Dadura Promoted To Escambia County Human Resources Director

October 19, 2021

Escambia County has promoted Crystal Dadura to the human resources director position.

She is responsible for the county’s human resources policies, and she also services as the county ethics officer and ADA coorindinator.

Dadura became human resources manager on February 1, and assumed the role of interim department director on July 8. Her promotion to human resources director took effect October 6 and was recently approved by the Escambia County Commission.

“Crystal is an excellent fit for the director position. She has been phenomenal in this role in working with our staff, the union negotiations and creating a rapport with other department directors. I’m excited that she has accepted this role and look forward to continuing to work with her,” said Interim County Administrator Wes Moreno.


2 Responses to “Dadura Promoted To Escambia County Human Resources Director”

  1. Jerry Moss on October 19th, 2021 9:49 pm

    CJ – how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? As a former county employee, I can assure you this is NOTHING compared to the ” WASTE FRAUD AND ABUSE ” the county engages in. You have no idea the depths of incompetence, arrogance and indifference that goes from the ” HEADS” on down. Regarding this particular instance, most department ” directors” ( especially one as big as the one she was appointed to) get a county vehicle, therefore, no ” allowance” should be required. As it was explained to me BY HUMAN RESOURCES, IF YOU ARE ON COUNTY BUSINESS YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BE IN A COUNTY VEHICLE FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES, which gets us right back to why the ” allowance”.

  2. CJ Lewis on October 19th, 2021 11:03 am

    A good question for the media to ask is why an Escambia County director should be paid a $400 monthly car allowance? That’s $4,800 a year. Why would she need that in addition to a $120,541.53 annual salary? That’s what it said she’s going to get on the agenda item. How many people working for Escambia County get car allowances and why? What is the annual cost to taxpayers? Could the money spent on car allowances be better spent hiring more Deputies? It’s no wonder that the county just voted to increase property taxes, again.