DeSantis Announces Escambia County Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Site

September 4, 2021

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday announced a new monoclonal antibody treatment site in Escambia County.

The site will be open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Bayview Community Center at  2001 East Lloyd Street in Pensacola.

During a Thursday morning Escambia County Commission meeting, the commission asked Public Safety Director Eric Gilmore to make a request to the Florida Department of Emergency Management to open a site in the county, By Thursday night, Gilmore delivered the news that a site was approved by the state.

Monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19 can prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death among high-risk individuals.

The key to this is getting it early,” DeSantis said at the Florida Department of Health Escambia County.

Online registration is available at

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28 Responses to “DeSantis Announces Escambia County Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Site”

  1. David Huie Green on September 8th, 2021 6:54 pm

    “I’m grateful for proven, effective, safe and cheap treatment options like ivermectin”

    It may not save your life, but should have interesting results:

    “The researchers found:

    “85 percent of all male patients treated in a particular centre with ivermectin in the recent past who went to the laboratory for routine tests were discovered to have developed various forms, grades and degrees of sperm dysfunction.

    “Dysfunctions include the following:

    Low sperm count
    Poor sperm morphology
    Two heads
    Tiny heads
    Double tails
    Absence of tails
    Albino sperm cells
    Azoospermia, or the absence of ”

    Mutant or dead sperm!!

    Probably for the best other than those who treat children with it

  2. David Huie Green on September 8th, 2021 6:24 pm

    “I’m grateful for proven, effective, safe and cheap treatment options like ivermectin”

    If it’s effective, why do users die?

    “those who wisely choose to not be genetically-modified”

    Someone’s discovered a way to modify genes with messenger RNA? Any source for such a claim?

    David for healthier worms

  3. John Doe on September 7th, 2021 10:33 am

    Dear Shay, I was born and bred here and a proud American. But I don’t support misinformation campaigns and scummy governors who only look out for their base.

  4. CJ Lewis on September 7th, 2021 10:03 am

    Just FYI, including the three major hospitals, the addition of this new site means that all four sites are in the politically better connected very south east corner of Escambia County. What is the distribution of COVID cases in the county? Does anyone know? I hope FDOH knows. Escambia County covers 656 square miles. All three sites, West Florida is just outside of the city limit, are in a very small area that covers about 4% of the county. You would have thought that the BOCC would have put the site in a more central location. Somewhere in Cantonment or at least north of Nine Mile Road might have been the better choice. Maybe the BOCC will change its mind.

  5. Lee on September 6th, 2021 4:19 pm

    @The OG – Ivermectin is not proven safe nor effective. Also, why would people who are wary of getting the vaccine (which trains the body to produce antibodies) be willing to get the monoclonal antibody treatment? Why would you trust one and not the other?

  6. Josh Jones on September 6th, 2021 10:56 am

    I’m grateful for proven, effective, safe and cheap treatment options like the vaccines.

    It’s comforting to know that all three vaccines authorized or approved by the Food and Drug Administration have been thoroughly tested and found to be safe and effective in preventing severe COVID-19, and that they continue to undergo continuous and intense safety monitoring.

  7. Capt on September 6th, 2021 8:08 am

    There is a line that David’s the lanes of traffic. If I choose to drive on the other side “it’s my choice “ Right? A Stop Sign is just for those who choose to stop. Right? You may have a right to endanger yourself but you do not have the right to endanger others. If your child or you have a compromised immune system I do not have the “right “ to endanger your children or you, contrary to what this Governor says. His position is political but it should include moral foundation.

  8. The OG on September 6th, 2021 7:11 am

    DeSantis is a great governor and a great American! I agree with those who are saying we should consider the health and well-being of others and not simply our own. That is why I’m grateful for proven, effective, safe and cheap treatment options like ivermectin and antibody treatments for those who wisely choose to not be genetically-modified superspreaders and mutation-incubators for Covid.

  9. dubz on September 6th, 2021 6:51 am

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
    Get vaccinated!

  10. Bill on September 5th, 2021 8:37 pm


    You understand that passing on the virus hurts people, don’t you?

    Not getting vaccinated and not wearing a mask and not social distancing spreads the virus and allows it to mutate and that KILLS people.

    Every time someone says it’s just a personal choice that should be respected I think that the person must not understand germ theory. It’s as insane as saying if someone wants to walk around shooting people that’s just a personal choice, respect their freedom to kill people.

  11. Freedom on September 5th, 2021 7:29 pm

    @Dewayne is spot on

    To get vaccinated or not is not a crime. To wear a mask or not is also not a crime.
    Therefore, the choice should be a free choice. People need to feel secure in their decisions but not so secure that they believe others are wrong. This goes for folks on both sides of this disagreement.

    Thanks to all responsible for the development of both the vaccine and the monoclonal antibody treatment. We are all fortunate that both prevention and treatment are available and affordable. Thanks also to Gov. DeSantis for keeping the mask choice a free choice.

