Escambia Schools Relax COVID-19 Restrictions; Volunteers, Visitors And Some Field Trips Return

October 12, 2021

The Escambia County School District has relaxed some of the remaining COVID-19 restrictions at local schools.

Effective Tuesday, on-campus visitors will be allowed, including volunteers, mentors and college recruiters. Field trips will also be allowed to resume on a limited basis with district-level approval.

Any precautionary protocols issued by the state will remain in place, and any large student gatherings on campus during the school day will remain limited.

The Escambia County School District reported 10 positive students and six positive staff members as of Monday. There were 92 more students in quarantine, along with two staff members.


11 Responses to “Escambia Schools Relax COVID-19 Restrictions; Volunteers, Visitors And Some Field Trips Return”

  1. Bob on October 17th, 2021 7:57 pm

    @Things not what they seem

    They are both personal choices that carry consequences for public health, and can be mitigated with simple actions. Why do you support one but not the other? What makes protecting people from drunk driving acceptable, but not COVID-19?

  2. Things not what they seem.... on October 17th, 2021 10:58 am

    Apples and oranges, Bob, Apples and oranges!

  3. Bob on October 16th, 2021 7:55 pm

    @Things not what they seem

    You’re right, COVID-19 and drunk driving aren’t exactly the same. COVID has killed a lot more people this past year.

    Both are dangers to the community. Both cause needless death. Both can be mitigated by simple steps.

    For the third time, do you support restrictions on your “right” to drive under the influence to protect the health and safety of your community?

    Please either answer the question, or tell me how it’s not relevant instead of just repeating “apples and oranges”.

  4. Things not what they seem.... on October 16th, 2021 1:10 pm

    Bob .. Like I said,. Apples and oranges!!! Drunk driving has no similarity to this situation at all! If you get your vaccine then you are like a sober driver. You are responsible. I got my vaccine and I am suppose to be safe for myself and even if I get around you. If you still feel like I am crowding you, get vaccinated and wear a mask and stay home! ALL THE REST OF US WANT TO GET ON WITH OUR LIVES! I FEEL THAT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO HOLD ME BACK BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID FEARS!!! Yes, the government has no right to mandate vaccines to people who do not want them! This is The United States of America and it is my body and I make decisions on it. Stay home if you must and to me you are being hypocritical by expecting me to go along with this attack on my personal freedom of choice. As of right now, we both can argue this point back and forth forever and we have that right to our opinions because we live in a country that gives us freedom of speech. My point is that our liberal government is slowly taking away our freedom of choices, even to the point of wanting to raise our children for us. IT HAS TO STOP SOMEWHERE!!

  5. Bob on October 16th, 2021 9:29 am

    @Things not what they seem

    Again, do you feel the same way about drunk driving? Is it a personal choice whether someone gets behind the wheel while intoxicated? Do you think people that don’t want to get in an accident with a drunk driver should “stay home and peep out the windows”?

    …or should we have have rules and regulations in place to provide a basic level of safety for members of our community?

    I’m not asking you to change your mind. We both know you won’t. Just pointing out how hypocritical it is to say that the government doesn’t have a right to issue mandates in the name of public safety and health while fully supporting existing mandates.

  6. Things not what they seem on October 15th, 2021 10:26 pm

    Bob, apples and oranges! That was a stupid comparison. I did not say that I didn’t get the vaccine.I am vaccinated and I wear a mask when around others JUST TO GIVE THEM PEACE OF MIND! We were told that we would be safe if we got the vaccine. I will not live my life in fear of YOUR opinion. We need to let our children get on with their lives. These stupid government mandates and isolations have went on long enough and I can guarantee you that I am not alone in my opinion. I support your right to your opinion and I have my right to mine. If fear rules your life, stay at home and peep out the window. I have had enough of that!

  7. Bob on October 15th, 2021 5:40 am

    @Things not what they seem

    Do you have the same opinion on drunk driving? If you’re sober and wearing a seatbelt, what does it matter whether I’m intoxicated?

    Vaccines and masks, just like seatbelts and driving sober, reduce the likelihood and severity of something bad happening, but don’t eliminate the danger. People are frustrated because every time it seems like we might have the virus under control, we immediately remove all precautions and have another surge a few weeks later.

    Please wash your hands, socially distance where possible, wear a mask when you can’t socially distance, and get vaccinated if you can. The only way we can protect our community is by working together.

  8. Warren on October 14th, 2021 7:07 am

    Exactly. Be patient and do the necessary to defeat this pandemic. It’s like taking a bandage off before the bleeding stops. The single most misunderstood concept in all of this is this idea of freedom vs public safety. You do have the right to not get vaccinated, not wear masks, and so forth. However, your failure to do those things impacts others health safety. So, if it’s your choice to not do the things to mitigate this virus then simply stay out of public places. But you don’t want to do that either. That is why those of us that are doing the things we know by science are keeping us safe are so angry and frustrated with you. You on the one hand don’t want to do what’s necessary yet you want to affect us negatively by your refusal to do either. It’s not your right to not do either. It’s our right to not be exposed to you when we are doing everything necessary to protect ourselves and you are doing nothing.

  9. Things not what they seem on October 12th, 2021 6:19 pm

    Be Smart, that is your opinion and your right to have it. We do not have a lot of rights left and I for one do not think the government cares if we do. They are not “protecting” us or even concerned with our welfare. If you want to “cover up” and get vaccinated etc., then please do so. Do not infringe on my right to refuse. If you are vaccinated and wear your mask then you should be safe. People better start standing up for our freedom of choices and all other freedoms or we are going to lose them all!

  10. Plain Country on October 12th, 2021 12:36 pm

    @ Be Smart, You hit the nail right on the head. There is a lot of truth in what you said.

  11. Be Smart on October 12th, 2021 12:02 pm

    I really don’t understand why those that are in charge of making decisions are so anxious to relax restrictions the minute that Covid cases seems to be decreasing. They will not take the time that is needed to give this horrible illness the chance to die off as much as possible. I understand that everyone is anxious for things to get back to normal, but we need to be patient and stop jumping the gun so quickly, then before you know it, we’re back in the middle of another outbreak. We know this has been a very trying time for everyone and this is something that we’ve never dealt with before. We as a nation made this thing much worse than it should have been, simply because we didn’t want anyone infringing on our rights to live our lives the way we wanted to. The cost was great, many lives lost, and it also caused this pandemic to last so much longer than necessary. If only everyone would have come together and done what was needed in the beginning, life would most certainly be back to near normal by now. The Bible tells us to “be anxious for nothing”, so people take your time and do what is necessary so that life will return to some sort of normalcy. It’s pretty safe to say that COVID will most likely be a part of life going forward, but we can learn to live and deal with it if we are smart and safe.