ECUA Bills Are Still Arriving Late For Some Customers

October 26, 2021

About a month ago, the Emerald Coast Utilities Authorities said their third party bill printing and mailing processor was  running behind due to a COVID-19 related staffing shortage.

Now, some customers’ bills are still being delivered near or after their due date.

Customers’ account standing will not be adversely affected nor be charged a late fee if they received a delayed bill, according to ECUA. Customer accounts enrolled in ECUA’s and E-Notification billing programs are not affected by these delays.

Customers who wish to access their bill online may do so by going to the ECUA website at and clicking on ‘View Your Bill’ to set up an account.  Once on the Click2Gov website, customers may also opt-in to receive an email notification that their bill is ready to be viewed online on the same day that it is generated by the billing system.

ECUA has  contracted a new vendor to process the billing and will start switching over next month.


7 Responses to “ECUA Bills Are Still Arriving Late For Some Customers”

  1. Anne on October 26th, 2021 6:24 pm

    @ YEP
    Call the ECUA Customer Service number.
    They were very helpful in getting my billing straightened out.
    Feel they are as frustrated with this 3rd party billing as we customers are.

  2. yep on October 26th, 2021 2:11 pm

    got my bill a few weeks after it was due and now have a bill for two months that even seems higher than the usual for this time of year. ECUA is out of control as usual. too bad they have a monopoly on service here. They need competition to get their stuff straight.

  3. Dewayne on October 26th, 2021 1:32 pm

    Be nice if they would let you pay online like Gulf Power, and stop calling it a convenience fee.

    Gulf power charges zero

    Another crooked 1920s style money pilfering and calling it a fee

    The convenience is one sided with ECUA , they already get a paycheck for processing.

  4. Kathy P on October 26th, 2021 8:39 am

    I haven’t seen a paper bill since the first of September. My payment comes directly from my checking account and I just keep watching it for the debit. Haven’t seen one yet.

  5. Debra on October 26th, 2021 7:54 am

    I just received a bill a couple of days again. The bill is for two payments because they claimed I was late. I WILL NOT be paying a double bill. Due to the problem they are having with the billing of customers! They will get the normal $26 and some change but that will be all for this month. I paid last months on time!

  6. Great Work Folks on October 26th, 2021 7:23 am

    Throw more money towards ECUA…. Isn’t that what the board usually does?

  7. Anne on October 26th, 2021 6:28 am

    Had an ECUA bill arrive in mailbox last Saturday and it had been DUE on Oct. 1st.
    YIKES….called and talked with a understanding guy who told me their 3rd party billing was less than good. To go ahead and make payment and no penalty.

    Seems more and more we do not have LOCAL payments but send them off to some city far removed from Escambia County and Florida.

    Would be GREAT to have Local Payments for Local Utilities….Jobs for those willing to work.