Daytime Paid Crew Now Staffing The Beulah Fire Station

October 6, 2021

Paid career firefighters are now staffing the Beulah Fire Station weekdays to supplement volunteers.

The paid crew will staff the “Station 2″ from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, providing coverage during a time frame that most of Beulah’s volunteer firefighters are at work. The volunteers will continue to respond nights and weekends.

“I’m excited and happy for the community. It’s been a long time coming in a growing area,” District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh told Tuesday. “There is a very robust volunteer staff at Beulah, but most of them have jobs during the day.”

Bergosh said he is also looking forward to the upcoming construction of a new fire station for Beulah.

He said the design is complete, and the construction project is expected to go out to bid in about four months on what will be a state of the art facility. While construction costs have risen in recent months, building the station is currently estimated to have a $4 million to $4.5 million price tag.

The Century Station of Escambia Fire Rescue also has a paid firefighter crew on duty from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.


Lt. Jacob Meligan (pictured far left) is also a Florida certified paramedic. As the company officer, he is responsible for the daily operations and personnel assigned. Meligan started out as a volunteer with ECFR and was recently promoted to the rank of lieutenant with 13 years of service.

Firefighter Michael Rozo (pictured middle) has been with the department for over two years.

Firefighter Chris French (second from right) is a certified Florida EMT and serves as the apparatus driver/operator. He started as an ECFR volunteer and now has almost 22 years of service.

Assistant District Chief Yoshimi Core (far right) spent time this week to assist the crew in getting acclimated to their new assignment. Core has spent all of his time at Escambia Fire Rescue serving at the Beulah Fire Station.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Daytime Paid Crew Now Staffing The Beulah Fire Station”

  1. Carola on October 7th, 2021 9:32 pm

    Hey Roman, if your house were to catch on fire, these guys and gals would be there as quickly as humanly possible! Even if they know of your negative feelings! They may be the ones that save you or a family member with a stroke, heart attack or fall. Be quiet and be grateful! They are there when we need them! I can attest to that! Great job you great people in the fire departments!!!

  2. Dewayne on October 7th, 2021 3:38 pm

    @ Roman
    “what are the paid firefighters doing during their off”
    ” The same thing the volunteers do during their off time”
    “Just like you”
    If your going to try and cut someone down look elsewhere.
    You are majoring in the minors!
    Stop trying to be nasty and smart at the same time.
    You are embarrassing yourself guy

  3. Bobber on October 7th, 2021 2:37 pm

    Roman, haven’t you heard the saying “if you can get the milk for free
    Why buy the cow”?
    Hey genius, Escambia County is hiring career firefighters. Right now. With 2000 dollar hiring bonus. Of course you have to be physically fit and trainable
    So step up.

  4. Roman on October 7th, 2021 7:36 am

    The paid firefighters work 7-4 yet the volunteer firefighters are responding to calls after 4 pm and on weekends so what are the paid firefighters doing during their off times, sitting at home getting paid. The volunteers still have night time and weekend shifts and are not getting paid. As fast as Beulah is growing. What a shame.

  5. Chuck Knu on October 6th, 2021 1:52 pm

    Looking good, Yo. Glad you are serving our area.

  6. J.Larry Seale on October 6th, 2021 9:16 am

    thank for realize that Beulah get full time
    fire protection……..
    Its about 10 years late, but at least the county
    made a first step………..