Escambia County Reports 1,724 New COVID-19 Cases

September 11, 2021

There were 1,724 new COVID-19 cases reported Escambia County over the last week by the Florida Department of Health.

Baptist, Ascension Sacred Heart and West Florida hospitals reported a combined 306 COVID-19 hospitalizations as of Friday.

Here is the latest data:

Escambia County cases:

Total cases: 50,153  (+1,724)
Positivity rate last week: 20.3%
Current total hospitalizations: 306
Over age 18 and over hospitalizations: 296
Under age 18 hospitalized: 10

Escambia County Vaccinations

People vaccinated: 144,822
Total Population of Escambia County Partially Vaccinated: 51.9%
Total Population of Escambia County Fully Vaccinated: 42.8%
*These numbers are the percent of total Escambia County population vaccinated. Not the percentage of hospitalized individuals.

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases: 29,798 (+1,437)
Positivity rate last week: 14.2%
People vaccinated: 84,484
Partial vaccination rate (age 12+): 53%

Statewide cases:

Florida resident cases: 3,409,165 (+100,012)
Case positivity rate: 13.5%
Deaths: 48,772 (+353)

FDOH has moved from daily to weekly reports and removed the COVID-19 dashboard. The state is now releasing a weekly report with local data limited only to number of cases and positivity rate The number of deaths by county or cases by local cities and communities is no longer provided.


12 Responses to “Escambia County Reports 1,724 New COVID-19 Cases”

  1. SueB on September 15th, 2021 11:49 am

    Pfizer vaccine (2 shots) is now an approved vaccine marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. Take or Don’t take it, it’s your choice. But continue to wear a mask, washing hands, etc.

  2. David Huie Green on September 14th, 2021 1:02 pm

    ” The Federal government is trying to circumvent the Constitution by going through the Department of Labor and making this mandate a workforce safety issue.”

    Let’s be honest and admit, making others sick is unsafe in the workforce,

    David for honesty

  3. David Huie Green on September 14th, 2021 12:57 pm

    “Just because the Supreme Court upholds a law that does not make it moral or right.”

    The Supreme Court does not determine morals, just what the meaning of the Constitution and lesser laws of the United States is and how it applies. They can be overruled by amendment, treaty, or new laws as long as they don’t violate the Constitution.

    David for just Justices who are just justices,
    not politicians and/or legislators

  4. Harmon on September 13th, 2021 6:18 pm

    Get vaccinated or stay home and find another job. We’re done coddling you folks who can’t think.

  5. Vicky on September 13th, 2021 9:17 am

    I agree with some of what you all are saying but some I don’t . We need to come together as a country and defeat this but it will never happen it’s all about you hurt my freedom or my civil rights well what good is that if you are dead or you made your family sick from the virus it’s a no win situation no one wants to pull together and defeat this virus but if we don’t there maybe not be anymore people , I took the vaccine it’s nothing to it please people we need to get together and get this defeated

  6. Ray on September 13th, 2021 7:10 am

    In reference to Jacobson vs. Massachusetts. First I would like to say I agree with you. I have received my vaccine back in Jan 2021. And it would be nice if all we’re to get vaccinated. But your response represent a Supreme Court case that upheld a state law case not a Federal law case. The Federal government is trying to circumvent the Constitution by going through the Dapartment of Labor and making this mandate a work force safety issue. Also we the people through our elected legislators make law. I recall several other laws that the Constitution said we’re right i.e. Jim Crow, and Roe vs.Wade. Just because the Supreme Court up holds a law that does not make it moral or right.

  7. Citizen on September 12th, 2021 11:06 pm

    Jacobson vs Massachusetts 1905 settled in the supreme court does make it the duty of government to protect public health. Other laws later 1922 immunization to attend public schools. Get a vaccine.

  8. David Huie Green on September 12th, 2021 6:23 pm

    “I do not believe in any way that the government has the authority to require any vaccines.”

    You could be right. That is a little bit similar to just telling a person with a gun — which they DO have, “I do not believe you have the authority to shoot me.”

    It is possible they do not. This would be determined possibly months or even years after your funeral when the courts decided they did or didn’t.

    In the meantime, the idea that they can do things to protect American citizens in general is part of standard law and if they believe this is what’s required they can definitely make the argument before the courts.

    David for considering the cost of finding out

  9. Ray on September 12th, 2021 7:53 am

    I do not believe in any way that the government has the authority to require any vaccines. I strongly suggest that the Florida Gov. rebuke the new federal mandate on vaccines. Also I would suggest that the Escambia County Board of Commissioners also rebuke this federal vaccine mandate. We the people have the right to self governing. This federal mandate is oppressive, harsh, and a unjust act. What will it be next? All people have to get all vaccines? I have my vaccine shots. I’m not against vaccines. I am against government tyranny and the acts imposed on us by such government.

  10. brianh on September 12th, 2021 5:59 am


    Some might have a religious objection to any vaxes. Some others also might have a distrust in them while others might encounter health issues that makes getting the vax an issue. Others could just feel that the risks of the disease are not that great. If people want to get it, that is fine and if they don’t it is fine as well.

  11. David Huie Green on September 12th, 2021 1:40 am

    “the end of humanity will be from a disease like COVID, not war or famine.”

    Disease can be an instrument of war. Japan tried it against China in the 1920s. It didn’t defeat them but it is still killing some every year.

    Done properly, you find or develop a disease which is highly infectious and extremely debilitating and develop a vaccine or treatment that is extremely effective.Then vaccinate your own people and infect those you want to defeat.

    It is best if it doesn’t actually kill since disposing of the dead would be expensive. (Plus immoral, but that is part of war.) Best to simply weaken, blind, deafen, or torment by some other hypersensitivity. Done right, the aggressors could alleviate the pain or other symptoms of those who accepted defeat for as long as they complied.

    David for putting health care under the Defense Department

  12. Emily on September 11th, 2021 10:41 pm

    What is the problem with the people who are refusing the vaccine? They are risking their lives and those of their families and neighbors. This is NOT a political agenda; it’s a health care emergency and the end of humanity will be from a disease like COVID, not war or famine.