Police Search Area Near Bratt For Body Of Murdered Pensacola Woman

September 20, 2021

Authorities searched a wooded area near Bratt Monday afternoon for the body of a Pensacola murder victim.

Giles Curt Jones, 38, was charged with first degree murder for the death of 40-year old Latonya Antionette Baxter. She was reported missing by her daughter on September 12, the day after his vehicle was confirmed to be in Century.

Acting on a tip from the public, officers from the Pensacola Police Department, assisted by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, were on 4-wheelers and on foot to search areas along Highway 168 east of Pine Barren Road, a little less than two miles from Northview High School.

NorthEscambia.com was on the only media there as the area was searched for the body. Nothing was found.

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Pensacola Police spokesman Mike Wood said the department is asking anyone with trail or game cameras in the North Escambia area to check them for anything suspicious, especially during the day on September 11.

A picture of an obviously deceased Baxter was found on Jones’ phone, according to Pensacola Police. The photo was taken at 1:54 on Saturday, September 11. About noon that day, Jones’ 2009 Nissan Maxima with Florida tag #45BAFU was captured on camera northbound on Highway 29 in Century. The vehicle headed back south on Highway 29 through Century about 3 p.m.

The body has not been located, and Wood told NorthEscambia.com shortly after Jones’ arrest that authorities believe the body may be somewhere in the Century area or just across the state line in Alabama.

Police said Baxter shared her home in Pensacola with her daughter, and her roommate Jones. Investigators located blood in Baxter’s bedroom and other locations on the property. Blood was also found in Jones’ vehicle, according to police.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1901 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.

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13 Responses to “Police Search Area Near Bratt For Body Of Murdered Pensacola Woman”

  1. A Alex on September 25th, 2021 10:43 pm

    Buzzards? Try hogs or coyotes either will and can dig bodies up and demolish them over night. Deer season is coming up and a hunter might find some partial remains

  2. Joshua on September 21st, 2021 4:56 pm

    South of 168 after you cross that bridge and come up the hill the smell made me puke last Tuesday/Wednesda didn’t go away till the dip right before the curve. Check the wind direction on those days.

  3. no name on September 21st, 2021 10:58 am

    i’m a local of the area. i honestly don’t think the body is over this way. there hasn’t been any bad smell or buzzards flying. if he was smart, he would have dumped her in water somewhere but iv heard from lots of people that there’s a bad smell passing over the bridge of flomaton. which would make sense if the car was seen on 29. locals know the area better than anyone else. if there’s anyone who can help, it’s them.

  4. Justun on September 21st, 2021 9:37 am

    Look for buzzers

  5. ep on September 21st, 2021 7:50 am

    cant they just bend the killers fingers until he reveals the location

  6. JustWondering on September 21st, 2021 6:44 am

    I went to Flomaton yesterday and noticed the same smell when going under the overpass! I thought the same thing!

  7. noname on September 20th, 2021 10:54 pm

    I wish they would show the picture they so called keep talking about. Where the heck is photo for us to even see if we the public can recognize the area? It wont be solved until they show us a photo of the background. Geez cops do that and your case will solved loads faster. Common sense mann! I live one mile from Northview. You would think they’d go house to house with a background photo for people to know where to look. I know one thing. Crime is getting worse every year in this tiny small area of Bratt. I dont like it at all. I mean if I saw a background photo dont u think I’d b out there looking too? People these days! Theres ways of solving things if those of authority would just do it and get it over with…the right way. The quick way. If he came from Pcola dont u think you should b looking from there all the way thru Century and Jay and not focused only on one spot? Look at the miles n miles of woods on 29 alone. Oh well. People cant help if they dont have the right info. No way I myself can look if I dont have a background photo of this so called photo they say was taken. Good luck finding her and laying her to rest.

  8. Shante on September 20th, 2021 9:30 pm

    No you guy’s are checking the wrong places .. try checking under the bridge between century and flomaton because its a real bad odor there when you passing by or riding over the bridge. Its been smelling like that for 2wks now

  9. Hwy 4 Resident on September 20th, 2021 7:29 pm

    I live on Hwy 4 (less than 2 miles from Northview at that), this explains the sudden influx of cops on the road, really hoping and praying that they find the poor woman. I’ve noticed more wild animals around the area than lately, but its very possible it’s just because of the change of seasons. It sickens me that sickos like this are this close to home.

  10. Dave on September 20th, 2021 7:07 pm

    They can tell what cell site he was connected to at the time but unless location is shared with the camera on the phone the picture will not have the gps coordinates on it.

  11. MtnDewey on September 20th, 2021 3:26 pm

    should be a gps feature on the picture, and his phone on the time it was taken. especially if he has google on the phone.

  12. Cleet on September 20th, 2021 8:01 am

    Is it possible that he could have done black water Forrest in the time frame?I know they have found one body out there already. I pray they find her. Her family needs closure

  13. Jim on September 20th, 2021 2:49 am

    Pollard public boat ramp Escambia River would fit the timeframe and with the river being up due to Ida and the Tropical depression good luck there.