New Gas Tax Now In Effect In Alabama

October 3, 2021

Drivers filling their gas tanks in Alabama are now paying a little more in tax.

The tax increase amounts to two-cents per gallon; it’s the final phase of 10 cents in increases scheduled under the Rebuild Alabama Act of 2019. The gas tax was also increased two cents in 2020 and six cents in 2019.

The tax was passed to help with road and bridge construction in Alabama.

Pictured: A gas station on Highway 31 in Atmore. file photo.


9 Responses to “New Gas Tax Now In Effect In Alabama”

  1. swamp fox on October 4th, 2021 4:11 pm

    Does Baldwin County have a 10% tax ? is it on gasoline/diesel ? Does the State of Alabama have an income tax ? Guessing Mee maw only responsible for 10 cents? on fuel ! checkout California,New yawk, New jersey etc…you’ll likely be thankful you’re in the great State of Alabama!

  2. Ok Skinny on October 3rd, 2021 7:40 pm

    Thank you Governor MeMaw…. we live in Alabama and already see that great work these taxes are doing.

  3. No Excuses on October 3rd, 2021 12:52 pm

    Well said Steve. Everyone wants nice roads, etc., But they don’t want to pay for them. Those nice roads come from somewhere!

  4. Nelson on October 3rd, 2021 12:47 pm

    This tax could probably be eliminated if people would stand up to the crooked politicians stopping Alabama from getting legalized casino gambling and a lottery. The Indians running the bingo parlors (WindCreek) are screwing Alabamians starved for entertainment while lobbying(paying off) politicians to keep legalized gambling out. Meantime millions of tax dollars are going out of state to their lottos and casinos. Check the auto plates at border state lotto sites and in casino parking lots if you don’t believe this.

  5. SueB on October 3rd, 2021 11:06 am

    Alabama hasn’t had a gas tax increase in years. But, Alabamians love coming to Fla to buy groceries so not to pay Ala food tax plus sending their kids to Fla schools. The only thing Alabamians don’t buy in Fla is gas!

  6. Steve on October 3rd, 2021 11:06 am

    I have traveled all over the US and seen some bad roads and some very good roads.

    Alabama has some pretty good roads. But it would take 1 year or 3 of neglect to realize how bad they will get.

    10 CENTS is NOTHING.. On 30 gallons thats just 3 bucks. So for 900 miles (average car gets 30 mpg) you spent 3 bucks to help keep the roads repaired and new ones built.

    I have 5 vehicles and two get 30mpg or better and the other 3 get around 15-22mpg.. So I feel for those that have a low MPG vehicle and the extra money spent on fuel sucks.
    But even my lowest MPG vehicle when it travels the same 900 miles I only spend a extra 6 bucks…6 bucks…..

    you want to complain about taxes complain about the ones that go into the gov and they hand it to those that dont work even though they are able.

  7. Josh Jones on October 3rd, 2021 8:02 am

    Good for Alabama. Now let’s make sure the legislators use the tax for the purpose intended – roads and bridges.

    If only the do-nothing US Congress would do the same. The Federal gas tax has been $.184 since 1993. And all over the nation roads and bridges are deteriorating.

  8. Derek on October 3rd, 2021 7:39 am

    Very disappointed with governor Mee Maw raising taxes on everyone in Alabama. She caved to the tax and spend liberals in Montgomery!

  9. sam on October 3rd, 2021 7:38 am

    buying in century