Parole Denied For Murderer Found By After He Returned To The Scene

October 12, 2021

Parole has been denied for a murderer spotted by  after he returned to the scene of the crime.

In 2010, Clarence Luker was sentenced to 20 years in prison under a plea agreement for the murder of Kenneth Porter, 32, in September 2009. His parole was recently denied by the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles.

Porter was shot after a dispute at a trailer park on Nathan Road in Nokomis, Ala. He died about two hours later at a Mobile hospital. Luker and co-defendant Lorraine Gray fled the scene in a late model 1980s two-tone Ford Econoline van. Law enforcement agencies from Alabama and Florida were on the lookout for the van.

When arrived at the murder scene about to take photographs of the trailers where the incident occurred, all law enforcement personnel had been gone from the scene for a short period of time. After our photos were taken, spotted the alleged getaway vehicle around the corner from the murder location, headed back toward the murder scene.

When deputies arrived back on Nathan Road about 10 minutes later, they found Gray in the van parked at the murder scene. Deputies said she exited the van with her hands up and said “I’m the one you are looking for”. Authorities later learned Gray had no prior knowledge of the crime. She pleaded guilty to hindering prosecution and was sentenced to three years probation.

Tracking dogs from Fountain Correctional Facility in Atmore and the Century Correctional Institution were called to the scene to search for Luker. As the dogs began their search of the area, Luker was taken into custody  near the intersection of Nathan and James Roads. His clothes were splattered with blood. Luker also admitted to deputies that he was the shooter.

Luker, now 50-years old, is eligible for a parole hearing again in September 2026; otherwise he will be in prison until September 2029. He is currently being held at Fountain Correctional. exclusive file photos, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Parole Denied For Murderer Found By After He Returned To The Scene”

  1. David Huie Green on October 16th, 2021 1:53 pm

    “I would never want to answer to the man above for that. That would include everyone on a jury that sentences anyone to death.”

    You could remind Him He told you to do it.
    He gave rules of evidence to convict and execute by such as at least two witnesses.

  2. David Huie Green on October 16th, 2021 1:24 pm

    “should be punished by the death penalty using the same method which was inflicted on the victim(s)”

    I don’t see it. Some were so cruel that nobody with a conscience could commit them. I guess you could keep a few murderers around to execute by torture, but would you want to?

    I know it goes against the grain, but if you decide a killer needs to be killed, torture need not be part of the killing. A mixture of 95% nitrogen, 5% carbon dioxide should painlessly and permanently put a killer to sleep and then to death. (also cheaply, not that that matters since they have probably spent upwards of a million dollars getting to that point by then)

    And some killings are obviously justified since we accept the idea of killing killers and arming police and soldiers — under the idea that it is better they kill than they be killed or let others be killed.

    We also accept the idea that there are killings which are more intentional than others and thus worse.
    If someone attacks you and you kill him while fighting, he brought it on himself.
    If you lie in wait to kill, that’s more on you.

    Life may be simple but is sometimes complicated.

    David for reasonable, simple, effective

  3. Dewayne on October 14th, 2021 5:14 pm

    @Mike J
    I hear what your saying..what about those who were sentenced as such…decades later to be found innocent?
    Just like executing a person ,then finding out they were innocent.

    I would never want to answer to the man above for that. That would include everyone on a jury that sentences anyone to death.
    Lots of crooked legals put people away for political gain.
    I trust the system in being honest as much as the one pronounced innocent or guilty.
    Never think the legal system is not tainted
    More than you would understand
    I am being conservative when I use the word tainted.

  4. Mike J. on October 12th, 2021 9:25 am

    Every intentional murder should be punished by the death penalty using the same method which was inflicted on the victim(s). Five years or less, not 15, 20, 25, etc.

  5. George on October 12th, 2021 7:10 am

    He’s not smiling now.

  6. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on October 12th, 2021 2:02 am

    He should not have been considered for parole at all. I know he had a “plead” deal, but it should have not have been he deserved parole. He needs to stay in jail for the rest of his miserable life.