By The Numbers: Escambia Reports 570 New COVID-19 Cases

October 2, 2021

There were 570 new COVID-19 cases reported Escambia County over the last week by the Florida Department of Health.

Baptist, Ascension Sacred Heart and West Florida hospitals reported a combined 119 COVID-19 hospitalizations as of Friday.

Here is the latest data:

Escambia County cases:

Total cases: 52,736  (+570)
Positivity rate last week: 11.9%
Current total hospitalizations: 117
Over age 18 and over hospitalizations: 115
Under age 18 hospitalized: 2
Total deaths reported last 7 days: 85 (CDC data)

Escambia County Vaccinations

People vaccinated: 149,880 (+747)
Total Population of Escambia County Partially Vaccinated: 53.9%
Total Population of Escambia County Fully Vaccinated: 45.%
*These numbers are the percent of total Escambia County population vaccinated. Not the percentage of hospitalized individuals.

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases: 31,805 (+360)
Positivity rate last week: 10.9%
People vaccinated: 87,369 (+436)
Partial vaccination rate (age 12+): 54%
Total deaths last 7 days: 22 (CDC data)

Statewide cases:

Florida resident cases: 3,5576,571 (+37,772)
Case positivity rate: 6.5%
Deaths: 55,299 (+233)

FDOH has moved from daily to weekly reports and removed the COVID-19 dashboard. The state is now releasing a weekly report with local data limited only to number of cases and positivity rate The number of deaths by county or cases by local cities and communities is no longer provided by FDOH.


7 Responses to “By The Numbers: Escambia Reports 570 New COVID-19 Cases”

  1. Warren on October 4th, 2021 9:37 am

    Folks just get vaccinated and there won’t be any numbers to report…or very little! It’s not rocket science. Vaccines are the answer period!

  2. Information Please on October 3rd, 2021 10:31 am

    The Federal Government is transporting the largely un-vaccinated, often already COVID infected people who are crossing into the country at our Southern boarder to military outpost across the nation. My question is have any of these “Immigrants” been delivered to the Florida panhandle area?

  3. William Reynolds on October 2nd, 2021 10:48 pm

    “I am confused by the discrepancy in the deaths reported. North escambia reported 233 deaths this week ….”

    The Florida Dept of Health report says 233 reported in the week prior to Friday

  4. KC on October 2nd, 2021 10:46 pm

    I am confused by the discrepancy in the deaths reported. North escambia reported 233 deaths this week while the Orlando sentinel reported 1719 deaths (which seems more in line considering the high death count in Escambia County, Santa Rosa County and Okaloosa County this week. Do these death counts come from different news sources. Any clarification would be appreciated. As always, I appreciate your thorough reporting of the news in our area.

  5. William Reynolds on October 2nd, 2021 1:58 pm

    “Am I understanding correctly the deaths in Escambia County this past week due to Covid is 85″

    85 *REPORTED* in the last seven days. They did not necessarily happen in the last seven days. There’s some delay in the determination and reporting process. We are likely seeing a spike in deaths reported that occurred during the spike in hospitalizations a few weeks ago.

  6. Mrs. Ellis on October 2nd, 2021 1:46 pm

    Am I understanding correctly the deaths in Escambia County this past week due to Covid is 85? I certainly hope somehow I’m having a senior moment and misunderstanding the weekly report. Surely that’s not the case in just one week’s time.

  7. me on October 2nd, 2021 9:08 am

    Thanks William for continuing to report the latest numbers. See where sadly Escambia County had 85 deaths, Santa Rosa had 22 deaths and Okaloosa County had 47 deaths. All Covid related! That’s a total of 154 deaths in just 7 days in Northwest Florida!
    And the whole state only reported 233! But as you mentioned, the Florida Department of Heath is no longer providing info. on the number of deaths. Sad.