Escambia County Students Are Out Of School Monday, But Not Due To The Holiday

October 10, 2021

There will be no school Monday for students in Escambia County, Florida, but not due to the federal holiday.

That’s because Monday is a professional development and non-student day. Teachers and most other school employees will be working.

It’s not officially a day out of school because of the federal Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day holiday that also falls on Monday. The holiday is not not observed on the district calendar.


5 Responses to “Escambia County Students Are Out Of School Monday, But Not Due To The Holiday”

  1. David Huie Green on October 10th, 2021 11:41 pm

    “As for drivers, they’re hourly and won’t be driving tomorrow so they get to rest too.”

    Not quite.

    Sign in at BTWHS beginning at 7 am Monday morning all school bus operators and school bus assistants for additional training and recertification in things like CPR and first aid.

  2. Day of rest on October 10th, 2021 5:46 pm

    @gin, for teachers this IS a day of rest in a way. There will be faculty meetings here and there but the teachers have a day to catch up on records, edit lessons and prepare for the next few weeks before Veterans Day and on to Thanksgiving break. As for drivers, they’re hourly and won’t be driving tomorrow so they get to rest too.

  3. Mary Johnson on October 10th, 2021 5:25 pm

    I don’t remember Escambia County schools ever celebrating Columbus day. Now that this holiday is also Indigenous People day, I think they need to reconsider celebrating it.

  4. Anne on October 10th, 2021 3:57 pm

    @ Gin
    COLOMBUS Day…is a Federal Holiday yet not always recognized by all businesses, you can get a DEAL oh a Mattress this week.

    You know as well as we do that if the “Professional Development Day” were held on any other day there’d be a few folks upset because they have to work or other plans and How Dare the Schools not take care of my kids that day….

  5. Gin on October 10th, 2021 1:08 pm

    There are 10 months in a school year. Why make a professional develop day on a National Holiday. Pick a day any day. But Columbus day. People have families that they don’t get to see and Holidays make it restful and reorganize for some. I know alot of drivers that sure could use a restful day after the year they have been working. It’s just wrong. Unless your paying Double time! Then fill me in…..ty