team was loaded with talent who had played together since Mini mite days at Cantonment and dominated every team they played that year. That was a team you didn’t really have to coach. Had those fellas, that played together their entire life, been allowed to play on up through their Senior year, Tate would have fared better. These are just my opinions and I hope Jay will stay in Coaching and Tate High will take their time in getting another Coach. I also agree with the ones talking about the Defensive Coach needing to go as well. There’s a problem there.

  16. Bobby C. on October 5th, 2021 9:48 pm

    So is he bailing on the kids just before homecoming? If he wasn’t asked to resign I personally think he should stick out the season as an example for the kids.

  17. Coach or another team on October 5th, 2021 9:32 pm

    Trent Gibson, you need to step up for the next “defensive” coach position it sounds like. Only a handfull of these guys do this job to move on to a higher position. Most just do it because they love the kids…..sorry if not good enough for all the parents

  18. Coach or another team on October 5th, 2021 9:28 pm

    All I’m saying is I don’t agree with all these people who can leave their “”comments” that have probably never had to be a coach, or should I say volunteered* (because that’s basically what they do) to be a coach. This just makes you think that you are a better coach, and you are really not…..if you were, it would be you resigning because of parents like yourselves, or neighbors, or whoever can talk in a bad manner about someone who gives up as much of their family time as it takes to be a coach! I appreciate the vote of confidence @Well

  19. Doug shumpend on October 5th, 2021 9:19 pm

    Bill your comment on the freshman coach is the truth. I been to all my nephew games this year and he act like a idiot and the hearing the f word comes out of his mouth has me wanting to go to the front office at tate. You dont see the other coaches acting a fool like him just him. So he needs to go!!!

  20. Chris on October 5th, 2021 9:19 pm

    He did a great job! We are proud of our coach. Ditch the haters! Good luck on your future endeavors!

  21. Trent Gibson on October 5th, 2021 9:09 pm

    Why is the defense coach still there with 165 points on him. Any other coach at any level would be let go! At games he stays in same coverage and it so easy to puf point on tate defense. West fl dc is a hot topic !

  22. Joe Noplis on October 5th, 2021 8:56 pm

    The name of the game is getting Wins. Sadly Jay didn’t get it done.
    A Tate Legend…Steve Campbell will build this team for the Future and will build Men for their future! #HIRESTEVENOW

  23. Cole on October 5th, 2021 8:42 pm

    You people make me sick! I was privledged as a player that got to have coaches that taught me not just football but also life lessons on how to get back up and fight when knocked down. It’s tough to coach football that way now when most of the parents of the young men get mad when you are tough on there son.

  24. Well on October 5th, 2021 7:53 pm

    @Coach of another team

    Amen !!!

  25. Coach of another team on October 5th, 2021 6:42 pm

    The respect and discipline is lost at home in this day and time, the old school coaches would be fired before they could coach their first game. And now this, where everyone can go bad mouth a man who tries to teach young men how to be men….when they have had no previous training! Most of these comments are why it’s almost impossible to find referees. And most of the reason a game just had to be moved up to daylight for security. I hope he goes on to a school where people appreciate the time and effort that he gives….or any coach for that matter.

  26. Former Aggie dad on October 5th, 2021 5:44 pm

    Maybe Tate can finally move in the right direction. My son who graduated this past year from Tate only played his freshman year and would not play jv or varsity due to the way Lindsey treated the players. After seeing one jv player a, few years ago absolutely humiliated on the side lines in front of his family and friends, there was no way I was going to let my son play for this individual. You discipline your player at practice and not in front of the entire home stands. Glad to see him gone

  27. Bill Conrad on October 5th, 2021 5:28 pm

    I hate this i believe coach was a great man but he loss the team. My neighbor son on the freshman team and that team is good but the one coach thats screams and cusses needs to go also. He brings the team down. Coach Jay needs to find another job stay at it !

  28. David Johns on October 5th, 2021 4:46 pm

    Nice job setting an example for your players! If things don’t go your way, QUIT! No wonder the team is uninspired this year.

  29. Ronald Mitchell on October 5th, 2021 4:27 pm

    165 points means to me the defense coaches needs to go!!! Please we need defense of tate past !

  30. PatriotFan14 on October 5th, 2021 4:13 pm

    Now, only if we could get Smith to resign at Pace, it would be a good day.

  31. Jim on October 5th, 2021 3:31 pm

    Bring back Carl Madison

  32. Jr on October 5th, 2021 3:22 pm

    I wish you well Jay in your future. Hopefully Tate High will look deeply and bring someone in that has a proven track record and one that the players will get behind and respect. No disrespect to Jay but it seems, in the last few years, that respect and discipline was lost and it showed on the sidelines as well as on the field. Again, good luck Jay.

  33. Jake Smith on October 5th, 2021 3:22 pm

    Well i hope the new head coach brings in new defense coaches, the ones they have now could not stop a little league team.