By The Numbers: Quantity Of Materials Needed For Highway 29, Nine Mile Road Projects

October 23, 2021

Ever wonder how much of of what it would take to complete a big road construction project.

The Florida Department of Transportation has released some interest graphics that detail exactly what went into the Highway 29 and Nine Mile Road widening projects.


4 Responses to “By The Numbers: Quantity Of Materials Needed For Highway 29, Nine Mile Road Projects”

  1. Dale Flowers on October 23rd, 2021 12:37 pm

    It always seems a safe bet to leap to the conclusion that it’s incompetence that is to blame for things. Than can be the case for something the government has their fingers in…increasingly so nowadays. But it is not always the case. In road building there’s weather, unexpected problems that crop up which may need a re-design (incompetence?), supply chain delays, complaints about traffic delays, dust and mud that must be salved for public relations, little money for overtime, night or weekend work when traffic might be lighter, the ups and downs of fuel cost…a whole host of cost constraints to stay within the bidded budget. It there is a cost overrun people will get raked over the coals too. Often, a construction company has to have many projects going on simulataneously to stay afloat financially and for sure there’s lots of government and private sector people putting jobs out for bid. So things can get stretched thin. Just saying that there are still plenty of good people in the world doing as good a job as they can given the circumstances and I wouldn’t say everything that doesn’t go the way one might think it should is due to incompetence.

    Demanding better is a good solid standard, RC. You are spot on.

  2. R C on October 23rd, 2021 10:33 am

    And how long to complete? One worker working two days a week, 242 years! No way it should have taken so long! Incompetent managers and politicians who don’t care. We must demand better!

  3. Alan on October 23rd, 2021 7:37 am

    Eternity – How long it took to install it all

  4. Henry Coe on October 23rd, 2021 6:45 am

    No mention of how many orange traffic barrels were used and where are they now?