Law Enforcement Searches For Stolen Vehicle Suspect In Quintette Area

September 15, 2021

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and Florida Highway Patrol were involved in the search for a suspect Wednesday afternoon in the area surrounding Quintette Lane.

According to the ECSO, a suspect or suspects fled from vehicle that had been reported stolen in Walton County. The vehicle was recovered.

No suspect description was provided.

Quintette Lane leads to the Quintette Park, not far from the intersection of Quintette Road and Highway 95A.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Law Enforcement Searches For Stolen Vehicle Suspect In Quintette Area”

  1. Jr on September 17th, 2021 11:44 am

    @Bob, I agreed with your first comment and I fully agree with your latest…I don’t understand the ones who would rather “lay down” and allow a criminal to do as they please because “they have rights”…no Sir Mr. Bob, I stand with you Brother on the way you see these types of people

  2. Facetious Bob on September 17th, 2021 9:12 am

    @ Joy Bryant…Somewhere you lost the gist of the comment. From what I have read, somewhere out here is a thief. I am going to protect my property, as well as that of my “kind and gentle” neighbor who suspects nothing evil. “The guy stole a CAR.” What was he going to do with that car? How many horrendous crimes are committed with stolen cars? Murders, tragic car wrecks, and the list goes on. I must not be as “woke” as you. Now, even large retail stores have rules against insulting shoplifters, at least they are not loading the loot for them yet.

    My insurance company and I, hopefully, are not going to pay the freight for thieves and stupid people easily. So, NO, I will not roll over to these people. “Lock and load” sounds like a simple start to me…that’s all.

  3. Jr on September 17th, 2021 7:02 am

    @Joy…I agree with the “Lock and Load” comment….a person that will steal a vehicle then abandon it as they flee will do whatever they can/need to secure other transportation to get away from LEO. I’m not sure about you…and I don’t mean anything bad towards you…but I’ve worked way to hard for my possessions to have them stolen from me. I’m a licensed CCW permit holder and I carry just incase I have to protect myself, my neighbors or people like you if a situation arises. As much as you may despise me, or the others who think/feel like I do, you want me standing next to you if a “situation” comes up that requires force to end an issue that otherwise could lead to your safety or the safety to others. Now, some may just be spewing off their machoism behind a keyboard but you can take my words to the bank because I’m here to protect everyone from these cowards who find it ok to steal and or harm a person.

  4. joy bryant on September 17th, 2021 5:25 am

    LOCK AND LOAD????!!!! but be kind to your neighbor!!!! So there in lies the problem—the guy stole a CAR not a human!!! YES IT IS AWFUL-criminal – but lock and load????!!!!!

  5. James on September 15th, 2021 8:20 pm

    I’m sure the public can help in this matter. Oh wait, no suspect description was provided my LEO. Nevermind.

  6. Facetious Bob on September 15th, 2021 3:12 pm

    Sounds like a good time to lock and load…and look out for your neighbor who still believes this is a kind and gentle land.

  7. A Alex on September 15th, 2021 3:11 pm

    Neighbors, one thing only. SHOOT TO KILL

  8. Molino Girl on September 15th, 2021 2:51 pm

    Soooooo…….. Two undercover, 1 county come through the red light at moscogee. Ok that’s fine, they did it right! And then here comes another county except he didn’t do it right. He just gets right behind someone and blares the horn with his lights on. The point is that the person in the car had to pull straight out into the intersection as they had no where else to go when cop could have gone around in the empty turning lane as the first three did. If something had happened to the people in that car what would they have done? I’ve just seen this a couple times lately, ESCO and EMS someone will eventually get hurt. I get out of the way of emergency vehicles of all kinds but seems they are becoming more wreckless. This wasn’t an in progress rape, kidnapping or murder, all of this for a stolen car. I must be missing something…

  9. Cantonment Resident on September 15th, 2021 1:37 pm

    Great—right in my back yard! Please catch them quickly.