If 4th Graders Wrote Their Own Constitution, What Would It Say? (Hint: There’s Food And Naps)

September 20, 2021

If kids could write their own classroom constitution what would it say?

The Byrneville Elementary School fourth graders of Room 43 celebrated Constitution Day last Friday by writing their own “Classroom Constitution”.

It started with great virtues like being fair, being kind, and working hard to the very best of their abilities.

And then there were a few perfect world clauses…the right to eat whenever they want, naps everyday at 1:30 (well, except for music days), free time and free talk time (freedom of speech, you know).

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “If 4th Graders Wrote Their Own Constitution, What Would It Say? (Hint: There’s Food And Naps)”

  1. South Flomaton 4Ever on September 20th, 2021 6:40 pm

    This is awesome…they should get some kind of copy to keep at the end of the year so as to look back on decades from now.
    Teaching moment ! Good job.

  2. M on September 20th, 2021 5:34 am

    This is a great way to teach kids about the constitution. I remember doing something like this in elementary school.