    Everybody make your best decisions for your own reasons but don’t go out and hurt anyone else because that is a crime.

  12. Bill on September 5th, 2021 4:46 pm

    @ Dewayne

    I know, right? It’s almost as if people think the virus is contagious and able to mutate.

  13. Capt on September 5th, 2021 2:03 pm

    I can remember when the choice was which arm you were going to get the polio vaccine on. Where is polio now? The same with Smallpox. The science and technology of vaccinations are far in advance of their predecessors and much more effective. Vaccines are required to send our children to school to not only protect them but other students as well. Health Care professionals have worn protective equipment for a hundred years to protect themselves and patients from decease and infections. Who do we go to when we are sick? I pray that ignorance does not overwhelm our health care system and our schools.

  14. Robert Bruner on September 5th, 2021 6:50 am

    It would neat if there was a cheap free alternative vaccine.

  15. DF on September 5th, 2021 6:01 am

    I had to take my wife twice to the ER last weekend, the first one immediately after the Moderna vaccine. I can only imagine how much the ER bill will be because I have a high insurance deductible. Side effects can be more than a sore arm and Joe Biden is getting the bill on this one.

  16. Dan-o on September 4th, 2021 11:48 pm

    I heard they have a shot they can give us that will train our own immune system to make those same antibodies. How cool is that…..

  17. Dewayne on September 4th, 2021 9:53 pm

    Really, I dont understand what everyone’s issue with anyone getting or not getting the vaccine .
    It’s simple, you get the shots or you dont get the shots.
    Individual choice is not subject to ridicule from anyone.
    Never seen so many negative hateful condescending comments on individual choice.
    There is no sense in that at all.

  18. Steve on September 4th, 2021 7:10 pm

    If you get a dose of COVID like I had you will take or do just about anything to prevent it from getting you again . I have had some near death health issues and none were as bad as the strain of COVID I got in March of 2020 , Horrible

  19. Bob on September 4th, 2021 4:18 pm



    Why should me and my family who have lived here for generations have to pack up and leave because you have decided that “caring for your community” makes someone a “sheep”?

    I am disgusted by not only the lazy narcissism I’ve seen from some of my neighbors this past year, but am floored by the ones who suggest that anyone who doesn’t intentionally put others at risk is no longer welcome in this community.

    I remember back when “Southern Pride” meant being gracious to people you might not like, kind to those who we disagreed with, and supporting our neighbors when they needed it. When did we lose our way?

  20. mq on September 4th, 2021 1:53 pm

    When we got both our vaxes, we had to sit and wait to see if there was an allergic reaction. At a local pharmacy, you also have to wait after vaccines.
    And all my Rx’s tell me to watch for reactions also.
    Sadly, life is full of possible allergic reactions. I am not trying to be silly or rude in my comment.

  21. Derek W on September 4th, 2021 1:12 pm

    DeSantis is not and has never been anti-vaccine! He is for a parent’s fights regarding those useless masks on our children!

  22. Shay on September 4th, 2021 12:29 pm

    I wish all the these crybabies would hurry up and move to California with the rest of their sheep, already! Good riddance!

  23. Fred on September 4th, 2021 11:29 am

    I’m having trouble recalling or finding where Gov. DeSantis discouraged a vaccine. Can you help by telling me exactly when and where he did this?

  24. Readingisfundamental on September 4th, 2021 9:30 am

    @JT, the governor is NOT proactive in treatment. He is vaccinated, but still discouraging an actual vaccine FDA approved.
    His only interest in optional, not approved methods is he has stock in this therapy which has more side effects than the vaccine.
    FYI..this is not an issue of our freedom.

  25. JT on September 4th, 2021 8:09 am

    With the Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Sites coming online the hospitalization rates are plummeting. I am proud of having a Governor that is proactive in treatment AND supportive of our freedoms.

  26. Citizen on September 4th, 2021 7:59 am

    This is great news for us. Of course, we shouldn’t forget how hard President Trump worked to make sure that vaccinations were created and authorized for use so quickly.

  27. Brian on September 4th, 2021 6:59 am

    Very ironic how someone could be anti-vaccine but pro antibody treatment. Only the vaccines are fully FDA approved. The skeptics must meet reality after the virus has them on the floor begging for help. I like to do things the easy way, so I got the vaccine.

  28. SueB on September 4th, 2021 6:26 am

    Research: What Is Monoclonal Antibody Therapy & Who Is Eligible to Receive It?
    “The safety and effectiveness of this investigational therapy continues to be evaluated for treatment of COVID-19.” “Monoclonal antibody therapy is given through intravenous (IV) infusion. These infusions are given in one of our outpatient infusion centers and require about an hour to administer, followed by an hour of observation and monitoring.

    One possible side effect of monoclonal antibody therapy is an allergic reaction.”